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Suicide Squad

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Inactive Cam Model
Mar 23, 2013
The first trailer is out! They played it at Comic Con and it got recorded and uploaded. According to the Suicide Squad facebook page, they tried to contain it for 48 hours and then decided they'd rather just release it in HD than have everyone watching the shaky cam recording. (Totally a smart move and tbh they should've done it from the beginning, can't stifle piracy in this day and age.)

What do y'all think?! I have so many feelings.

The Joker looks so young, or maybe I am really old. I think I will give it the benefit of the doubt, and go watch it though. I do not want to hate something just because it is not what it used to be.
I wasn't that stoked for this movie when I heard about them making it. After seeing the trailer I am more interested in this then I am Batman V Superman, since it looks less depressing.
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Sigh...I've pretty much decided to give up on DC for the moment. I feel like lately I have nothing nice to say about them lately.
Sigh...I've pretty much decided to give up on DC for the moment. I feel like lately I have nothing nice to say about them lately.

I'm the opposite! I didn't like Man of Steel and have been overall meh towards their TV shows (loved Constantine, liked Gotham, can't do Arrow or The Flash). But I was excited about all of the movie announcements and the trailers released this week got me soooo hyped (also the fact that the Green Lantern movie is gonna be Green Lantern Corps!!!!).

The casting of Viola Davis for Amanda Waller is absolutely perfect imo, she's a powerhouse and is so commanding. Margot Robbie, I had never seen her in anything before but I really liked what I saw in the trailer! Overall I feel like it didn't give too much away (probably because it's so far until release time, haha) but gave us a good sense of the tone and style, which all looked cool.

I'm very interested to see what is up with Enchantress, and with Katana! And how they handle the Joker/Harley stuff. I didn't actually have a super strong reaction to the Joker, he's definitely creepy but the look doesn't sway me one way or the other. But I'd be interested to hear what everyone thought because it seemed pretty polarizing! I saw a comment saying that his grills made sense after getting punched in the face by Batman for years :haha:
In a quick nutshell, my thoughts.

Good: Harley Quinn, Amanda Waller, Deadshot, Killer Croc

On the fence: Joker, the rest of the squad.

Bad: Not knowing yet who they are facing off against.
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I'm the opposite! I didn't like Man of Steel and have been overall meh towards their TV shows (loved Constantine, liked Gotham, can't do Arrow or The Flash). But I was excited about all of the movie announcements and the trailers released this week got me soooo hyped (also the fact that the Green Lantern movie is gonna be Green Lantern Corps!!!!).

Just saying apologizing ahead of time as I've had a tendency to get on a soapbox about this topic.

I don't have time to stop and watch shows often, so I haven't seen most of those sadly. I guess to each their own...I was excited at first when I heard of the movie, but I think I'm in Shaun's group with it just not feeling like the brand anymore. Seeing characters like Harley being soooo young with her degree feels weird. Also admittedly, I hate the look of Joker and of Harley (seriously throughout the years she looks less and less like a harlequin. What's the point of that?!). I know it's blasphemy to every Batman fan out there nowadays, but I've hated what the characters have become since Heath Ledger's Joker. I feel like both Joker and Harley just became adored for being watered-down, cookie-cutter crazies without much personality. Granted I'm not saying go as goofy as Caesar Romero's Joker, but I felt Jack Nicholson's version did crazy well without it just being a broken record. Batman was one of the few superhero shows I was allowed to watch growing up, and I loved both of them. Harley's cute, funny bratty personality, Joker's quick quips, and their dark, yet goofy slapstick were right up my alley. Granted it was the cartoon back then for Harley, but that cartoon was pretty fricken dark! Nowadays, it's just dark and depressing.
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I had no desire to see this movie until I saw this trailer. I have zero expectations (which usually means that I'll probably enjoy it for what it is :) ) I think that when I initially heard the Joker was in it, I rolled my eyes since he's been done so many times already, but I guess they figured you can't really have Harley without him. We'll see, I might really like the character in it *shrugs*. I'm MUCH more excited to see this than Dawn of Justice (which I have very little desire to see).

