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Snapchat Help

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Violet Dawn

Cam Model
Aug 22, 2015
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Not quite sure how it works. In terms of offering it as a service. My questions would be 1. How often should I send pictures? 2. What should I take a picture of? Etc. I'm not a huge social media person and never actually understood this type of service. What do guys like to receive via snapchat?
I sent snaps multiple times per day usually , I get bored quite often and everytime I get bored I take my phone and make pics ... as for what they like to see , I guess it depends from guy to guy , I sent both nude pics/vids and random stuff , like I don't know , pictures with my dog for example :))
Nudes, dogs, food porn.

Some guys just want all the boobies and others just like to have an insight into your life. Be sure to put strict rules on it though. So say if you don't want to utilize the chat feature or dick pictures at random times, make sure that you stick with that! Once you give them an inch, they take a mile. ;)
You can send pictures however often you want. They don't need to be sexual, I don't care about what kind of pictures or videos I receive in snaps. It's fun seeing stories and snaps, but there's only 2 model snapchats I really care about.
I snap a few times a day when I do, some days I miss though. Nobody has ever complained about it to me.

The thing I fucking hate about snapchat is even when you tell them no dick pics, they still send you PICTURES AND VIDEOS AND EVERYTHING. LIKE SHUT UP.

Also I would strongly suggest telling people not to use the chat feature. A lot of members who had bought snapchat from me in the past would want me to get them off whenever they feel like it and pester me constantly like when i'm off cam, with my family, etc. So put them rules on it.
Not quite sure how it works. In terms of offering it as a service. My questions would be 1. How often should I send pictures? 2. What should I take a picture of? Etc. I'm not a huge social media person and never actually understood this type of service. What do guys like to receive via snapchat?

- It REALLY depends on the individual, but in MY experience...

- I send photos && videos ALL DAY. Basically, I live on Snapchat whenever I can, when I'm not sick, sleeping, or busy. I personally like it this way && I use Snapchat as my main source of income at the moment, because I can't cam even part time... I can like 10 hours a month, if that, so this is what works well for me. I get many compliments on how much I post, even when I only post like 10 - 20 Snaps a day, because I hear from other guys that buy Snapchat from girls, && they only post like 1 - 5 pix/vids a day, or even like only a couple times a week, && apparently they don't like. Another thing, I've heard of a lot of guys being very weary about buying Snapchat, or my Snapchat in general, because girls barely post. How much you want to/am comfortable with posting, is entirely up to you.

- I take pictures/videos of everything. Waking up in the morning, getting ready, changing, food porn, [I used to have lots of kitty photos/videos], me working on my car, Nature, scenery, etc. Being out && about, etc. No makeup, makeup, when I go out.

Most guys like to feel included in your daily life a bit, seeing what you're up to here && there, etc.

I have rules set for my Snapchat. I am very nice, but firm about it.

My rules are:

- NO SCREENSHOTS. Don't save, screenshot, or distribute my Snapchat name, or any content that I post to my story, or privately in messages. The first time anyone screenshots, they get kicked off, && if they want back on, they can tip for it. If it happens a second time, they are banned forever, no tipping, etc can get them back on the list. A lot of people get upset about this, but after I explain it, they seem to understand it better. What I love about Snapchat, is the spontaneity of it. I spend a immense of time watermarking/editing photos/videos, etc. I FUCKING HATE DOING IT, but I do it, I NEVER send out anything without watermarks. With Snapchat, I don't have to do that, && it's NICE to not have to fuck with it. For the last year, I haven't offered videos, or photosets, so I have these rules in place for a reason, && I explain to them that people save/steal the images && then upload them onto the internet for free, && that's not okay. Most people understand this, && still get it after I explain it. :)

[The second rule I have to this, is that sometimes I post B/G content. If they screenshot any B/G content, at any time, first offense, they will be blocked && CANNOT tip to get back on]

However, the rules are different for my bitch, he's allowed to save/screenshot anything he wants, but that's a privilege he's earned, so I have no problem with it.

