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ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this.

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Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

MercyRain said:
So according to your post because she raises money for cancer awareness makes her a saint?? Because she donates she has an inability to be dishonest or about the seriousness of this?

Wow. I wish I made 10k by lying but as long as I made a monthly donation I was Gods gift to the world.

You are all Kiss A$$
I have a few things to say: FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON. IF ANYBODY IS RETARDED, IT'S YOU. People suggested what you should do, yet you continue to bitch about things that we can't change on this forum. TAKE IT UP WITH MYFREECAMS, AND GTFO! I think this thread has now turned on my inner bitch. THANK YOU. I NEEDED THAT.

Then you must not read her tweets. She most certainly has claimed she HERSELF is on chemo.
Are you a fucking doctor? Do you know what is going on with her body??
LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT, YOU THINK THAT JUST BECAUSE SHE IS A CAM MODEL, SHE DOESN'T HAVE/CAN'T GET CANCER? You don't know for sure and neither do any of us. Unless you are there by her side 24/7 you cannot/will not know what is truly going on. SHOW US THE PROOF OF HER LIES AND WE MIGHT TAKE THIS MORE SERIOUSLY, OH AND CALLING US KISS ASSES ISN'T HELPING.

Didn't realize you were fucking Scarlet or possibly on her payroll?

Tone down the fucking crazy.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

CammiStar said:
DookJones said:
You are all so blind it's sickening.Everyone stick up for scarlet cause she has a high cam score? It seems to be the case with it comes to you models. God forbid you stand up for reality not truth. Stick up for the high cam score liar so you get kuddos for being a kiss a$$.

Katy I never said after 1 treatment he hair should be out.

I do believe Scarlet is a member of this forum and there are several that know her personally. It has little to do with camscore or really even Scarlet and more to do with you.

All of what you say may or may not be true. But you typing it does not mean we should all just agree with you or jump on the "hate" wagon. You intended to post on this board to create some sort of mass outrage against Scarlet.

You failed. That must make you really angry.

I hope she does see this.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

GUISE, DOOK is scamming people and stealing from them! Form an angry mob and ATTACK. I dont need proof, just believe me since I SAID it, it must be true :lol:

Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

WickedTouch said:
DookJones said:
Tone down the fucking crazy.

Crazy? You think? Hmm so far I can only see one crazy person in this thread and that would be YOU!
You thanked that because it made you laugh, didn't you?
I had the same thought.
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Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

DookJones I have somebody at work who is probably going to die from cancer, but despite being on chemo still has all his hair and gained a little weight. The mixture of chemicals and dosages are different for everybody. I have never been in ScarletRaven's room, but nothing you have said is proof she is lying.

I am sorry you took out a second mortgage to tip her or whatever and she did not fall in love with you. Life goes on though, just hit next and move on.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

I've had two relatives who went through chemo without losing hair and they were able to maintain their weights. I just don't see how keeping your hair and not losing weight is proof of going through chemo. From knowing Scarlet before her camscore was ever high, what you're accusing her of just sounds completely out of character for her. It's just insulting to read and I feel offended for her.

I hope that whatever motives you've posted this for have pleased you though because it's highly upsetting to read this garbage.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

Seriously I don't believe the OP has a place here.
This forum is a community of people who care for and support each other. He is not going to find the hate he is looking for here.
I don't know the model in question, I have never seen here show, I don't know what her camscore is. What I do know is that what she is doing is in this case irrelevant.
Someone hase come to a place of mutual respect and love, and is trying to turn it into an ugly, drama filled, pit of hate and accusations. This is not the proper place to be conducting witch hunts.
Unfortuneately people like this can not be simply reasoned with. He will not listen to us, or anyone else. He just wants us all to agree with him, and will do mental gymnastics to find reasons to insult anyone who dares to question his opinion.
That is why HE brought up her camscore, as if it is somehow relevant. It's not. We don't kiss up to high score models. We respect everyone, unless of course they loose it by attacking anyone who reccomends that they take a chill pill.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

What is it about people? If you don't instantly agree with my own personal assessment THEN YOU MUST FUCKING SUPPORT THOSE I ASSERT AGAINST!

It's like kindergarten. Make allegations without providing anything to convince anyone that what you say is true... and then attack them when they question you about it. Not just attack them, but say "zomg ur wit her!11!".

