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Question to models.

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Dec 27, 2011
Do you prefer the same person take you private multiple times, or more as many random privates that come your way?

Mainly I ask because I know a few models that I hang with asking me when I am going to take them private again. A few of them even send me messages on Skype every now and then asking. :p

A few models on here I have taken private before, so they know I'm all boring and such-- so I know it can't be because of how sexy I make the privates. :p :lol:

But, in all seriousness, is it a comfort factor for you when you want specific members to take you private? Or an enjoyment factor, I suppose (say the member makes the private fun while still having his fun)?

I think maybe it would be good for some members to know why certain models mention to them, privately, if they are going to private again anytime soon. Obviously, I know some models will do it if they don't get a lot and want anyone who has taken them private to do it again for the tokens... but I don't think every model does this, especially models who have a higher camscore and do have a lot of regs.

What are the reasons that you, as models, like having privates with the same person over a period of time?
Comfort! I RARELY take drive by privates from members I don't know because I'm almost always left either disappointed, angry or creeped out. Disappointed because they left without saying thanks. Angry because they ended it before I could cum. Creeped out because of shit they say.
The fellas I like to go private with the most are the ones that I know well already from chat who have also taken the time to know me. The members who are more interested in the private setting for the one on one and not to direct me like a puppet (seriously, most peoples favorite angles are impossible to cum in) and who give me time to enjoy myself and maybe have a small chat afterwards.
I like to know that I please the person on the other end while being appreciated at the same time.
I only go private with people I get to know because of all the reasons jolene listed, I love the people I do go with because they are very easy going and want me to enjoy myself, its also fun to try new things in these privates because they are understanding if I'm either uncomfortable with a suggestion or if it truly doesn't work (like different angles, different combos of toys, etc...)
Almost every private I've taken otherwise has left me feeling like shit and I'd rather NOT feel that way when I am getting ~down and dirty~
I cam mostly on Streamate now, so the majority of the privates I get are totally random. I have regulars who come take me private often, and I do feel more comfortable with them. It also seems like they're more fun or sexy than a lot of the random guys I get. However, when I've gone private with the same person a number of times and they aren't into a specific thing, I worry that I'm going to bore them or I need to keep coming up with new things to do. This makes all the first-time privates nice, because it's a new experience and I don't have to worry about whether I'm putting them to sleep or not.
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I agree with everything everyone else has said!

And it's cute that you worry that you're not exciting enough in private. I think most of us like guys who are a little more chill in private rather than being really demanding.
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UncleThursday said:
Do you prefer the same person take you private multiple times, or more as many random privates that come your way?

I prefer to be taken private by someone I know, because I know they will spend over 400 tokens and make it worth my while. Almost every time that I've gone private with a random guy, it's been a jerk who did a very, very short private session and left abruptly without saying 'bye' or 'thanks'.

I like to be treated like a human being also. Saying nothing but "Zoom in more...turn around...let's see that ass...finger yourself" to me in private ain't gonna fly.

One time during private show naughty play, my foot accidentally kicked something sharp under the bed, and my foot was bleeding. I probably said something like "Ow! I cut my foot!", and the guy just continued to sit there jerking off without saying anything. Lovely.....
Honestly, it depends..

I would much rather be taken private by someone I know by the reasons already covered by the other ladies (like comfort and knowing what to expect)

However, as a "lower camscore" model I would have to say I'm not in a great place to frequently pick and choose, and sometimes the privates with the premiums I don't know previously end up being my favorites. I do usually ask for some info beforehand so I can figure what I am getting into. Sometimes I don't see them again, no matter how much they appreciated the show. However it feels worth it when those fellas end up coming back in my room, and if they don't take me private each time they at least tip a little.

Basically, it's good to just let a model know what to expect before you take her private, and that should help her comfort level that will result in a better show for both of you.
"Mainly I ask because I know a few models that I hang with asking me when I am going to take them private again. A few of them even send me messages on Skype every now and then asking."

