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Star Wars: The Old Republic

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Jul 19, 2011
If you don't recognize me, it's because I'm new (Hola everyone)!! Anyways, how excited are you for this game? I literally cannot wait for this. I played SWG before it was nerfed and everyone went to WoW. I'm hoping this is even better! I played the KOTOR games and had a blast. Love Bioware, and Mass Effect series!

Anyone else excited for this? If not, maybe these will intrigue you.

These cinematics are soooo awesome!!

1. Deceived-

2. Hope-

3. E3 2011-
I'm confused. It's supposed to be Old Republic, but I see clones all over the place. And battle droids. I understand similar design, but come on, Old Republic is supposed to be thousands of years in the past. I think Lucas is not a believer in evolution.
lordmagellan said:
I'm confused. It's supposed to be Old Republic, but I see clones all over the place. And battle droids. I understand similar design, but come on, Old Republic is supposed to be thousands of years in the past. I think Lucas is not a believer in evolution.

Are they clones? I thought they were just soldiers... As for the droids, that is a very good point haha. I guess they went with that because droids are used in episode 1? Kind of confusing, because stormtroopers were in 4, 5, and 6. Weird.
It's a WoW clone in Star Wars, which WoW concepts like healer, tank, dps just don't fit star wars. Plus the trailers just make it look like another jedi fap fest.
It's got the HK series of assassin droids as well as the different astromech droids! And the quests are all going to be different depending on which class you choose in the beginning of the game.

Also, Revan is going to be mentioned at some point in the game which is great! Bioware adding some of the things from the first 2 KOTOR games was a bright idea since those games are so popular.

But most importantly of all, every single line of dialogue is voiced which makes a huge difference mainly because it's something that's never been done in an MOO before! And I already pre-ordered the collector's edition off of Amazon by the way!
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