AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Somebody forward this to chaturbates nonexistent support team and stop being scumbag trolls like Abie fuckin Owen

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Jun 22, 2023
why the fuck do ya'll do the bidding of that stupid race baiting, trouble causing, time wasting, hate creating troll? why the fuck does this gross website encourage trolls? you people are pure scumbags. you all keep telling yourselves i'm the bad person. that chicks ENTIRE PURPOSE of using your website is to piss off your users and be a worthless, time wasting troll. your website is nothing but a waste of time these days and sooner or later regular people are gonna realize how detrimental it is to society because of cunts like abiefuckinowen. out here just like everybody else mouthing foul shit, and playing games to make people crazy cause you clowns think it's funny. your garbage company should be put on trial, but since you probably court the jeffery epsteins of the world you all get away with creating all the negativity your lame jokes can handle. OH and you allow the studios to spy on the people visiting your site, and then turn around and sell ALL the content that your models create to, which you crooks probably own anyways. somebody's gotta go to jail and if not, this shit will only continue over my dead fucking body.
Staring Arrested Development GIF
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Anyone remember where the post is that has all the worldwide mental health help links, and crisis numbers on it? Would love to link it, but I never bookmarked it.
Want to post to this thread, before OP inevitably gets ban hammered, and the thread gets closed.

Sorry for whatever is going on in your head OP, but this shit ain't on, or normal.
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why the fuck do ya'll do the bidding of that stupid race baiting, trouble causing, time wasting, hate creating troll? why the fuck does this gross website encourage trolls? you people are pure scumbags. you all keep telling yourselves i'm the bad person. that chicks ENTIRE PURPOSE of using your website is to piss off your users and be a worthless, time wasting troll. your website is nothing but a waste of time these days and sooner or later regular people are gonna realize how detrimental it is to society because of cunts like abiefuckinowen. out here just like everybody else mouthing foul shit, and playing games to make people crazy cause you clowns think it's funny. your garbage company should be put on trial, but since you probably court the jeffery epsteins of the world you all get away with creating all the negativity your lame jokes can handle. OH and you allow the studios to spy on the people visiting your site, and then turn around and sell ALL the content that your models create to, which you crooks probably own anyways. somebody's gotta go to jail and if not, this shit will only continue over my dead fucking body.
Cunt Is My Favorite word. I don’t know what you are talking about. But I can assure you no one is going to jail. Are you a model or a user and did someone piss you off? Relax. 🧘
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