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Really bad turn of phrase

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Oct 26, 2010
Finger Lakes
As this is to be my first post (besides my introduction), here on AmberCutie's forum, I figure that I should make it count.

Here goes:

I've seen and heard the term 'vanilla sex' tossed about with alarming regularity, and I'd just like to lodge a formal complaint. There's nothing 'plain' about vanilla, and if you're having uninteresting sex, with or without a partner(s), you're doing it WRONG!

The term 'vanilla' has somehow become synonymous with 'bland', 'boring', and 'pedestrian', and it's a crying shame. The vanilla bean is one of the most difficult to grow, expensive, and complex, spices known. As someone who spent twenty years working with some of the best chefs and bakers in my little cornter of the world, I can confidently tell you that vanilla is anything but plain.

If you're interested:

Now let's talk about sex for a few minutes. And for purposes of this argument I include the simplest forms of manual masturbation to the most involved sexual practices, everything in between, and anything conceivably beyond. Regardless of the motivation for, and method of, sexual activity we're forced to be 'in the moment', as our needs and desires are constantly changing. Accepting that, then physical, mental, and/or emotional, exploration and discovery (of ourselves and/or partner) is required if we're to acheive climax, or failing that, anything resembling satisfaction. Given this, I can't believe, for a moment, that sex should be allowed to be defined as 'boring' (and if it is, somebody please hunt me down and put me out of my misery, as life and all it's passions will have lost all meaning).

So, I submit to you, that not only is the term 'vanilla sex' misused but that there is NO SUCH THING (unless, of course, ice cream is indeed involved)!

Now it's your turn, everyone. Please, support or rebuff the argument as you see fit, or maybe pick apart another abused phrase. I'm here to learn.
This is the general definition for vanilla sex:
1. Conventional sexual activities typically associated with bland heterosexuality in distinction to the more adventurous sexual activities practiced by sadomasochists, bondagers, and fetishists.

That being said, I agree that "bland" should NOT be part of the definition. Neither sex nor vanilla is bland or boring. But, if you consider how "colorful" BDSM or other kinky/erotic acts, including sex, can could be like a bag of skittles or the multi choices of ice cream, when compared to vanilla...which is generally an enjoyable and common ice cream flavor which works for a vast majority of people. Some people do not like mint-choc chip, or rainbow sherbet, or rocky road, coffee, cherry almond, orange marmalade, or Phish. I do, but I also love vanilla and never think less of the vanilla lovers :dance:
TwistedPair said:
I've seen and heard the term 'vanilla sex' tossed about with alarming regularity, and I'd just like to lodge a formal complaint.



Models with vanilla in their name "usually" means they just don't get freaky bizarre with bats up their ass and so on. At least, that's how I interpret the term. YMMV
I too love Vanilla and find it pretty interesting. Perhaps we should start a new culinary movement bringing back Vanilla.
jebbaz said:
I'd like some ice cream before or after sex... that'd be awesome.

'During' isn't so bad either!

But anyway,...

I'm well aware of accepted definitions, etc, but when I get my teeth into a good pun I just can't stop chewing. Not that I wasn't half-serious. However, this leads nicely to slightly different tack. What's 'Vanilla' mean to you?

A) Nothing but 'missionary', in the dark, with the door bolted
B) Most non-Tantric positions, some oral, pick a room
C) No-holes-barred, anywhere with a passing modicum of privacy
D) Provide your own description, please.

I know it's got to be different for everyone.
I think A is far less than vanilla; I think that's for couples with issues or old-style when people would sleep in opposite beds and claim they're still virgins at 80 even though they have great grand kids.

For me Vanilla would be just vaginal and oral sex--in any position. I'm sure vanilla people have plenty good sex too. It can be passionate, loving, cuddly, lusty, or any of that stuff. There's just nothing like teeth, hard spankings (although they might do play slaps that are super light to flirt,) bondage (the most I could see is him holding her legs open just so she doesn't squish his head when she cums,) anal, M/s, D/s, or so on.

There's nothing wrong with vanilla sex--even I do it once in a while when I want some simple lovin', but it's just not something I lust for very often granted I'd be ok with compromising or doing it half the time. It's not "bad," it's just not kinky.
with a nod to jebbaz (because this is in no way an attack on him or ANY specific person) i will submit that the homosexual agenda is to advance terms that make it seem more normal to be gay AND that it is more exciting. Vanilla Sex falls in to this category. Another MADE_UP term is metrosexual some of you might know someone who is not gay and fits the metrosexual description but for the most part the term is used to help hide gay men that are in the closet. I-M-notso-H-O
I would kill a hooker for some good oral.
But I don't sleep with hookers, that's illegal. I hire young actresses to make first amendment protected pornographic films.
RufffRider said:
homosexual agenda
There's a ho-mo-sex-u-al agenda? Does that mean there's also a het-ero-sex-u-al agenda? They should make it an app so that I can get it for my phone. I hate updating those things manually.
RufffRider said:
... i will submit that the homosexual agenda is to advance terms that make it seem more normal to be gay ...

I'll counter that this is the Human Agenda. Everyone* wants be accepted by others on some level. The 'others' can be a sub-set of society, a small group of people, or even an individual. No one I know wants to be persecuted, or prosecuted for that matter, because of their lifestyle**. Acceptance can be anything from a grudging nod to a full embracing of said lifestyle. I don't think we can pin this behavior on any one group of people, but should recognize that we are all guilty of it.

