After a model I follow decided to leave CB and move to Stripchat, I decided to make an account there so I could continue to participate in privates with her. After a lengthy private with her I decided to check out the rest of the site and browse some rooms to see what the various models there offered. One thing I noticed is that the site openly promotes links(fisting), or allows other activities such as streaming in a public place, which are prohibited on CB and could lead to a ban if performed. I know in past threads on this forum, that it has been stated that certain activities are taboo and are ban worthy offenses due to the possible fallout that could result from payment processors taking possible negative actions that could result in other models payments or ability to earn could be put into jeopardy.
Are some sites more relaxed in that regard, or are they basically taking the same risks that CB seems to try to prevent with its own TOS where the 'payment processor' angle is concerned?
Are some sites more relaxed in that regard, or are they basically taking the same risks that CB seems to try to prevent with its own TOS where the 'payment processor' angle is concerned?