AmberCutie said:
I got a reminder a couple months ago from a person who USED to be a VERY generous "just because" tipper that I was focusing too much on goals and "begging" all the time. (Even though I don't consider it begging to be goal oriented and inform people of daily/weekly/monthly goals.) It hurt my feelings that he jumped right to the conclusion that I turned into a "beggar" but I heeded his words and stopped discussing goals and reminding people to tip on a daily basis for about 7 to 8 weeks just to see if it improved anything.
These were the slowest 2 months I had in quite a while.
I don't know that that says about anything, but it's data, nonetheless.
I am exactly the same, I see members loving certain models for not ever reminding them to tip, and not asking it from them, and they tip without her asking, yet when they're in my room and I don't ask them to tip.... they never tip! It's only when I remind them/push for it that I get tipped. So yeah, seeing as I get punished when I don't mention tipping and rewarded when I do mention tipping I am obviously going to continue mentioning tipping. I would much rather not mention it, ever, and just have the nice members tipping me of their own accord while I dance, tease and act in a sexy manner.
Like if I put a timer and a set amount of how much I need to be tipped by the end of the timer or I'll have to log off. It doesn't always work, but most of the time it does, and sometimes when it does it pushes the tipping so much that my countdown disappears very quickly. Hence why I do it, even when I'd much rather stay online. It also means if people don't tip me I'm forced to go offline. Though as it has such a high success rate I can't help but feel if no one's willing to tip at that point the room is full of zombies.
As for token goals.... mmm I very rarely post them up. My general aim is usually around 5000 tokens for a session. I'd be happy with around 1000 tokens either side of that. The way my countdowns work out it will usually be just under 4000. Usually I make enough in tips during a show that I will often get to my 5000 aim, or at least fairly close to there. I like finishing a night on a round number, so I can look back in my stats and feel positive. So if I'm say 500 tokens off 5000 I will usually try and push for that, either with posting it in my topic, or by making a countdown. I will also usually say at this point how close to my goal I am.
I will sometimes change goals though to round the number up. Like if I've made 6600, even though it's above my aim, I'll see if I can get it up to a round 7000.
Sometimes if I check my token stats and I've say made 4993, I am sometimes very cheeky and either write in my topic "anyone got 7 tokens?" or I'll even be super cheeky and message friends and regulars who I know will probably have a few tokens. This is only when it's a really low amount, it's cheeky, but, people seem to understand the novelty of wanting to round up when it's so close. Under 10 tokens isn't a large amount of money, it's myfreecams's version of pocket change, no one's seemed anything other than slightly amused at my little rounding up obsession, but then I only ask the members who I think wouldn't mind, and might enjoy contributing. The worth of those tokens goes up with the novelty in my opinion! I definitely have special fondness for those who help me finish off my goals and make my token stats pretty!
Only other times are because for international wires you need to earn a minimum of 20k tokens each pay period to get paid. If it's been a bad pay period and I haven't made it I'll start panicking, I will sometimes post the number on twitter or mention it to regulars, though I might mention it in the room I don't write it in my topic.