I very rarely take privates. I only take a private if I know the person and they've tipped me in public chat before. Far too many cases of *click private button, get naked, grab toy--* Private ended!? WTF!? But, honestly, I prefer people I know because I know what to expect. They're not going to throw something weird in the arena like "Will you fuck your hair dryer, bb?"
NerdgasmGirl said:
I only take a private if I know the person and they've tipped me in public chat before. Far too many cases of *click private button, get naked, grab toy--* Private ended!? WTF!? But, honestly, I prefer people I know because I know what to expect.

^OMG, yeah THIS!^

The dildo slides in, and BAM! The private is over and our status now says 'Away' That's a huge let-down.
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Familiarity breeds comfortability. On mfc I preferred if I had privates with people I knew or at least recognized. I cam mostly on streamate now though so I can't say I've even had the same person more than twice. :lol:
Wendsor said:
no shit they are asking you for a pvt again, why would that be :roll:

As I mentioned, I don't think all of the models who have asked me about second or beyond privates are doing it just because they want the tokens, as I'm sure you are suggesting. A few of them make far more tokens than from my 15 minute (minimum) to sometimes 30 minute privates from topics/random tips in about the same time.

Some of them? Yes. But mostly from models whom I took private once and haven't really been interacting with since the private. But they apparently added me to their lists and send me PMs about it... some of them send me PMs a lot, and I don't actually want to do anything with those particular models. No offense to any model here, but those particular privates were "I'm horny and I have tokens and my favorites aren't on." In fact, I don't think any of the ones that fall into this category are even members of this site.

But, that's why I wanted to hear about it from some models' perspectives. Especially models who don't know me; as is the case with all of the models who have replied so far. Because they don't know me, they won't try to make it sound nicer towards me, they'll just say it like it is, from their own point of view.

Now, granted, I like to be a repeat private customer to models I like. Obviously I find them sexy and fun, so that's a reason I want to private multiple times. There's a few models I have only taken private once, so far, that I want to take private again... but never see them when the time and money are right. :( Often I see them before I go to work, or when I get home and they are logging off. Or when I have no extra money for MFC if our schedules coincide. :crybaby:

LadyBakes said:
And it's cute that you worry that you're not exciting enough in private. I think most of us like guys who are a little more chill in private rather than being really demanding.

To be truthful, I do try to make privates fun for myself and the model. :)

I don't demand, I let the model do what she is comfortable doing. Often I do dirty talk/type to help keep her in the mood. Lord knows it's not my cam that keeps them in the mood. :lol: :p

Also, I like to jokingly self deprecate a lot when talking about myself. I joke in public chat with models I have taken private that all the models tell each other how boring I am. Or that I'm old. Or that when my cam is on they have to squint to see anything if we want to get naughty... I often can't get NASA to re-task the Hubble just so I can pretend to have a wee wee. :p :lol: Or that I wear a strap on. Etc.

But, I have seen you on, a few times, and considered coming in your room, making jokes and maybe eventually taking you private.... I like redheads. :dontknow: :p
Comfort for me. I don't like going private with people I don't know. It's just awkward for me. I rarely take privates & when I do it's usually either one of like two people who ever take me. *I* am a very boring cam girl in the sense that I don't really have any desire to subscribe to any fantasy. I just want to lay back, play with my toy, and do what comes naturally. That's why I like the guys who take me private- they don't demand I do XYZ, they just let me do my thing & enjoy. If I do something ridiculous during the private (I am very clumsy, these occurances are not uncommon) I know they'll just laugh, recompose ourselves, & move on like nothing happened- instead of being all "WTF" and leaving (It's happened.)
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For me it is completely about comfort. I have a very nervous personality, and often times it takes me awhile of being on cam and relaxed before I can even consider doing a pvt, with a regular or someone new. I guess I am always nervous/scared that the pvt will not go well with someone new for a number of reasons, many of which Jolene stated. However, I love the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction whenever I have an awesome pvt with someone new and laugh at myself for being so nervous in the first place.
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For me, there's a middle ground.