I'm pretty damn excited to see Captain Boomerang (one of my fave villains, no surprise from a longtime Flash fan) and Katana (she looks badass!)

What's funny is that, as far as comics go, I've become much more of a DC fan, but when it comes to the "cinematic" universes I prefer Marvel by a long shot. Except for "The Flash" That's my fave show right now (of course) :)
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I am very umming and ahhing...

I love some of the Batmans, Heath Ledger, Jack Nicholson (watched that last night!) were Amazing jokers, and i do have a soft spot for heath ledger (such a shame!)

But i really cannot make a choice on suicide squad so for that reason i have to watch it, but i feel from the tralier it is very Jared Leto.. the films he stars in have a certain look to them IMO... but it could change, i don't like that they have altered Harley so much, but *shrug* shes still yummy, so i'll let them off..

People just seem to be screwing with batman to much.. i mean, what was up with bane?!?!?! He was Poison Ivys right hand man wasnt he, and barley growled his name, yet in the latest films he spoke like a weirdo that made me laugh every time i heard him, but regardless.. i still watched it, and probably could again :3
Eh... can't get get past the "damaged" joker.. looks like they are trying way too hard. I think right now.. ill stick to the tv series for DC... arrow is okay but I really liking the flash.
I just heard a rumor about the new Joker, and I have no idea if there is any truth to it. So like any responsible person I am spreading it everywhere I can.
This joker may be Jason Todd, and that is why he looks so young and mentally damaged. This would give him an interesting relationship with Batman if it is true.
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I call shenanigans on that rumour!

I hope this tag works as I'm on mobile!!

Anyway how would Jason become so twisted if not for the Joker? I'm alright with new takes but that's so classic it'd be bananas to warp it so much (though I would've said the same about a lot of DC changes, hahhaa).

I feel like any time Batman has a mysterious villain people say it's Jason, lol.

But I think the Joker is too important & iconic to get such a bizarre new backstory. I do love me some Jason, though.
I call shenanigans on that rumour!

There is precedent for this happening in other story lines.

Tim Drake is turned into the Joker in Batman Beyond, and Batman is being turned into the joker in the last Arkham game. In both cases it is the original Joker fearing for his legacy creating the new ones.
I love that part of Arkham :D but I still don't think they'd go that route for the movies, I think it's a bit too fringe and requires a lot of backstory that would take a lot of explaining.

It'd be interesting though!! I will eat my words if it happens :D
I am not a big fan of DC comics (I have some...but I was more of a Marvel Zombie) so I am actually looking forward to this as a cool movie. I have a few of the Suicide Squad comics from before comics went all rebooting and I liked the concept. They have creative liberty as far as I am concerned.

I say they have creative liberty because I don't know the material (and I will enjoy it)---The last X-Men thing really pissed me off (days of future past) because the storyboards, the comic books, were already created and available...hollywood should have let the Byrne, Claremont and Austin creation shine on the screen.
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DC were on the back foot when the MCU took off. They were desperately scrabbling around looking for long-term "sticky" franchises. They might actually have cracked it, not with Batman vs. Superman (although I will be in the cinema for that) or Suicide Squad (although I will be in the cinema for that too), but with the television shows.

The Daredevil show on Netflix was very good and lots of fun. No irony, just the straightforward story. Apparently, the end game is to hook it up with the upcoming Jessica Jones show (also on Netflix) and hook it all up with a Defenders series.

These are exciting times not just for people who like comic books, but for people who like good stories.

