Panty seller of 3ish years here (hi!
) I am a rambler, so I apologize. But I have a fetish for logistics and shit so wanted to throw in my two cents. When it comes to Domestic US, when I switched to Priority a year ago, it worked in my favor big time. I might have just been lucky, of course, but this is how it benefits me.
My biggest thing is that I can print the label from the USPS site and just hand the box to any mailman I see, or drop it in any blue box along my way. No trip to the post office or account needed. However, I am in a very large and populated area so it isn't as important to hide the originating city my package is mailed from. Those in smaller towns might still want to use a specific PO in another town for safety.
The Priority box with a printed label does seem more discreet and professional, and more well-received, than my padded yellow envelopes with hand written addresses.
"Priority" is like a magic word to my serious buyers. Maybe it makes them feel special. And no one seemed to care that I raised my price by $5 to compensate because "priority" sounds like such a good thing, and they knew it meant they could be getting their panties a day sooner.
I love that boxes and envelopes are free (envelopes don't have to be flat at all, and you can fold them over so they're nice and small). That helps my bottom line a tiny bit, not having to buy envelopes anymore. Just MAKE SURE you're getting the "Flat Rate" ones! There are nearly identical supplies that aren't flat rate and they actually cost more to ship. Makes absolutely no sense to me, but anyway. Haha.
As an example:
$30 sale - $4.69 first class shipping (up to 4 days to arrive) = 25.31 profit
$35 sale - $7.90 priority flat rate small box (2-3 days to arrive) = 27.10 profit
I don't say they're $27, and shipping is $8 or whatever... I just say $35, and shipping is free. If it's an international buyer, I just tack on $10 more and mail it First Class International. If you're selling to your already-established regulars, you can definitely charge much more than someone like me
Obviously what works for me isn't for everyone. I'm not a cammer, my 9-5 is retail and panties are my side gig. So I truly hope I'm not overstepping. Like I said, I just love the logistics side of selling and really wanted to share how Priority might work in your favor, you just need to charge a little bit more. Hehe.