AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Stay safe over there, 'k?

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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y'all i ate 200mg of gummies about 40 minutes ago. i'm staying put. been geeking out all day.

fuck trump 🖕🖕
Thank you, Ozzie. I've done my part, and now we wait. I keep checking the election numbers so far on Google, and it's very frustrating.....
PA looking promising. Texas projecting blue. Iowa you're next...
I have a good feeling about this. I'm not as nervous as I should be... I guess. But if he wins I'll be very emotionally distraught. I just don't believe it'll happen. So I actually don't have a plan for if it does. Hmmmmm 😬

Texas just changed to red again 👎 we are leading in 3 of the 4 swing states this far though. The other 3 don't have projections yet, and GA is projecting red.
I have a good feeling about this. I'm not as nervous as I should be...
"Nauseously optimistic" is a trending term, for good reason.
Unfortunately, I have to go to bed now because I have to be up in 5 hours to get ready for work. I really should have gone to bed an hour (or hour and a half) ago. That'd be fantastic if I can wake up to some good news.....
  • Hugs
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At least he’s not on X/Twitter anymore.
I used to have a to get a ‘damage report’ every morning.
The way I'm looking at it is we have until January 20th to make as much money as we can.
The way I'm looking at it is we have until January 20th to make as much money as we can.

I doubt any laws about the adult industry will be implemented as soon as Trump enters office again. What has me really worried is that it now looks like we will have a Republican super majority in the federal government. The House, The Senate, The President, even The Supreme Court (even though they're supposed to be apolitical... okay). If there was a Democratic majority in Congress, I wouldn't be as worried about our industry (I'd still be worried, though. Most Democrats have shown that they are also not allies to sex workers, that they just use us as a talking point when it is convenient for them).

What I see potentially happening is that there won't be a blatant federal porn ban law proposed. Instead, Republicans in Congress will try to sneak a porn ban (or something to the effect of a porn ban) into some other piece of legislation in a way that is easily overlooked and it will pass through Congress and then Trump will sign it into law.

I hope I'm wrong, and I hope that our industry is left the fuck alone. However, IF that happens, or if there is any sort of blatant anti-sex work legislation being proposed, we NEED to speak up and fight back. I know I've talked about this on the forum before, but fighting for our rights DOES work. I've personally seen it happen on a smaller scale. Get people together, raise awareness, go on large podcasts, go to committee hearings. Let them know that we are also human beings just trying to make a living in this tough world, and that we have a Constitutional right, protected by the First Amendment and upheld by previous Supreme Court rulings, to create porn. It worked in New Orleans. Sex workers/dancers were able to successfully change the minds of politicians and keep harmful legislation from being passed by actively promoting change and protesting the proposed laws that would have hurt them.

And, even if a lot of people don't give a fuck about us, they will (or at least should) give a fuck about the implication of what it really means if a porn ban or federal porn id laws can be successfully implemented. The implication being that the government has gotten so big that it can openly spy on/monitor what consenting, adult Americans do in their leisure time. That they can ban anything they deem as "harmful". Because after porn, where will the line be drawn? Cigarettes are harmful. Alcohol is addictive, people with alcoholism can legitimately die from alcohol withdrawals, hundreds of thousands of people die in America each year due to alcohol (whether it be illnesses caused by alcohol consumption, drunk driving accidents, etc). Hell, heart disease is the number one cause of death in America and poor diets and lifestyles directly contribute to heart disease. Are we going to then ban fast food? Unhealthy food overall? And that's just things that are legitimately harmful to our health (which I believe that it is our right as adults to partake in). What would be the logical jump after porn? Violent video games and movies? Anti-religious books? Any sort of criticism against the government? We need people to see that if you allow the government to take an inch, they will take a mile, and even if the first of the bans won't affect them, eventually some will.
Sadly I think it has to be said that this time, the majority of the USA has gotten what they want. It was not a close result.

That so many working class people are putting their trust in a multiple times bankrupt billionaire, stuns and amazes me, but there you have it.
Sadly I think it has to be said that this time, the majority of the USA has gotten what they want. It was not a close result.

That so many working class people are putting their trust in a multiple times bankrupt billionaire, stuns and amazes me, but there you have it.
Not even just Trump, but republicans in general have been worse for the economy on basically every metric for the past 75 years yet somehow they still have supporters...
I doubt any laws about the adult industry will be implemented as soon as Trump enters office again. What has me really worried is that it now looks like we will have a Republican super majority in the federal government. The House, The Senate, The President, even The Supreme Court (even though they're supposed to be apolitical... okay). If there was a Democratic majority in Congress, I wouldn't be as worried about our industry (I'd still be worried, though. Most Democrats have shown that they are also not allies to sex workers, that they just use us as a talking point when it is convenient for them).

What I see potentially happening is that there won't be a blatant federal porn ban law proposed. Instead, Republicans in Congress will try to sneak a porn ban (or something to the effect of a porn ban) into some other piece of legislation in a way that is easily overlooked and it will pass through Congress and then Trump will sign it into law.

I hope I'm wrong, and I hope that our industry is left the fuck alone. However, IF that happens, or if there is any sort of blatant anti-sex work legislation being proposed, we NEED to speak up and fight back. I know I've talked about this on the forum before, but fighting for our rights DOES work. I've personally seen it happen on a smaller scale. Get people together, raise awareness, go on large podcasts, go to committee hearings. Let them know that we are also human beings just trying to make a living in this tough world, and that we have a Constitutional right, protected by the First Amendment and upheld by previous Supreme Court rulings, to create porn. It worked in New Orleans. Sex workers/dancers were able to successfully change the minds of politicians and keep harmful legislation from being passed by actively promoting change and protesting the proposed laws that would have hurt them.

