I prefer indie, strange games where a creepy atmosphere and eerie art / music convey a more subtle fear. The kind of experiences that don't really scare you, but make you uneasy.
Games like OFF, Yume Nikki or the excellent Middens and Gingiva.
Honestly? Phantasmagoria 2. Not only was it scary as fuck, but it was scary on a psychological level (instead of slow build or jumpscares). This game actually made me think I was losing my shit (me, not the video game character I was playing) because it did it's job that well. Seconding (thirding?) Eternal Darkness.
Any game that makes me question my sanity in real life is worthy of the "Scariest Game" title to me, haha!
I never played the second. But, did play the original Phantasmagoria and commented on it here. How was it compared to the first?
the evil within!! so fucked up
it was so hard but so intenseI've been dying to play this you just made me want to buy it tonight- I actually think I will!!
I thought the pace/scares in the first were pretty tame compared to the second. Plus, it's significantly (or it was for me) harder puzzle wise than the first.
Totally agree on Phantasmagoria - played it when it first came out on seven glorious CDs!I never played the second. But, did play the original Phantasmagoria and commented on it here. How was it compared to the first?
Totally agree on Phantasmagoria - played it when it first came out on seven glorious CDs!
i get so freaked out in some of the places in new vegas hahaha i feel you so much on this xD the atmosphere itself is the thing that gets scary i think!Fallout 3. x-x I am honestly a wimp with horror-anything and the game just gets so spooky. I'd be happy playing Fallout entirely in the pre-war times.