- Don't send me dick pix/vids 3458372857 times a day. A few here && there is okay, but they need to LET ME KNOW first, because I'm not trying to open it up as SURPRISE HERES MY FUCKING DICK when I'm like at the grocery store, etc. I set this rule, because for like a week everyday, a couple of my regs were sending my literally, like 5 - 10 dick videos of them jacking off && cumming, EVERYDAY. && I was like okay.... && they didn't ask first, lol. They just did it. A couple times, I opened stuff up in line at the grocery store, && one time I had a whole family behind me with kids, etc. I wanted to kill myself, lol.

- I encourage them to take photos/videos of their daily life, food, pets, etc whatever they want to share, && I will check it when I have time.

- Most everyone knows now to just randomly BLOW UP my Snapchat with 495739587 messages, more like when I can, I will read && reply to stuff, but if I don't for a few hours, please don't flip out && think I'm ignoring you, etc.

- I ask them NOT to use video chat, unless I initiate it. I don't even offer that, but with my regs, && a few times as surprised I've done it a couple times, && just done a few seconds or a minute of teasing, etc for fun.

Do what YOUR comfortable with, && ENFORCE your rules, etc. Otherwise, of course people will take advantage of it. You can still be nice && sweet, while being firm.

A lot of guys love my Snapchat too, because they enjoy chatting with me, saying hi, how's your day, etc sort of deal. I've been getting to know some of the newer guys that are new to my room this way && it's really great actually, it's more relaxed, && just... Lovely? :)

For the people that have been assholes, depending on what they have done, I have deleted them, or blocked them, or given them a warning. The reason I keep saying when I have time on a lot of things, is because a few years int he past, I had KiK, && a GV # that I gave out, && some people that bought them, thought it was okay to literally blow up my phone 24/7. One guy got mad at me because on Thanksgiving, I wasn't responding to his texts, so he sent me 50 texts in the span of about oh... 15 minutes. I had to turn my phone off, it caused some problems with my family, them asking wtf was going on, why my phone was going off so much, etc. This was after I said I wouldn't be around for the rest of the day mind you, so that I could spend it with family, cooking, etc. So I try to be upfront about these things, I tell people don;t be afraid to talk to me, chat me up, etc... Just to please use common sense.

I've had a couple guys request stuff, outfits, etc... && I told them if they want custom content on Snapchat, that they can tip a certain amount for that, etc... && they did && it's worked out well.

Anyways, that's just how I personally do things, && it works out well for me! I've had a couple problems recently, but usually I don;t have many problems with this sort of thing, mostly because everyone knows better, lol. :)
I can only speak as a customer but I definitely agree with some of these suggestions, set your rules, mix up the things you show, and try to post a little something every day or every other day. One thing I always ask about is if I can take screenshots, thats the only thing I personally care about. I've seen many models complain about receiving dick pics so thats definitely something you should be clear about. Oh, and one thing I haven't run into but could definitely be a problem, specify how long they are buying your snap for, whether its access for a week, a month, or forever.

In my case, most of my direct snaps have either been sexy stuff or sexy notifications that the model is getting online. One other thing I'd suggest though, if people are paying for snaps, don't let your only snaps consistently be "I'm online" notifications, those suck...

The stories usually extend to the more personal side of the model, insert cat pic here, though I have a few snaps that only post sexy things to their story feed (friends only) and rarely direct snap. I definitely appreciate the sexy pics irregardless of where they are but the extras are nice too and can help you snap regularly. For example, in stories, theres a model I've been watching learn how to pole dance at home, theres another who posts some kickass sunsets pics every now and then in between the fun times. Oddly enough, of the people I'm following, Kelsi Monroe is one of my favorite stories to watch and those are more like vlogs than anything. Stories are free game since they can literally be anything from your day.

Personally I prefer the story heavy snappers, it means I don't have to bother with screenshots in 99% of situations (1% for the really dope pics), dont have to worry about accidentally pressing the screen and losing a direct snap, or the irritating 3 second snappers o_O I also enjoy when there are a few pics/videos snapped in succession, like three pics showing that you are changing your outfit rather than 1. What you feel comfortable with is up to you and what people respond to. Glancing at your twitter though, you are most likely already fine :)
I send randomness, sometimes sexy, sometimes just something I'm doing in general...I save everything to my gallery, then post it in my members club at the end of the week. Anyone who's in my club gets my snapchat if they want it too.
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I can only speak as a customer but I definitely agree with some of these suggestions, set your rules, mix up the things you show, and try to post a little something every day or every other day. One thing I always ask about is if I can take screenshots, thats the only thing I personally care about. I've seen many models complain about receiving dick pics so thats definitely something you should be clear about. Oh, and one thing I haven't run into but could definitely be a problem, specify how long they are buying your snap for, whether its access for a week, a month, or forever.