Sometimes, when I know a person too well, privates seem out of place enough that it makes me slightly nervous. There's one gentleman where that was the case, but he was good enough in private that I got over it and we've continued our friendship alongside the perv-time.

However, a lot of guys who take me private without having ever said anything in the room before are 60 second wonders... which is just depressing.

This is, of course, my experience on MFC, which is a bit out of date.
LadyLuna said:
For me, there's a middle ground.

Sometimes, when I know a person too well, privates seem out of place enough that it makes me slightly nervous. There's one gentleman where that was the case, but he was good enough in private that I got over it and we've continued our friendship alongside the perv-time.

I could see this as a potential problem. There's one model I joke around with all the time, I've never taken her private, but I've been in her room almost since she started. And she made top 20 last month. I don't even watch when she does public shows anymore.

But even some of the models I've been hanging with a long time, I still take private now and then. There are times I am horny, obviously, and I already know they like being in private with me, so we both know what to expect.

Think of it as not really FWB, but more like friends who see each other nakie sometimes, and sometimes get naughty online together. :p

LadyLuna said:
However, a lot of guys who take me private without having ever said anything in the room before are 60 second wonders... which is just depressing.

This is, of course, my experience on MFC, which is a bit out of date.

That seems to be the biggest complaint from models. Drive by privates that last long enough to get them nakie, then the member leaves. I remember one model got super pissed one night. She had, in the span of about half an hour, five 1 min or less privates. She came back from the last one screaming "fuck it! I'm not getting naked fast anymore tonight in private! I'm tired of these one minute privates!"

I know a lot of girls have added minimum tokens in private or they ban the member (unless it's a MFC tech issue, obviously). Some have even started the tip X first, then they'll go private. I saw some members complaining in the lounge1k about that in topics, but I see the reason. If they don't know the member, they want to get at least, say, 5 mins worth of tokens (300) before the guy decides to leave super fast.

To be fair, I won't take a girl private unless I have at least 900 tokens for it (15 mins). But if I'm taking a model private, it means I want to enjoy myself, and I want her to have the time to enjoy herself. And as much as I joke that I last 10 seconds, 15 mins seems to be about the minimum I need in private. :p
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So, let's expand upon the general question and ask what do you models like in privates. I expect that each model likes different things.

Some might like to watch cams, some might not. Some might like to be told what to do, some might not. Some might like dirty talk/type, some might not. Etc.

So, besides conformability, what makes a good private for you?

For me, I enjoy when a model enjoys herself. I like to chat a bit, especially if the model likes dirty talk. :p If she wants to watch my cam, I'm fine with that, but I warn them I'll probably have to wank. :lol: Some models like to listen instead of reading, and I'm fine with that, too. But my main focus in a private is that we both enjoy ourselves.

So, what helps make those memorable privates good for you? And, conversely, what can turn what you thought was going to be a good private into one you wish you hadn't taken?
UncleThursday said:
So, let's expand upon the general question and ask what do you models like in privates. I expect that each model likes different things.

Some might like to watch cams, some might not. Some might like to be told what to do, some might not. Some might like dirty talk/type, some might not. Etc.

So, besides conformability, what makes a good private for you?

For me, I enjoy when a model enjoys herself. I like to chat a bit, especially if the model likes dirty talk. :p If she wants to watch my cam, I'm fine with that, but I warn them I'll probably have to wank. :lol: Some models like to listen instead of reading, and I'm fine with that, too. But my main focus in a private is that we both enjoy ourselves.

So, what helps make those memorable privates good for you? And, conversely, what can turn what you thought was going to be a good private into one you wish you hadn't taken?

