About the time limit, I don't know if it's a time limit, or if there are a certain number of tips, after which they start to scroll off your page.
MFC isn't very good about explaining some things. There are a few things we have to learn on our own or from other members.
They say that you get access to a model's privates gallery if you spend 1000 or more tokens in private, but you also get access once you tip a model 1000 tokens or more. I'm not sure whether groups and spying count toward that total, but I know tips do, since I've never done a private chat through MFC, but I still have access to the galleries of models whom I've tipped regularly.
I also only learned in Amber's room that only the models whom you befriend from their profiles count as "favourite models" on your own member's profile, and the same goes for member friends.