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Quitting for your SO

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Inactive Cam Model
Oct 15, 2011
The subject came up in another post but I thought I'd post a separate thread about it.
Would you quit camming if your S.O. wanted you to? Under what circumstances would you quit for them, if any?
I'd only date someone who would be completely OK with it in the first place so I'm going to say no. If they wanted to break up with me over it, they're probably not the right person for me anyways.
Unlimited credit card access, loads of love, affection, respect and travel all over the world.

But :sshh I'd have to meet him on MFC :lol:

All jokes apart, I think there's more to this question than just the "yes" I will quit for a man or F@#%& the SOB he has to love me for what I am. There are other factors that need to be included, it is never as simple as that :think:
I would never quit just because whoever I was with was uncomfortable. I'm up front and open about what I do and give them ample time to walk away before it becomes something real if it's a problem. If they were asking me to quit because they wanted to support me in a manner that I was accustomed to, then I might consider that, but I would never quit so I can go get some minimum wage job at a department store or something he's more comfortable with.

I love what I do and I can separate camming from my relationship. If he can't, then unfortunately, the problem lies with him and his insecurities, not me.
I would not quit for somebody else.
I like my men tolerant, and if someone is the type of person who has an issue with his girlfriend being a camgirl, he's not the right man for me anyway.

Fortunately, the guy who for me is the closest thing to a boyfriend right now, likes my job and the fact that I have fun with it and make good money. He's proud of what I've accomplished so far (says the girl with the 2500 camscore, lol, but you know what I mean).

If/when I meet someone new in the future, the topic of my job will arise rather quickly I hope; and if he has a serious problem with camming, then he's just not the one for me.
MFC has made my life better and I'll quit for no man! ;)
mynameisbob84 said:
Sub Question(s):
Girls - would you be bothered by your boyfriends using MFC and talking/interacting with other girls?
Boys - would you stop using MFC if your girlfriends asked you to?

THAT'S what i'm talking about hehe

Why U So No Speak English Bella ..!!!

Answer: Depends on how I am satisfying this man ;)

I know a lot of couples who enjoy watching cam sites together
I would not. Insecurity and jealousy are part of life, but I don't find either attractive. I'd be willing to go over the boundaries of the situation and answer lots of questions regarding what this job entails to ease worries, but quitting seems like admitting that a partner's worries are based in truth. As an extremely loyal and monogamous gal, that doesn't sit right with me. I don't think every man has what it takes to be with a camgirl, and that's okay. Deal breakers are different for everyone. I think it comes down to feeling like someone is trying to change you instead of just be with you. A man who plans to mold me into something I'm not is wasting his time and mine. Not interested.

I would be cool with my husband frequenting camgirls as long as he treated them with respect and didn't freeload. I'd also be fine with him going to strip clubs if he wanted. Neither of these activities are the equivalent of our own sexual relationship by far. I don't see the point of taking away experiences from someone that are lesser than what you have to offer.
Honestly, if my guy up and told me that I need to quit MFC, we'd have a major sit down and possible break up. I consider myself lucky since I don't ever see it coming down to that unless I'm not making any sort of profit.

He sees that I really enjoy camming and I consider myself to be very serious about what I do. Anybody that wants to take away something that's harmless and makes me happy should probably find someone else to repress.

I wouldn't have an issue if the man wanted to become an active member on MFC. I honestly wish that he would be, but he doesn't have the time, money, or even interest to oogle other girls. As it stands, he's not even comfortable watching me with the other viewers. I guess it's just not his cup of tea.
My boyfriend knows that this is what I do. He has participated with me and he knows that no other job will allow me to work these hours and no other job has the potential of earning me unlimited income. If he asked me to quit, knowing I did this before we met, I would say no.

If it were an issue in the beginning, I would have expected him to tell me. So no, I would not stop just because he asked me to. He should have thought about that before we got together.
I'm very upfront about what I do and the fact that I have no intentions of stopping anytime soon. I love camming, and no matter how much I loved someone, it wouldn't be worth being unhappy because I had to give it up for them. Anyone that would be interested would have to be okay with me doing this as a career, and it's something that I bring up as soon as it becomes clear that things are moving in the direction of dating.

I agree with Jicky that it takes a certain kind of man to be able to handle being with a camgirl. My work is and always will be my priority, and I wouldn't consider being with someone who isn't comfortable with that.

I'm okay with my SOs frequenting camgirls, I actually enjoy watching both porn and camshows with them.
mynameisbob84 said:
Sub Question(s):
Girls - would you be bothered by your boyfriends using MFC and talking/interacting with other girls?

The only time I would feel bothered would be if my guy was being a troll. Well, that or creating some sort of emotional bond beyond internet friendship. (i.e. developing feelings for said camgirl and thus causing problems in the relationship - or I guess making problems worse.)
Nope. Even if I met someone and we were financially stable and I didnt have to work, I think I would still cam, just probably not as much, just because I enjoy it too much.