And how long did it take for the movies to fully embrace comics as a source material? Your storyboard is already done!​
It's just very difficult for me to watch anyone portray the Joker since Heath Ledger. I've never seen an actor encompass a character as well as Ledger did, the way he transformed himself into the Joker was the most incredible thing I've ever witnessed in a movie. I just don't think I could watch anything else with the Joker character in it without comparing it to Heath Ledger.
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DC were on the back foot when the MCU took off. They were desperately scrabbling around looking for long-term "sticky" franchises. They might actually have cracked it, not with Batman vs. Superman (although I will be in the cinema for that) or Suicide Squad (although I will be in the cinema for that too), but with the television shows.

The Daredevil show on Netflix was very good and lots of fun. No irony, just the straightforward story. Apparently, the end game is to hook it up with the upcoming Jessica Jones show (also on Netflix) and hook it all up with a Defenders series.

These are exciting times not just for people who like comic books, but for people who like good stories.

And how long did it take for the movies to fully embrace comics as a source material? Your storyboard is already done!​
I have not watched Daredevil, but I am looking forward to the second season of the Flash. DC seems to do much better on the small screen for some reason.
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It's just very difficult for me to watch anyone portray the Joker since Heath Ledger. I've never seen an actor encompass a character as well as Ledger did, the way he transformed himself into the Joker was the most incredible thing I've ever witnessed in a movie. I just don't think I could watch anything else with the Joker character in it without comparing it to Heath Ledger.

He was so great - it's got to be so hard to inherit that role, and to try to make it different enough to stand out without being so different it's alienating. I read that they're making a Han Solo movie about him as a youngin - like it would be so hard to take on such an iconic role, no matter who gets it or how good he is, it'll never be quite right. Jared Leto creeped me the fuck out in that trailer though, so I'm excited to see his take. I haven't seen him in many things before.

I loved the Dark Knight trilogy, wasn't into Man of Steel. I'm one of a tiny minority of DC fans who doesn't like the Flash & Arrow, haha, though I like Gotham and Constantine (so sad it's gone). I'm glad the vibe is quite different from Marvel (and more to my taste). I'm just so excited about all the upcoming stuff (Supergirl!!!) !! It's such a good time, haha. I love that theres enough that there is something for everyone now.
I have not watched Daredevil, but I am looking forward to the second season of the Flash. DC seems to do much better on the small screen for some reason.
I liked The Flash. In the first few episodes, I thought it was pitched as a kid's show, but it got dark (i.e. good) pretty fast. If you start watching and you're a bit meh, keep with it. It delivers.
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I'll check this out, but if it's bad I won't sit through it ("Supergirl" left me bitterly disappointed).

Eh... can't get get past the "damaged" joker.. looks like they are trying way too hard. I think right now.. ill stick to the tv series for DC... arrow is okay but I really liking the flash.

It seems to me like "Arrow" is going downhill a little bit - maybe running too long? Deathstroke was the best bad guy! "The Flash" is lots of fun. I'm not 100% sold on the team-up series, though (Legends of Tomorrow); we'll see.
Ressurecting this thread to share some new pictures, including this one that got me pretty excited:


Love me some Dr Quinzel. That looks like the most depressing place to receive therapy ever.

Also a good look at Enchantress, who looks creepy as heck! I hope they use her in the apparently confirmed Justice League Dark movie.

More shots here & here.
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Are we sure that's Enchantress and not a really weird Gouald from a Stargate reboot? hee hee. She looks like she could fit in a Stargate reboot, if it went slightly weirder.
I was so happy after watching the trailer. DC movies are always so dark and broody with no fun. It is about time they lightened up, and I am going to be so pissed after I sit through this movie if I learn they just pulled all the happy bits out of the movie for the trailer and the other 99% is nothing but gravel voiced people mumbling about how sad they are or something.
Flirt with those DC clowns all you like. We all know who you'll all come crawling back to after that brief little infatuation fades away.
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I'm mainly excited for this movie because of Harley Quinn's debut. I feel lame because everyone loves Harley now but like I loved her when she was a character on Batman the animated series.... Also Enchantress looks so cool too...
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