I keep seeing the same behaviour - not just by the random "zomg" brigade, but by even those who have posted for a long time. Utterly ridiculous.

Regarding the original post, yes, if its true then its awful. Sadly you will find people need real evidence to persuade them of this fact. Believe it or not, your initial post and attacks at everyone since then are not evidence. Attacking folks who ask for it isn't going to help either, just alienate everyone instead. If anything, attacking everyone undermines your credibility as it makes them suspect you have an alternative agenda and not what you purport.

So don't be surprised by their scepticism - you kind of generated that with how you are posting. Perhaps calm down and stop lashing out like a 5 year old. Maybe then it won't seem so hostile to you. :twocents-02cents:
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

DookJones said:
Because it's 1 post means its not true?

You'll learn quickly when things don't add up that she is/has been lying. and if you want me to post proof I will. I don't want to have to, but I would/can and will.
Because it's one post (and now just posts in this one thread) means we don't know you so you have not built any credibility. Is that so difficult to understand?

DookJones said:
You are all so blind it's sickening.Everyone stick up for scarlet cause she has a high cam score? It seems to be the case with it comes to you models. God forbid you stand up for reality not truth. Stick up for the high cam score liar so you get kuddos for being a kiss a$$.

Katy I never said after 1 treatment he hair should be out.
If you think a high Camscore earns models some place of privilege on these forums, you are mistaken. Maybe you should stick around and read a little bit so you actually realize what this forum is about rather than busting in here with your accusations. (Or maybe not.) Meanwhile you feel slighted because we don't take everything you say for gospel when we don't know you from Adam's cat. (And the cat is a lot cuddlier than you are... just saying.)

As for ScarletRaven herself, I cannot say I know the woman. A quick search shows me she has a profile on this forum with 90 total posts but also shows that she has not visited since December 15th, 2011. That said she's still more of a member of this community than you are so the fact that some people give her more credibility than you really should not be such a vexing concept based on the conjecture you've provided us so far.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

DookJones said:
Not trolling but speaking the truth. I think You should know.....

Anyone who believes for a single second that ScarletRaven is going through chemo is an absolute idiot and is being SEVERELY deceived for their pitty and money. So you've all of a sudden become sick and yet show no signs of hair loss or weight loss? You also found time to go to Miami and risked chemo treatment for that? You also on chemo find the time to do shows 2 times a day? and find the "strength" to cum cause you "work so hard? No you're greedy.

Seems you always have life changing things going on in your life EVERY DAY. 180k for a retainer for an attorney for a custody battle?? WOW are you MEN STUPID! so 10k for this? You used to be a pharma rep....and you are a salesman by heart. BUT YOU KNOW SCARLETRAVEN THIS IS ALL A LIE AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF FOR LYING ABOUT SOMETHING SO SERIOUS! You with you practices give cam models a bad name.

Ive watched you and many things you say simply arent true. Its disgusting. You flash yourself around MFC like you're so giving but everyone knows you get tokens from members transferred to you. Its all about you and only you. your possessive of your members. Ive been victim before of your wrath as a member and tipper, yet you hide it through some sort of psychotic "sweet demeanor".

Scarlet Karma is a bitch. I hope God punishes you for the lies you tell for $.

I actually couldnt read all of this thread because it would have made me super mad.

I was incredibly close to someone who had cancer (and had a few more distance family members with it as well), had to go through chemo and lost all his hair in the process. So I know a little about this (not everything as every cancer treatment is different) and felt I had to add this:

In my friends case he did NOT show any signs of sickness prior to treatment - he looked fine, felt fine, was normal weight and had all his energy - the only sign of illness was the lump that had been found & the blood test results. So looking and feeling fine prior to treatment is completely normal.

He also worked full-time at a very intense job throughout his first session of chemo (week1-3) - his energy levels were fine and he did not feel any effects of chemo initially so worked through the first 3 weeks of treatment. Very few of his collegaues had been informed of his illness and if you hadnt been told you would NOT have known.

He did lose his hair but not until the 2nd session (somewhere between week4-6) - it was then that he started to feel ill and lose some weight as well. Apart from the hair loss there were still days however in which you would not have known if he was sick because he felt and looked fine.