My ideal private is a guy who says show off your body to me...masturbate if you want but i just want to see you. I had a guy the other day who just wanted to chat while i showed him my tits etc..It was nice conversation and he got to check me out. I also like to go pvt with a guy who just wants to watch me pleasure myself however i want..thats sexy because he doesnt want to be a director..he just wants to watch me enjoy myself and have it just be for him.
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I agree with the reasons the rest of the girls stated and I want to enforce what they said with my own experience with this also.
I used to take random privates when I first started on MFC. It was just terrible. It used to let me with a bitter taste, and a bad experience. I realized that most of the good guys will take the time to get to know you a little first before asking a private, because he respects you ,and cares for how you feel in the time spent together. Our purpose here of making a living, is also closely followed by enjoying ourselves and having a great time online with the persons we hang out with.
So the random privates I was taking were from pushy, disrespectful guys that wanted me to give them the show of their life in a 200 tokens session. Of course that didn't turned out too well.
The lack of previous communication before privates can make even a possible good private, with a good guy seem not so good because you are barely finding out what he likes...and is somehow a forced situation...or at least this is howI personally feel.
Right now I am taking privates only from regulars because I know I will enjoy them and I will leave the private with a smile on my face:) If someone else wants to enjoy me, he will have to take the steps of becoming a regular .I know this makes a lot of guys leave, or lose patience, but is the only way I find enjoyable for me.
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I don't know that I have a favorite type of private, but I know what I don't like in private! I hate it when guys bark out orders the entire time and barely give you time to get into one position before they're demanding that you do something else. Then, before you know it, they're typing at you in caps to "CUMMMMMM NOOOOOW!" That shit drives me nuts.

I like to watch cams unless the guy is doing something really weird. I always tell them that it gives me something to get off to. It does freak me out a little when the cam is on their face the whole time. I don't understand why they do that.

I don't really like to dirty talk very much, but I do enjoy being on the receiving end of it for sure.

I guess it mostly depends on the chemistry between me and the person I'm in private with.
I like knowing that the person was happy with the private. Seeing them cum, or them telling me thank you, makes my night.

I don't like when they:

-suddenly change the direction. Example: tell me to do what I want and then suddenly start directing. Which did you want dude?

-demand things I've clearly stated I don't do

-jump into roleplay without clearing it with me first. Especially because it's almost always an incest roleplay when they do that.

-be all vague and cute with me. ("you know what I want") No, I don't know what you want, because some guys want me to tease in clothes, some guys want me to dance naked, some guys want me to play with my feet... tell me what you mean, don't make me guess!
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I hate the one minute wonders who ruin it for the rest of us. I mostly stick with regulars, but it is also appealing to find a new model you really fancy and take her private spontaneously. What I usually do is introduce myself, send a generous tip to the model so she knows I'm legit and ask politely if she would like to go private. Seems to work.
BettyBallistic said:
I hate it when guys bark out orders the entire time and barely give you time to get into one position before they're demanding that you do something else. Then, before you know it, they're typing at you in caps to "CUMMMMMM NOOOOOW!" That shit drives me nuts.

I like to watch cams unless the guy is doing something really weird. I always tell them that it gives me something to get off to. It does freak me out a little when the cam is on their face the whole time. I don't understand why they do that.

I don't really like to dirty talk very much, but I do enjoy being on the receiving end of it for sure.

I agree with EVERYTHING you posted!

I don't wanna go private if all the guy is gonna do is ask every 10 seconds "Are you about to cum? HARDER, BB. Cum, bb." Shut...the fuck...up.....

The webcam being on their face staring back at me...WTF?! That is creepy as hell. This doesn't happen to me on MFC, but guys used to do that shit a lot on
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LadyLuna said:
-suddenly change the direction. Example: tell me to do what I want and then suddenly start directing. Which did you want dude?

This happens every single time that I get a guy who says, "Just lay back and cum like you would when you're by yourself."

So I lay back and get all comfy and then it never fails, "Do doggy style bb! Cum for me now bb"

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I like guys that aren't excessively demanding in private. The ones that sit back and enjoy and type a few words of encouragement here and there are the best. If I know I'm pleasing you, that's great. That's what I want when I take a private.

I do random privates often, but if they're too demanding, I never go private with them again.

Sometimes vanilla or 'boring' is just what we need.
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