Girls - would you be bothered by your boyfriends using MFC and talking/interacting with other girls?
Not at all, unless he started creating an emotional bond with whichever girl, but that is with any girl lol. Sex is sex, masturbating is masturbating.. I would only have a problem if there were some sort of emotions with the relationships.
mynameisbob84 said:
Sub Question(s):
Girls - would you be bothered by your boyfriends using MFC and talking/interacting with other girls?
Boys - would you stop using MFC if your girlfriends asked you to?
All of my recent relationships have been, to use a Savage Love term, monogamish, so camming, from either side, doesn't seem like something that would trigger any issues.

That said, people and situations change. If change happens, I hope it happens to both of us in the same direction and at the same time. Ultimately I don't expect either person in a relationship to have a strict veto over the other. Finances and fidelity can be such emotional topics, I hope we could discuss our changing concerns and come to mutual agreement.
Another sub question....
How many of you have been/are truthful about your employment with family and friends? I know many many that hide this. I could see some instances where this job could pose your SO an issue or two in their job....
Say the corporate christmas party or get together....
Introductions to fellow workers and the usual NTMU Whats your line of work chitchat...
How does one delicately say their job is showing the giblets to the viewers for cash? :mrgreen:

Oh wait.. did I say 'delicately'? :whistle:
...kind of like asking the bull to walk gently thru the china shop. :lol: :lol:
SoTxBob said:
Another sub question....
How many of you have been/are truthful about your employment with family and friends? I know many many that hide this. I could see some instances where this job could pose your SO an issue or two in their job....
Say the corporate christmas party or get together....
Introductions to fellow workers and the usual NTMU Whats your line of work chitchat...
How does one delicately say their job is showing the giblets to the viewers for cash? :mrgreen:

Oh wait.. did I say 'delicately'? :whistle:
...kind of like asking the bull to walk gently thru the china shop. :lol: :lol:

I am a freelance translator/interpretor.. OnLine :hiding:

It's hard to admit that in a forum.. But brave I will be.. Just.. Don't judge me :? :crybaby:
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SoTxBob said:
Another sub question....
How many of you have been/are truthful about your employment with family and friends? I know many many that hide this. I could see some instances where this job could pose your SO an issue or two in their job....
Say the corporate christmas party or get together....
Introductions to fellow workers and the usual NTMU Whats your line of work chitchat...
How does one delicately say their job is showing the giblets to the viewers for cash? :mrgreen:

Oh wait.. did I say 'delicately'? :whistle:
...kind of like asking the bull to walk gently thru the china shop. :lol: :lol:

Actually bulls do tend to be the "ballerinas of the wild"

But really as far as to answer this question most of my family and friends know, to be totally honest most of my town knows. Once people started finding out what I did I told all my friends and family and let them make there own decision as to how to handle it. In everyday life though when people ask me what I do I will generally say something like an "Adult Model" or "Online Model" and if they inquire more then I will give more details. I have often found that most people that are uncomfortable with my line of work will not question me once they realize I get naked on the interwebs and usually find a reason to end the conversation. If people are okay with it and they want to know more I am always more than happy to talk about my job.

I personally don't like to force my opinions or beliefs on anybody so I usually read the other person to see what I think they can handle. If they don't agree with my job or like it that is fine but I do ask that if they want to continue to be a part of my life that they respect that this is MY decision and life and just accept that this is what I choose to do.
PlayboyMegan said:
The subject came up in another post but I thought I'd post a separate thread about it.
Would you quit camming if your S.O. wanted you to? Under what circumstances would you quit for them, if any?

My answer is pretty similar to the other ladies. I would only quit camming for my man if I could make as much, or more, doing something else (yes there are jobs that make more but obviously would have to be something I am qualified to do)
Or If he was going to financially support me, comfortably, then I would consider it. But not if it was put down as an ultimatum out of distrust, jealousy or insecurity.

SoTxBob said:
Another sub question....
How many of you have been/are truthful about your employment with family and friends? I know many many that hide this. I could see some instances where this job could pose your SO an issue or two in their job....
Say the corporate christmas party or get together....
Introductions to fellow workers and the usual NTMU Whats your line of work chitchat...
How does one delicately say their job is showing the giblets to the viewers for cash? :mrgreen:

Oh wait.. did I say 'delicately'? :whistle:
...kind of like asking the bull to walk gently thru the china shop. :lol: :lol:

Until a few months ago I only shared with a few close friends and my boyfriend. But I have changed that and am almost exactly as Elay described herself. Im not ashamed whatsoever of my job and anyone who cant agree or respecfully disagree isnt wanted in my life either. I just say I am a stripper or online model, both are true :lol:
But because of my boyfriends job, its definitely kept quit with his coworkers.

mynameisbob84 said:
Sub Question(s):
Girls - would you be bothered by your boyfriends using MFC and talking/interacting with other girls?
Boys - would you stop using MFC if your girlfriends asked you to?