The reality about cancer is that there are many different types of cancer - location, cell type, stage - all of these will impact the treatment options - drug choice, drug combination, drug strength. There are also some great new accompanying drugs to lessen the side effects - steroid drugs for example can often make patients gain weight. All of these factors, including the individual factor (each person individually can have a different reaction to the drugs), will impact the type of effects the patient will experience - so contary to Hollywood's portrayal of chemo some people will actually never lose their hair. Even if I knew the exact location, cell type and stage of Scarlet's cancer and had done all of my research in the area I wouldnt make assumptions as she could be on some newer chemo drug - the treatment in this area of medicine is consistently changing and new innovative treatments are being trialed regularly.

I dont know Scarlet personally but I have known cancer (and have science background) and it pisses the hell out of me that some pea-brained sized idiot would make such sweeping generalizations about such a horrible disease. Every cancer case is different!! How about you come back to us when you've got your medical degree and examined & tested her as a patient, cos until then you dont have proof and dont really know shit...

edit: eeek my first acf rant :eek: :oops:
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

graciereilly said:
edit: eeek my first acf rant :eek: :oops:

I actually decided not to even focus on the cancer part of this thread or I would have ranted as well. I've lost a grandmother to skin cancer, a grandfather to pancreatic cancer, and my father to oral cancer. My mother is a breast cancer survivor and my brother is a testicular cancer survivor. >_>
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

I am not sure what exactly prompted this burst of bullshit, but I wonder how you can determine what exactly is going on in anyone else's life? Do you know ScarletRaven personally? Have you illegally obtained her health records? Are you a consulting oncologist?

More importantly, why are the actions of a person you don't interract with so important to you that you have to run off at the mouth about it?

I am a friend of ScarletRaven. I care deeply for her. I know she has gone through the life crises that you are blathering about. You can always to to a different model if you don't want to be with ScarletRaven and those of us who consider her family.

The great thing about America is that we have protected speech. That means that we can exchange great ideas and move forward. But it also means that some uninformed idiots with personal agendas can spout off from their ass whenever they feel like it.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

I'm not PC at all, but I'm a bit offended by all the "retard" name calling. Being a moron/toolbag is completely different to being a retard.

OP: cool story, bro.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

DookJones said:
CammiStar said:
DookJones said:
You are all so blind it's sickening.Everyone stick up for scarlet cause she has a high cam score? It seems to be the case with it comes to you models. God forbid you stand up for reality not truth. Stick up for the high cam score liar so you get kuddos for being a kiss a$$.

Katy I never said after 1 treatment he hair should be out.

I do believe Scarlet is a member of this forum and there are several that know her personally. It has little to do with camscore or really even Scarlet and more to do with you.

All of what you say may or may not be true. But you typing it does not mean we should all just agree with you or jump on the "hate" wagon. You intended to post on this board to create some sort of mass outrage against Scarlet.

You failed. That must make you really angry.

I hope she does see this.

Wow. I really wish that I had spoken to you Dook when I was making the decision on my treatment plan. Maybe if I had gone to you for my 3rd opinion, I would have realized that I don't even have cancer. That sure would have made my life a whole lot easier and saved my children the heartache of watching their mother struggle through chemo. Not to mention the fear of losing the only person in the world that has always been there for them.

I am going to take a few minutes to gather myself so that I don't say something mean or hurtful even though that is what I really would like to do. I am a member of A.C.F and used to be more active until I started my own website. With my 4 children, work, MFC and other responsibilities it has just been hard to find time to come here and chat. Sadly, it was because of a mean-spirited post like this that made me not as comfortable in forums like this. Someone had been blasting me about my public exposure shows on MFC and it got very ugly. I have always respected and looked up to Amber Cutie and I know that this forum has made such a positive impact on many, I just had a bad experience.

Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

I think everyone has been touched by cancer and some more than others. I personally had to endure chemo shots 3x per week for 18 months to combat brain tumors but I never lost my hair and actually gained a little weight. I was sick and in bed every other day so I couldn't work at my job but IF I was a eligible (a women) I possibly could have cammed every other night and unless I said something I doubt anyone would have been the wiser.

I don't know the model the OP is referring to but the way I see it how is her claim of cancer any different than someone elses claim that's it's there birthday or they had a death in the family and need to travel or many of the other unverifiable claims that can be and are made daily?

