AmberCutie's Forum
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Rating tips

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xoEve said:
So I hear all the time about people needing to rate their tips. What exactly is this?

All tips of 90 or more can be rated. Rating your tips will help the camscore of the model you tipped.

xoEve said:
Do members usually do it?

Typically if a member is tipping 90 or more, they like the model enough to want to rate it. So I'd say yes.

xoEve said:
How does one go about rating the tip?

Click on My Account --> Token Usage & Private Ratings
I make a point of rating tips and also tipping a ratable amount when I can. I think most regular members try to rate their tips.
About the time limit, I don't know if it's a time limit, or if there are a certain number of tips, after which they start to scroll off your page.

MFC isn't very good about explaining some things. There are a few things we have to learn on our own or from other members.

They say that you get access to a model's privates gallery if you spend 1000 or more tokens in private, but you also get access once you tip a model 1000 tokens or more. I'm not sure whether groups and spying count toward that total, but I know tips do, since I've never done a private chat through MFC, but I still have access to the galleries of models whom I've tipped regularly.

I also only learned in Amber's room that only the models whom you befriend from their profiles count as "favourite models" on your own member's profile, and the same goes for member friends.
Sevrin said:
About the time limit, I don't know if it's a time limit, or if there are a certain number of tips, after which they start to scroll off your page.

MFC isn't very good about explaining some things. There are a few things we have to learn on our own or from other members.

They say that you get access to a model's privates gallery if you spend 1000 or more tokens in private, but you also get access once you tip a model 1000 tokens or more. I'm not sure whether groups and spying count toward that total, but I know tips do, since I've never done a private chat through MFC, but I still have access to the galleries of models whom I've tipped regularly.

I also only learned in Amber's room that only the models whom you befriend from their profiles count as "favourite models" on your own member's profile, and the same goes for member friends.

I believe ALL tokens spent on a model count. I am quite sure group counts but only suspect that spying counts since I do not do a signficant amount of it.

And yeah... the profile system is best thought of as completely seperate from the rest of MFC other than the fact that there are indications that ratings/admires on models affect Camscore.
When you have a rateable tip it is somehow categorized as as a private if that makes sense and I think that is why it counts towards the 1000 tokens to access the private gallery.

On a related note, does anyone know if it makes any difference to a models camscore if you give one tip of say 500 tokens rated a 10 versus 5 100 token tips rated 10? I would think that the numbers are multiplied somehow so it would affect the score the same but who knows. :lol:
Totally going on out a limb here as we all know how logical camscore is, but if I had to guess, I'd think the separate tips would help more. It's all about rate of income versus time online so it would make sense to me for 2000 spread out over 2hrs to do more good than 2000 tipped at the beginning of the two hours and then the rate of tips coming in slowing after that. :think: Then again, I'm running on no sleep for the past 24 hours so if I came off sounding like a fool, ignore me. :mrgreen:
I do believe rating a 500 token tip affects your camscore just as much as rating a 100 token tip does, so multiple rated tips will have more effect than a single large rated tip.

I could be wrong.

Experiment anyone?
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