In my case, most of my direct snaps have either been sexy stuff or sexy notifications that the model is getting online. One other thing I'd suggest though, if people are paying for snaps, don't let your only snaps consistently be "I'm online" notifications, those suck...

The stories usually extend to the more personal side of the model, insert cat pic here, though I have a few snaps that only post sexy things to their story feed (friends only) and rarely direct snap. I definitely appreciate the sexy pics irregardless of where they are but the extras are nice too and can help you snap regularly. For example, in stories, theres a model I've been watching learn how to pole dance at home, theres another who posts some kickass sunsets pics every now and then in between the fun times. Oddly enough, of the people I'm following, Kelsi Monroe is one of my favorite stories to watch and those are more like vlogs than anything. Stories are free game since they can literally be anything from your day.

Personally I prefer the story heavy snappers, it means I don't have to bother with screenshots in 99% of situations (1% for the really dope pics), dont have to worry about accidentally pressing the screen and losing a direct snap, or the irritating 3 second snappers o_O I also enjoy when there are a few pics/videos snapped in succession, like three pics showing that you are changing your outfit rather than 1. What you feel comfortable with is up to you and what people respond to. Glancing at your twitter though, you are most likely already fine :)

YESSSS! I pretty much for sure agree with everything that you said! I will do fully clothed to fully nude stripteases, etc && put them on my story... So basically, it literally tells a story, LMAO. I also, am a big fan of those kinds of videos/pix in succession. However, I've only ever found ONE other model that also Snaps this way

I forgot to mention some things... I have started sending stuff to both my story AND direct snaps, because some of my users don't log in everyday, so they were missing some really neat stuff, so I stated doing that so they wouldn't miss it.

I also post gym stuff [when I'm actually able to go] so I've posted videos of me working out, doing squats, etc.
- NO SCREENSHOTS. Don't save, screenshot, or distribute my Snapchat name, or any content that I post to my story, or privately in messages. The first time anyone screenshots, they get kicked off, && if they want back on, they can tip for it. If it happens a second time, they are banned forever, no tipping, etc can get them back on the list. A lot of people get upset about this, but after I explain it, they seem to understand it better. What I love about Snapchat, is the spontaneity of it. I spend a immense of time watermarking/editing photos/videos, etc. I FUCKING HATE DOING IT, but I do it, I NEVER send out anything without watermarks. With Snapchat, I don't have to do that, && it's NICE to not have to fuck with it. For the last year, I haven't offered videos, or photosets, so I have these rules in place for a reason, && I explain to them that people save/steal the images && then upload them onto the internet for free, && that's not okay. Most people understand this, && still get it after I explain it. :)

[The second rule I have to this, is that sometimes I post B/G content. If they screenshot any B/G content, at any time, first offense, they will be blocked && CANNOT tip to get back on]

Snatch, there are so many different ways for a user to screenshot it without you knowing. And I've noticed that girls who are super duper strict about "No screenshots or you'll be banned/blocked/castrated!" tend to be the ones who get screenshot (screenshat?) secretly ninja-style and posted online. The best thing you can do is either watermark all of your Snaps somehow, or just accept that it's gonna happen often without you knowing. I'm not saying to encourage it or anything, but sometimes it's better to just not make a big deal of it. I've realized, when I was a wee camgirl, I would sometimes say, "NO RECORDING!" and ... dun dun dunnnn ... that was the only time that I was pretty much guaranteed to be recorded. It's a shitty situation, but know that it happens all the time and super easily, so don't put anything on there that you would be devastated if it ended up online.
Snap with whatever you like to snap! Make it fun! :) I do wake up shots, a few sexier shots, shots of my pet cat Mei (who appears on cam sometimes, as well), and random things I see/like outside and meals. I will also ask my members, when I'm live on cam, about which ones they liked the most and/or use it as conversation starters ("Wasn't that crazy about the frog that got into my house?! Wasn't he cute, though?" for example). This helps it be special, entices those who don't have it to get it, and gives me feedback on which types of photos my members like. In my case, they really like the wake up ones, haha.

