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Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

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I was happy to have seen this movie purely for the nostalgic factor. It was really well done! My biggest con was that everything was so predictable for me.

This was pretty much the same for me. Liked the movie, it had fun moments throughout. But when it came to the 'big' moments, I had figured them out already before they arrived.

The moment they revealed Kylo Ren was Han and Leia's kid I knew what would happen later. They had been paralleling the first movie too much. So it was the only big plot point I could see for setting up the bad guy for the next two movies.
This was pretty much the same for me. Liked the movie, it had fun moments throughout. But when it came to the 'big' moments, I had figured them out already before they arrived.

The moment they revealed Kylo Ren was Han and Leia's kid I knew what would happen later. They had been paralleling the first movie too much. So it was the only big plot point I could see for setting up the bad guy for the next two movies.
I'm hoping that by making TFA mirror Stars Wars (fuck 'A New Hope', the name of the movie is Star Wars....) Is that the next movie will provide some misdirection:
1) Kylo won't live to see the end of the second movie, maybe he turns good, maybe not.
2) Luke left because this isn't the first time a jedi under his training went bad
3) Rei's parents are long dead, in a previous jedi massacre?
I'm hoping that by making TFA mirror Stars Wars (fuck 'A New Hope', the name of the movie is Star Wars....) Is that the next movie will provide some misdirection:
1) Kylo won't live to see the end of the second movie, maybe he turns good, maybe not.
2) Luke left because this isn't the first time a jedi under his training went bad
3) Rei's parents are long dead, in a previous jedi massacre?

Am I the only one who thinks Rey is Luke's daughter? That's all I kept thinking the entire movie.

Luke got depressed after Kylo went dark so he didn't want his daughter raised in the knowledge of the Force at all. He gave her to a family on a desert planet just like he was as a baby to be raised by other parents. Then he took off without knowing her adopted parents had died.

I guess they didn't say that explicitly, but she's drawn not only to a light saber, but specifically her fathers. Which she just happens to find on a random planet after absentmindedly wandering around in underground passageways and opens the one box containing it. Seems too obvious. I'd bet money on her main nemesis, Kylo, being her cousin.

Like I said, they were paralleling the original movie too much. They made her upbringing exactly like her fathers.
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Am I the only one who thinks Rey is Luke's daughter? That's all I kept thinking the entire movie.

Luke got depressed after Kylo went dark so he didn't want his daughter raised in the knowledge of the Force at all. He gave her to a family on a desert planet just like he was as a baby to be raised by other parents. Then he took off without knowing her adopted parents had died.

I guess they didn't say that explicitly, but she's drawn not only to a light saber, but specifically her fathers. Which she just happens to find on a random planet after absentmindedly wandering around in underground passageways and opens the one box containing it. Seems too obvious. I'd bet money on her main nemesis, Kylo, being her cousin.

Like I said, they were paralleling the original movie too much. They made her upbringing exactly like her fathers.

In fact I'll go one further in my theory. When Kylo went bad as a student of Lukes, he probably killed Rey's mother. That's ultimately what drove Luke to withdraw from everyone else and give up.
Finally saw it. Loved it. Might have teared up a few times. BB-8's cheeky little "thumbs up" might be my new favourite thing. I had one of the big moments spoiled for me, but in retrospect, it was pretty predictable. If I have one complaint, it's that it mirrored the first film a little too closely, and I'm hoping the next two films kinda go their own way and do their own thing. Great film though, and for the first time since Jedi, Star Wars felt like Star Wars.
I was apprehensive, but really pleased - I'll be seeing it again with a few straggling friends who haven't seen it yet. I'll be taking tissues, just in case. C3P0 re-introduces himself at the perfect moment and I loved the thumbs up from BB-8, fantastic.
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So I read a bit about the backstory (between jedi and this movie):
"after jedi, the empire fragmented and went on. The New Republic claimed territory, and the remnants of the empire did as well. The biggest baddest of the bunch are The First Order, who controls quite a few systems. The resistance is working against the First Order inside their territory, and being supplied by the New Republic. I kinda wish the open text crawl had a paragraph or two about this....
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So I read a bit about the backstory (between jedi and this movie):
"after jedi, the empire fragmented and went on. The New Republic claimed territory, and the remnants of the empire did as well. The biggest baddest of the bunch are The First Order, who controls quite a few systems. The resistance is working against the First Order inside their territory, and being supplied by the New Republic. I kinda wish the open text crawl had a paragraph or two about this....
mutter mutter mutter that's not what happened! :p
I watched the movie this weekend, and I much prefer what happened in the expanded universe.
So, how long has Luke been missing in The Force Awakens?
How long was Kylo in training, and how long has he been evil?
What the fuck makes Luke think he can train Jedi? He was barely a Jedi himself (He was a Knight, not a Master)
So, how long has Luke been missing in The Force Awakens?
How long was Kylo in training, and how long has he been evil?
What the fuck makes Luke think he can train Jedi? He was barely a Jedi himself (He was a Knight, not a Master)

Well, they're using the same characters and showing them as old as they are in real life. It's been around 33 years since we last saw Luke in Return of the Jedi. I should think that is long enough to master anything.

The actor playing Kylo was born that year as well (in real life). But in movie magic I suspect Kylo is a bit younger.

So even if Kylo were born right after' Return' events, it's plausible Luke had several years more training by himself before Kylo would have been old enough to start. If you go with the movie magic age of Kylo currently being around 23 years old, then Luke had a lot of training.

Simple timeline for that is:
Return of the Jedi
10 years pass while Luke trains
Kylo is born
6 years later Kylo joins as a young padawan
6 years of Kylo training
11 year gap between that and present. Anytime during this time he could have turned and did the event that caused Luke to go into hiding.

Personally I think that event happened closer to 5 or 6 years ago, but that's just my guess.

Any way you look at it the time line is plausible for real world ages.
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What the fuck makes Luke think he can train Jedi? He was barely a Jedi himself (He was a Knight, not a Master)

THIS! THIS THIS! Luke was trained as a weapon in a time of need. A weapon, an assassin, a barely-Jedi with a single purpose: to kill the emperor. It would have taken a lot of meditation and training on his part to make him more of a true Jedi.
I was definitely nervous going to see it because I didnt want it to be bad or "ruin Star Wars forever" but I really enjoyed it! I love that they brought back some old characters and ships into it as well as tying the storyline into the old movies. Didnt know if I would like the main male actor at first but he grew on me. Definitely excited for the next movies! So glad they finally brought it back! I love Star Wars with better graphics hahaha
Dose nobody remember Return of the Jedi. Yoda told Luke that he needed to pass on what he learned. If Yoda thought he was good enough to teach others to become jedi that is good enough for me!
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