PlayboyMegan said:
SO should never have to force. Either the two are not compatible, or the cam girl wants to compromise to make the SO feel comfortable. Neither of those two things are forced.
^^^ This, exactly ^^^
Quite simply, each person places value on aspects of their life, such as their job, career (which is usually quite distinct from their job), family, hobbies, and, yes, love. Without being overly romantic, people make compromises all the time for partners, many of them foolish to be sure. But many of these compromises are part of life. We each compromise all the time, from the selection of a restaurant for dinner to moving across the country because one of the partners gets a much better job. To dismiss, in the general case, any compromise, any change in one's own behavior for the sake of a partner as wholly inappropriate is, quite frankly, absurd.
I completely understand and respect the perspective of models for whom camming is an integral part of their happiness and self-identity. For them, perhaps giving it up would be a bridge too far. But I'm surprised that so many seem to find the mere concept of a current or potential SO being uncomfortable with their partner camming as not just a complete non-starter, but a somehow wrong and coercive. I know for myself, there are very few aspects of my life which I wouldn't at least
consider changing to accomodate a partner for whom I cared. I would certainly want someone I was dating to talk to me about it.
I've been following this thread, fascinated, since it was posted. I must say, this perspective seems to be one that just isn't coming up and I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's not as widely held as I would imagine? Ultimately, each person makes their own judgement about the relative value of these things and by no means am I suggesting that those who feel strongly about choosing camming over an SO are acting wrongly. Merely I am surprised that so many consider it never to be acceptable to asking an SO to change careers.
That all said, I do suspect this forum may have something of a selection bias at play.