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ACF Owner & Admin. (I don't work for CB.)
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Mar 1, 2010
AmberLand (Seattle, WA)
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I laid completely motionless in bed last night, exhausted from 10 hours on camera on MFC yesterday, but with my mind still reeling with excitement from the great day I had. I moved from #31 to #15 over the course of the day, with the help of quite a few of you generous folks. I even met a soon-to-be model who hung in my room for a bit. She's cool and I look forward to having her here and watching her on MFC.

I've already done a short yoga and cardio workout today. Uploaded a video of half the cardio routine on youtube. You can find it in the Peek a boo thread within the forums if you care to see it (here - viewtopic.php?p=12208#p12208). I'm still shaking and winded from the workout and finally getting some lunch now. I feel good though. It's a good tired. :)

So yesterday, Blizzard announced its plans to make posting on their forums a much bigger deal. In an attempt to slow trolling, spam and flame posts, they will make it so that your real name (First name and last initial, it seems) will be displayed (called your "Real_ID") when you post in a thread on any of their forums. Now, I certainly appreciate their attempts to clean up the forums, since people really can be douchebags on there and ruin good threads. But I also won't be able to post there in the future, since I've gone to such lengths to keep my real name under wraps, and my account has my RL details. It seems they will be rolling this out in the near future, but it doesn't seem to be optional. They do say they will make it very obvious to you before you post that your real name will be used. Keep in mind that their original announcements about "Real_ID" were about it being an OPTIONAL thing you could do in-game just to keep in contact with RL friends across all accounts.

I've been told by 2 others that I could manage to change my account name, but that I'd have to fax in some sort of verification to Blizzard. It's more of a hassle than I'm willing to go through, and like many others, will probably just forgo posting altogether. Plus, if I updated my account to a fictitious name, I'd be worried that if my account was ever compromised, that I'd have issues going through customer service to get my shit back.

Flame posts, trolling and spam have always just been expected when it comes to any sort of Internet forums. Anonymity has also always been a HUGE part of any sort of Internet posting. So even though I appreciate their efforts, I think they mostly go against all that is "the Internet" and I wish they'd just stick to how things have been run for years now. They are trying to be too ground-breaking. If Blizzard ever implements any sort of "real name" deal to play their games, I will cry my way to the "delete account" and "cancel subscription" links. I like being a different person on the web. Don't take that away from me. Grr. :evil:

I am going to get my nails done in about 30 mins. I'm going for some dark colored tips as a variation of my usual French manicure. Dark blue or black, maybe. We'll see what my lady has for me! Looking forward to another (hopefully) successful night on MFC. I'm still at rank #15 as of this morning, so I'm excited to see if we can make any more progress later!!
I went in and enabled parental controls on my account. This let me disable realID. I am not sure if that means I can't forum post but I am willing to give that up for the privacy. Just an idea. If you need help you know how to find me on MFC. :)
I was doing some reading up about this thing and the blog post I read here ... /#more-390 nailed it, IMO. We know there's some fucked up people out there. What's stopping one of those fucked up people from going after someone in real life for something that happened in the game (as cited at the end of the piece) if everyone knows someone's real name? It's totally stupid and if I played that game (and we all know I don't), I'd be writing to Blizzard saying that if they go through with their plans, they wouldn't get another penny from me.

I guess the question is this: What's more important to everyone? Being anonymous on the internet or their love of WoW? That's effectively what Blizzard is forcing all of their subscribers to ask themselves today.
Trust me, the people claiming they'll quit over this are a dime a dozen right now. Problem is, every time Blizzard has come out with something new to implement, whether it be class changes, etc., there are TONS and TONS of people who make these claims. Ultimately a very large part of them are bluffing and just trying to make a point. I would imagine Blizzard would take a peek at an email stating you'd quit and chuckle at it as they hit delete. Better yet, they'd filter it to go directly in their trash folder. :D That's just a guess though. Seeing as they have roughly 11 million subscribers these days, a couple hundred emails with threats to cancel are undoubtedly no big deal to them.

On another note: my freshly done nails are fucking awesome. Black with blue, silver and green sparkles. I also had some frozen yogurt which really made my day. :)
Oh I think you're right. They know that they have almost everyone by the balls and that maybe 1% will actually quit over this. I don't think they'll mind losing a little over 100,000 people. They will probably get that number in new players within 3 months. But I would bet my paycheck for the next 6 months that the next step is using real names in the game itself. It's not even a question of if. They will do it. Then what will the players do?
Like I said I just disabled realID on my account. There are far better forums off blizzard site for every in game need I have. My MMO-champion, Maintankadin, Tankspot, and my own guild forums. If I just want to flame someone there is always trade channel right?
I really doubt that blizz will ever make it a mandatory thing to use your real name to play their games. They have a lot of little kids and what not and it would bring up all kinds of issues with parents. The whole real ID thing didn't really bother me that much, because I had a lot of friends playing on different servers and I was able to talk to them all whenever through wow.

This whole forum thing, I can see being maybe a good idea in theory, but not so much in practice. Although, I don't post in blizz forums so it doesn't effect me in the least... So I don't care... ;)
REALID and real names on forums is epic fail. Some Blizz employees already had they're names exposed and already have suffered for it, so much that they are saying "We aren't going to expose our employees names any more, they might be subject to abuse." Well hello Blizzard, couldn't that be true for anyone? So they have basically killed their forums IMO.
Since no one else has mentioned it: YAY on you aiming for the top 20/top 10 again. :D

And the realID shit is what made me switch back to CoH instead of WoW this week. :\ Having that kind of info out there for an MMO, as I'm sure it would anyone, makes me nervous.
Thanks Frankie, feels good to be back :)

But with RealID at least its currently still an option in-game. If I didn't have the option to choose I wouldn't play at all.
It won't be retroactive. Yeah that would've been awful.
oh hai, so I was thinking ambah... Why don't you just make a new wow account or change your name to something else on your Just call them up and tell them you're a celeb and would like to use an alias. I'm sure they would do it. Just an idea. It may save you headache in the future.
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