And, even if a lot of people don't give a fuck about us, they will (or at least should) give a fuck about the implication of what it really means if a porn ban or federal porn id laws can be successfully implemented. The implication being that the government has gotten so big that it can openly spy on/monitor what consenting, adult Americans do in their leisure time. That they can ban anything they deem as "harmful". Because after porn, where will the line be drawn? Cigarettes are harmful. Alcohol is addictive, people with alcoholism can legitimately die from alcohol withdrawals, hundreds of thousands of people die in America each year due to alcohol (whether it be illnesses caused by alcohol consumption, drunk driving accidents, etc). Hell, heart disease is the number one cause of death in America and poor diets and lifestyles directly contribute to heart disease. Are we going to then ban fast food? Unhealthy food overall? And that's just things that are legitimately harmful to our health (which I believe that it is our right as adults to partake in). What would be the logical jump after porn? Violent video games and movies? Anti-religious books? Any sort of criticism against the government? We need people to see that if you allow the government to take an inch, they will take a mile, and even if the first of the bans won't affect them, eventually some will.
The thing I don't understand about this, specific to the online sex world, is that this will do nothing but make the demand go up. Forbidden fruit and all that.

And so many of these angel whore complex guys, are the biggest consumers of porn, and the biggest conservatives. So what's the point?
Just delegalizing, so it all would have to be under the table and illegitimate? Because we all know what hypocrites these people are.
Anyways I'm more worried about the environment and a huge host of other project 2025 stuff.
I don't believe for a second that Trump's distancing himself from it (project 2025) was anything other than a short-term political tactic.

I just have so many worries, questions, and emotions right now, but I'm sure we all do. I'm gonna have to follow more porn law people, because I have so many questions about the specifics of how this would work in the online porn world. Where state legislature would fit in, vs Federal? And being forewarned is the same as being forearmed.

I can't even put into words how beyond disappointing this is, on so, so many levels.
Soul crushing.

And then what... we all vote blue in 4 years, to get it all undone, and just continue spinning in pointless, time-wasting circles, instead of moving forward? Uuuugh. So frustrating.
The clock's ticking.
It's been ticking :cry:
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I spent the entirety of my 30s dealing with chronic illness that put me in and out of hospitals with life-threatening infections. Most of that time, I was sick in a state that, on an administrative, institutional level, couldn't give two shits about whether you live or die if you're poor. I would be dead today, if not for the fact that I was lucky enough to get sick while working a job that provided insurance, and suddenly, magically, I was worthy of proper treatment. And then, that job got dismantled, and I've been living again, working poor, and without insurance. I live in fear every single day that I will be in that shithole state again, and get sick again, and that will be the end of my life. I hate that place with every last molecule of my being.

Until last night and today, I thought that such terrible places, full of terrible people who want nothing but terror for other people, were localized, and I'd hopefully fled to a different location, and could just forget about it. I've spent so much of my life surrounded by hateful people who have no reason to hate, and until yesterday, I truly had hope that maybe it was something that could be escaped. And now I don't know. I can't move further up the mountains than I am. I can't live deeper in the woods than I do. I'm in a small bastion that honestly feels tenuous now, and I'm readying to go back to that terrible, hateful state, full of terrible, hateful people, to spend the winter, because it's the only other place I can go right now. I really don't know if my soul can manage it.

It's been over a decade, now, that empathetic, progressive people have been fighting tooth and nail against this rising tide of senseless malice, and I can't blame anyone for being exhausted by it. It's clear to me now that places of safety and progress are the islands, and hate is the sea. We can only fight for so hard for so long, just to keep from sinking.

I live in hope that this all won't go as badly as we're imagining. On our side is the fact that all these people who are now supposed to "fix it" are demonstrably piss-poor leaders, who given advantage after advantage, end up squandering it. They've done damage, and they will do damage, but perhaps it could be reversible. In the meantime, do stay safe. Find your island, and guard it fiercely.
The thing I don't understand about this, specific to the online sex world, is that this will do nothing but make the demand go up. Forbidden fruit and all that.

And so many of these angel whore complex guys, are the biggest consumers of porn, and the biggest conservatives. So what's the point?
Just delegalizing, so it all would have to be under the table and illegitimate? Because we all know what hypocrites these people are.
Anyways I'm more worried about the environment and a huge host of other project 2025 stuff.
I don't believe for a second that Trump's distancing himself from it (project 2025) was anything other than a short-term political tactic.

I just have so many worries, questions, and emotions right now, but I'm sure we all do. I'm gonna have to follow more porn law people, because I have so many questions about the specifics of how this would work in the online porn world. Where state legislature would fit in, vs Federal? And being forewarned is the same as being forearmed.

I can't even put into words how beyond disappointing this is, on so, so many levels.
Soul crushing.

And then what... we all vote blue in 4 years, to get it all undone, and just continue spinning in pointless, time-wasting circles, instead of moving forward? Uuuugh. So frustrating.
The clock's ticking.
It's been ticking :cry:
I think within 4 years our system will be so rigged that it won't switch. You don't vote dictators out. They only get replaced with other dictators.
I think within 4 years our system will be so rigged that it won't switch. You don't vote dictators out. They only get replaced with other dictators.
Yes, I see a lot of people are saying that. That's certainly terrifying.
  • Sorry to hear that.
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