I'm a snob. If I have to wear something everyday I'm going to love them. I know a lot of people say they don't notice a difference in quality based on what they spend, but I notice with glasses. I've been wearing them for 22 years. One year I bought three cheap pairs and I was so unhappy with all of them. My parents would always have me get cheaper frames as well when I was a kid and a teenager. Then when I turned 18 I bought my first pair of designer frames. Since then I've been able to be happy for 2+ years each time with glasses I love.
This time I will be buying 2 pairs, and they aren't going to be as expensive as my current ones, but they will be Warby Parker ones. I will get up in arms about spending a lot on shirts, dresses, skirts, etc, but I never skimp on outerwear, shoes, or glasses. They need to last a long time, and since you can't go without them, they need to be ones that you love.
Edit: And my prescription still changes every 1.5 to 2 years so I really shouldn't be complaining that they broke now after this long, but I am. The current frames I'm using were actually hand me down frames from my roomamte's ex fiance who only used them for reading, so even another reason I shouldn't be bitching. She had these frames for 4 years. Then I used them for over a year. It sucks, but whatever.
Edit 2: Shit, this made me think about how long it has actually been since I got a prescription. My last new prescription was about a year before I moved to KC. I've lived here for 2.5. I just took my old prescription to get lenses put in these frames when my last pair of glasses broke. No wonder I've been getting mild headaches everyday. Ignore my bitching. It was uncalled for if I had just thought about it for a minute.