Although the photos "disappear", I would always assume that anything you send is completely permanent. As @I_Am_Iris stated, there are just too many ways to screen shot it and post it.

Best of luck and, again, have fun with it ^_^
Although the photos "disappear", I would always assume that anything you send is completely permanent. As @I_Am_Iris stated, there are just too many ways to screen shot it and post it.

Best of luck and, again, have fun with it ^_^

I've always been up front and asked if they mind if I screen shot when I've had snapchat in the past. But I've been curious if they could even tell when I was or not. So far not one model has ever said they were notified with me that i was saving a picture. I'm just using the standard Snapchat android app on my Galaxy Note tablet. So it's not like i'm doing anything sneaky or out of the way. Just a standard screen shot works well and doesn't seem to notify the sender.

I've never figured out what the people who it does report on are using.
I've always been up front and asked if they mind if I screen shot when I've had snapchat in the past. But I've been curious if they could even tell when I was or not. So far not one model has ever said they were notified with me that i was saving a picture. I'm just using the standard Snapchat android app on my Galaxy Note tablet. So it's not like i'm doing anything sneaky or out of the way. Just a standard screen shot works well and doesn't seem to notify the sender.

I've never figured out what the people who it does report on are using.

Snapchat does have an icon next to the person's name if they took a screen shot. However, I'm sure there are ways around this notifying the model so, again, it's best to assume that the disappearing pictures may last forever and to not send anything out you aren't okay with the internet seeing.
I've always been up front and asked if they mind if I screen shot when I've had snapchat in the past. But I've been curious if they could even tell when I was or not. So far not one model has ever said they were notified with me that i was saving a picture. I'm just using the standard Snapchat android app on my Galaxy Note tablet. So it's not like i'm doing anything sneaky or out of the way. Just a standard screen shot works well and doesn't seem to notify the sender.

I've never figured out what the people who it does report on are using.
It shows them a notification if you do screenshot it, at least for pictures and chats, idk if videos get the notifications as well. You can't tell on your end as the receiver but the sender gets a little icon showing it was screenshot and in the case of chats, theres a little message that pops up saying so and so took a screenshot of this chat.
It shows them a notification if you do screenshot it, at least for pictures and chats, idk if videos get the notifications as well. You can't tell on your end as the receiver but the sender gets a little icon showing it was screenshot and in the case of chats, theres a little message that pops up saying so and so took a screenshot of this chat.

I know they are 'suppose' to. But like I said. Every single model i've asked has specifically said they didn't get any notifications I was doing so. Even after I told them I was and asked them to look.
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I know they are 'suppose' to. But like I said. Every single model i've asked has specifically said they didn't get any notifications I was doing so. Even after I told them I was and asked them to look.

HAX! :p
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Snatch, there are so many different ways for a user to screenshot it without you knowing. And I've noticed that girls who are super duper strict about "No screenshots or you'll be banned/blocked/castrated!" tend to be the ones who get screenshot (screenshat?) secretly ninja-style and posted online. The best thing you can do is either watermark all of your Snaps somehow, or just accept that it's gonna happen often without you knowing. I'm not saying to encourage it or anything, but sometimes it's better to just not make a big deal of it. I've realized, when I was a wee camgirl, I would sometimes say, "NO RECORDING!" and ... dun dun dunnnn ... that was the only time that I was pretty much guaranteed to be recorded. It's a shitty situation, but know that it happens all the time and super easily, so don't put anything on there that you would be devastated if it ended up online.

I know there is, there's a fuck ton of apps for it. Google Play removed a bunch, but there's a couple you can DL && install manually, && the App store has a bazillion. I've used a few different apps to test out different things... Esp since I've done some reading. I don't normally publicize it, it's something that get's discussed right before someone buys it, or right after someone buys it usually. I have a lot less of a problem with someone screenshotting for personal use... Rather than screenshotting it, && then posting it everywhere. I'm sure there's a couple people on my Snapchat that do it... But I've also noticed with the way I Snap, because I snap so much, most people have been like there's not really a need for me to screenshot, because I see a bazillion videos/pix a day. I usually take way more videos than photos anyways. && I never discuss being recorded, for that VERY reason. Thank you!
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