I would only care if he were getting emotionally invested with her, or hiding it :)
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SoTxBob said:
Another sub question....
How many of you have been/are truthful about your employment with family and friends? I know many many that hide this. I could see some instances where this job could pose your SO an issue or two in their job....
Say the corporate christmas party or get together....
Introductions to fellow workers and the usual NTMU Whats your line of work chitchat...
How does one delicately say their job is showing the giblets to the viewers for cash? :mrgreen:

Oh wait.. did I say 'delicately'? :whistle:
...kind of like asking the bull to walk gently thru the china shop. :lol: :lol:

Everyone knows including family. I used to keep it under wraps, but in the past year or so I have become a lot more open about it, because everyone already knew due to finding videos online... I recently told my best friend in the whole entire world last weekend. I figured he had heard it through the grape vine and just didnt want to ask but it was not the case. He was like :shock: and is now going to Vegas with me during the AVN's. If people ask my job I say entertainment industry. :)
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SoTxBob said:
Another sub question....
How many of you have been/are truthful about your employment with family and friends? I know many many that hide this. I could see some instances where this job could pose your SO an issue or two in their job....
Say the corporate christmas party or get together....
Introductions to fellow workers and the usual NTMU Whats your line of work chitchat...
How does one delicately say their job is showing the giblets to the viewers for cash? :mrgreen:

Oh wait.. did I say 'delicately'? :whistle:
...kind of like asking the bull to walk gently thru the china shop. :lol: :lol:

I've only told some friends. Surprisingly enough, they weren't surprised when I told them. Then again, these friends I have known since high school are the ones that kept molesting my boobs and knew that was severely uninformed about sex.

The friends I have now don't know. I want to tell them so that they can stop getting on my case about not hanging out with them, but I don't know how to tell them. I also don't want anyone to get weird on me.
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LilyPink said:
I would if he was going to marry me and have babies with me. He'd have to be financially secure and happy with the possibility that I will earn a lot less.

^^Most likely this is indeed the ideal scenario. If a lady [no matter the line of work] picks a "bad boy loser type" thats gonna be terminally under employed or have other problems, then I'd turn the tables and ask whats wrong with her "guy picker". Sadly, it seems much of the more extreme jealousy from the guys that'd expect you to change lanes and become Mother :angel5: Theresa, comes from those that view a woman as a possession and not an equal or partner in life. Pfffffff,... but you already know that .... :-D

i will NEVER change who i am for a guy. i will stop camming when i want too.

i tell guys what i do for a living on the first date. i also model coordinator and help run and i won't give that up either. i do pretty softcore stuff on MFC and if someone can't deal with me showing my boobies then i'm not the girl for them. i've met a lot of guys who claim theyre secure with it and they're not. i just need a nice secure man. with tattoos. whose a babe. who likes vincent price movies. (im forever alone)
by the way my post wasn't meant to offend anyone who has quit camming to be with someone. that is totally your thing and if it makes you happy go for it. this is just something that has come up in my life a few times and it's very frustrating.
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SoTxBob said:
Another sub question....
How many of you have been/are truthful about your employment with family and friends? I know many many that hide this. I could see some instances where this job could pose your SO an issue or two in their job....
Say the corporate christmas party or get together....
Introductions to fellow workers and the usual NTMU Whats your line of work chitchat...
How does one delicately say their job is showing the giblets to the viewers for cash? :mrgreen:

Oh wait.. did I say 'delicately'? :whistle:
...kind of like asking the bull to walk gently thru the china shop. :lol: :lol:

My mom has known the whole time that I cam. I just recently told my dad...he said he figured I did something like this because I sometimes have money and I talk about buying new toys frequently. When I told my brother, he laughed at me and said he wouldn't be borrowing my laptop or cameras anytime soon because who knows where they have been.
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I think some different scenarios could be useful here.

#1. Existing relationship that decided to give camming a try.
I think if you went into camming after already being in an established relationship and it just wasn't setting right with one of the partners, it would be understandable to me to look for other endeavors. You were already together, you tried something together that left someone unhappy, you move on and try other things.
It should work that way with anything you do as a team.

#2. Established camgirl finds lurrrrv.
Take it or leave it. This is when we get into the whole, it's unhealthy to try and change people to fit your mold thing. Unless the new significant other of our imaginary web harlot was financially secure and just offering for her to not work anymore in general.
Expecting a new partner to change in order to make things work in the first place is just a recipe for disaster.
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