* excepting the mentally ill or true sociopaths
** I make no differentiation between choice or pre-disposition here, it just doesn't matter
thats all fine. I do accept it, so get over it already.
I do agree to gay spouses being covered by health insurance etc. I am not so sure homosexuality should be a recognized minority with special rights... animal farm- some are more equal than others.
We are ALL racist / sexist / homophobic. Look at Juan Williams losing his Job last week with NPR as an example.
Jesse Jackson a black civil rights leader once said; When I walk down the street and a group of white kids are walking toward me i don't worry, but when the same group is black it makes me nervous (words to that effect). We are forbidden to face the reality of our bias. I embrace it, and know that i will never stop someone from getting a job because of race / sex / sexual orientation.
I love everybody, and i really love The Kids in the Hall.
RufffRider said:
Jesse Jackson a black civil rights leader once said; When I walk down the street and a group of white kids are walking toward me i don't worry, but when the same group is black it makes me nervous (words to that effect).
Wasn't that Chris Rock?
jebbaz said:
My only agenda is to live my life without people hating me for who I am. Is that a bad thing?
If that's your only agenda, then yes. Maybe it's a bisexual thing, though. All the homosexuals I've known wanted a whole lot more out of life.
A couple quick comments and then I'm going to re-hijack this thread.

RuffRider, I hope you didn't think I was finding fault with your argument, I was merely expanding upon it. However, I'm not singling out any one group, but I do agree with nearly everything you've just pointed out. Well, okay, I'm more a Monty Python guy, but anyway...
jebbaz said:
My only agenda is to live my life without people hating me for who I am. Is that a bad thing?
You summed-up my point exactly!

So, back to the original purpose of the thread: Picking apart the crappy use of the English language, and all it's silly double-entendres, hidden meanings, and meaningless uses.

What does 'normal' mean anyway? Not the definition, I mean to YOU!
putting things in your ass seems not normal to me, but other wise i am a big weirdo.
It would be easy to call me a hater, I don't think i am, i maybe an idiot or a white knight.. I can't believe how much hate i deal with on a daily basis on the internetz. For Halloween i changed my member name to BooBerryRufff when i change my name for a joke i always include Rufff, it is a small thing, and obviously Rufff is not my name, but i am always just me when i am on the internet. I will no allow Anonymity to change what i say, i will not allow Anonymous people to make false claims.. Sadly i will repeat what i hear sometimes, that is a problem, without proof you should not say anything.

i like Jebazz and many of his comments are funny, it is hard for me to accept that any gay man does not have an agenda, i have known many gay men and they said ok when i said, no way not ever, but then they still tried anyway, that is part of running a bar and that was a long time ago, i have seen nothing to make me think they would be Less aggressive now.
If Jebazz had ZERO agenda why does everyone know his sexual preference? i guess it is common enough to tell everyone your preferences on a sex site, but just as much as i don't need to know that you like feet (shudder) i don't need or want to know that a guy likes guys. My Dad always jokes that it means more women for us :)

Sorry thats all the hate i can spew this year, try me again in 3 months. Sorry Jebazz, i know this is too personal to not be seen as an attack but i am not sure what to edit now. I guess i am just a Jerk. Life is Duality.
I checked, less than 1% of Jebbaz's posts are about his sexuality. Far less than that if you take out the topic where people were asking about things regarding his sexuality.

Sometimes you need to acknowledge that you're so afraid of/disturbed by something that you see it more than it's there.

But I do agree that being attracted to the same gender, or even hermaphrodites is not 'vanilla.'

Me liking boobs and anal are not things I'd compromise in a relationship. I guess I could do anal alone, but I'd have to give up the intense g-spot stimulation during sex I enjoy so much. Any position g-spot stimulation, that is.
Looks like a successful hijacking has been made and I'll add my 2 tokens to the new topic. What people do in the bedroom is nobody's business but the people in the bedroom. What irks me is all the in your face PDA shite like the below exemplifies. That kinda shite has no business being done in public with children in attendance, much less on a parade float. It would make no difference if it were a hetero couple, it's not appropriate in public with children around.


  • GayPP.jpg
    162 KB · Views: 150
I tried telling everyone about how much I wanted to nail women (especially Sarah Michelle Geller) and tried to hold a parade and everything about nailing women (especially Sarah Michelle Geller) and pretty much all that happened was a lot of people annoyed (especially Sarah Michelle Geller) and a restraining order (especially Sarah Michelle Geller).
Bocefish said:
Looks like a successful hijacking has been made and I'll add my 2 tokens to the new topic. What people do in the bedroom is nobody's business but the people in the bedroom. What irks me is all the in your face PDA shite like the below exemplifies. That kinda shite has no business being done in public with children in attendance, much less on a parade float. It would make no difference if it were a hetero couple, it's not appropriate in public with children around.

I agree. I wish the focus of more gay pride parades and rallies were focused on who homosexuals decide to love and have relationships with, and less about how everyone needs to accept their sexual acts. Most people know that sex comes with relationships, hurr durr so one step at a time. Using the shock factor does less to make everyone more equal and does more to irritate those who are still trying to decide how they feel about homosexuality. As far as having an agenda goes, pictures like this show that their agenda was mostly to spit in the faces of those who opposed them.

I think any one of you who thinks Jebbs has an agenda merely by him letting his sexual preference be known, you're retarded. STFU. This forum was based off of a cam site and our experiences there, and discussing sexual preferences (whether they are VANILLA or fucking RAINBOW SHERBET!) are relevant and completely OK.

Ruff said himself that he and I disagree on the forums a lot, so I guess this is just another mark on the chalkboard. And it's fine if we disagree but watch your future posts so you aren't directly attacking one of the nice, caring members of the forum and MFC.
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