I guess my point of my post is I'm offended by the OP's claim to be offended. j/k :lol:

I think everyone shouldn't be so easily offended and PC and the OP just needs to click 'next model' and move on.

Edit: forgot to mention - while I'm new to this forum, I'm not new to forums in general and have found that most threads that have 'ill get banned for this' in the title are made to just inflame and are usually complete BS
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

For a minute I thought this was about Raven Alexis.
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

HoldItNow said:
For a minute I thought this was about Raven Alexis.
I thought he said 'ill get banned for this'

sitting here waiting patiently...... :violin:
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

Ok, here it goes. I do not feel the need to defend or proof myself to anyone but I have decided to share some facts about my personal life so that this discussion can end.

I have stage 1b, ovarian cancer that was diagnosed when I had 2 ovarian cysts removed. Thankfully the diagnosis was made very early which gives me a great chance to beat this. I did not start chemo immediately because I was not convinced that it was the right treatment plan for me. Many woman have survived early stage ovarian cancer after surgery with no chemo and I was hoping that could be me. Ultimately I made the decision to start chemo on 5/21 (after my trip to Miami for Exxxotica) because you only have one chance to catch cancer early and with 4 children depending on me, I had to do everything possible to stay healthy.

It has only been 2 weeks since my first cycle of chemo and it has not been fun. So far I have seen some of the chemo side effects and it has impacted my daily life greatly. I am sorry to disappoint you because my hair has not fallen out yet but sadly that is still a very real possibility. It seems silly to say but I am so worried about that and it will be very upsetting if it happens. I have 3 more cycles remaining and I am not looking forward to whats to come. As a single mother of 4 children, I still have to work but I have greatly reduced my time on cam and I am afraid it will be even less over the next few weeks.

I am determined to beat this so I am doing everything I can to stay healthy. In the end of April I started juicing every day using a nutri bullet that one of my dear friends gave me. Every morning I drink these crazy fruit/veggie/nut concoctions and take mega doses of Vitamin C...whatever to stay as healthy as possible. I am open to everything, a holistic treatment plan is what I am going for.

If you have any other worries or concerns about my life...MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Not to be rude, but really. I am very open and honest with my life to everyone and maybe that is what opens me up to attacks like this. I am not hurting you or anyone else. All the money I earn in tokens goes to supporting my children and myself, not some opulent lifestyle or whatever it is you are thinking. I drive a used minivan, cut coupons, shop for sales, don't go out ever, don't by nearly as many shoes as I would like, struggle to pay bills...raising 4 kids isn't cheap. I am happy with my life and when I have extra money, my source of entertainment is perving on MFC and tipping other models. Since I don't get babysitters or go out ever, I am home every day and night with my kids. Instead of going to a movie, drinking at a bar/club, getting dinner...I play on MFC and support my model friends. I have sadly had to cut back on tipping models because of the expense of treatment but I do when I can.

If you want to talk with me, feel free to send me an MFC mail or follow me on Twitter so that we can DM. Public forums are not the place for this type of discussion. Thank you to all of you who support me and for listening to me say what I needed to say.

Thank you,
Scarlet Raven
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

I'm sorry you're having to go through this at all, Scarlet - and even more sorry you're having to contend with crazy people like the OP along the way. I assure you he's not representative of the folk on this here board. Honest :)
I guess I'm saying that while it may have been some butthurt dill weed that brought you back to this forum - there's what I'm sure would prove to be a pretty swanky support group you could take advantage of (there's a closed off models only section you can post in if you're worried about people like the OP taking an interest in what you choose to share here), and even a thread about juice fasting/dieting that you might find helpful/be able to contribute to (a bunch of us are on the same diet you seem to be on, for various reasons) - should you choose to stick around :)
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

Hey sweetie, lots of love and best of luck with your treatment. Put your MFC/Twitter profile in your sig so we know there to send the money. I'm a little broke at the moment but I should be able to find you a $100 or two in the next few months
Re: ScarletRaven Chemo = BULLSHIT....ill get banned for this

I haven't read all the posts on this thread. They are just going to make me angry.

I wrote out a really long post... explaining and qualifying reasons why I know for a fact Scarlet is not faking this.

However - What's the point?

I will simply say this. Scarlet is a close friend of mine. I have her back. I can and do vouch for everything she says.
And if she's lying about having cancer, you can call me a liar too.
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