I've made a really simple app for starting and tracking Ticket Shows without compromising on features.
- It's completely free and uses really simple commands like /start, /end & /tickets
- To get setup you just need to pick a ticket price and thats it. To change a ticket shows title just type /title [description]
It's not lacking features though. You can still do the following if you want:
- Allow users to gift tickets to each other using /gift [username]
- Set a countdown before the show starts
- Mute Grays after a show starts
- Set ticket prices before and after a show starts, for Fanclub members & Moderators
- Customize announcements fully
App Link: https://chaturbate.com/v2apps/apps/be11581f-super-simple-ticket-show

Don't apps like this already exist with more customisation?
- Some do yes. This app is a middle ground which allows customisation, comes with cool features like ticket gifting without making it overcomplicated.
- All the commands can be seen using the /show command and helpful prompts show up after you use commands like /start and /now.
- My memory is awful so I don't expect others to remember the commands so I hope this is helpful