There's a lot of turnaround on MFC. Both models and members can come and go unexpectedly. It's also not uncommon for people to take a several-months-long sabbatical before coming back to MFC. So when someone on your friends list hasn't signed on to MFC in quite a while, where do you draw the line on declaring them a lost cause?
I generally clean out my friends list once every three months, but I don't have a specific criteria for getting rid of people who haven't been on in a while. I do a "Order by Least Recently Logged In", and then consider for deletion the people who have been away the longest. If there is a model I really like(d), sometimes I will leave her there on my friends list for quite a while just in case she might ever come back.
Are there any people on your friends list who haven't been online in forever, but who you can't bring yourself to delete?
Pic related.
I generally clean out my friends list once every three months, but I don't have a specific criteria for getting rid of people who haven't been on in a while. I do a "Order by Least Recently Logged In", and then consider for deletion the people who have been away the longest. If there is a model I really like(d), sometimes I will leave her there on my friends list for quite a while just in case she might ever come back.
Are there any people on your friends list who haven't been online in forever, but who you can't bring yourself to delete?
Pic related.