1. With a million of free porn out there. Why do you pay?
Better quality? Fulfils your needs better?
I pay for two reasons:
1) To have something specific produced according to my taste, because I rarely like pre-made content. Some of it because it's not something I'm into and some of it because it's poorly made. (For example, I would love to see a statistic on what percent of booty shaking videos on Instagram actually show the model's booty completely, rather than having the camera aimed at the middle of her back with half her booty cut off. Sometimes I feel like the whole world is in on some joke and I'm the only one wondering what's going on - because to me the first rule of a booty shaking video would be to show the model's booty. Either this has not occurred to most people or I'm completely missing the point of booty shaking videos. Whatever the case, I would rather just pay someone to do it my way.)
2) I enjoy the interaction with the models and collaborating on something that's fun for both of us. Just viewing pre-made videos without any interaction with the model is less fun.
2.When you’re buying porn what takes you from browsing to buying? Is it the gif or preview of the video, the description? The price?
I usually decide to buy when I feel like I know what I'll be getting and it seems worth the price. That means a combination of the things you mentioned:
- At least a few screenshots - or a gif animation that combines a few screenshots - to get a feel for the set up and quality of the video (the layout of the room/space, the lighting, the model's appearance and her outfit, etc.). The reason I like to see several screenshots from different parts of the video, rather than just a single one, is because it gives a better indication of the amount of action in the video. Does the model just sit in her chair for the whole video? Do I get to see her from different angles or in different poses? Whether that's really necessary depends on type of the video. For example, if it's just a video of a model sitting and telling the viewer how pathetically small his cock is, there is no need for multiple screenshots.
- A preview video can serve the same purpose as the above, except I've seen 15 second previews that were like 12 seconds of a title screen and then the model barely walking into the frame as it was ending, so it didn't contain any useful information about the video at all.
- Some sort of written description, because the preview/screenshot(s) rarely tell the whole story of what the video is about. It doesn't need to be long, but at least a few sentences to give me some basic information about the content of the video.
Most importantly, I would never buy a video without knowing at least the length and preferably the resolution and seeing at least one screenshot or a preview clip. (For the resolution, I want to see the actual numbers - 1920 x 1080, not just something like HD. Too many models don't know what they are talking about and call everything HD. Or maybe their camera is HD but then they re-encoded the video into a much lower resolution because they wanted a smaller file to upload.)
3. What’s more important to you when buying a porn video. Price or the fact it’s soentbing you’re really into?
It's hard to pick one or the other, because the two are interdependent. The more the content of the video matches what I'm into, the more I'm willing to pay for it. If it's only marginally interesting, then even a very low price will not convince me to buy it.
4. Please arrange these in order of importance when buying porn.
Quality of video
Fulfilling a desire/fetish specifically
Appearsnce of the model
Length of video
1. Fulfilling a desire/fetish specifically
The video has to be something I'm into, so this is the deal breaker. For example, I'm a strictly into "non-nude" stuff, so a masturbation video will never ever interest me no matter who does it or how low the price is.
2. Price
I only have a limited amount of money to spend on "adult stuff", so I have to consider my budget when spending money. I can't just throw money around like some people. I know that doesn't make me a dream customer, but that's the reality.
I would have to have some justification for spending more on a video from one model than what I'm used to spending on similar videos from other models. I'm not going to pay significantly more to get a video from an established top model who has built up a huge following and whose prices are higher simply because there is a lot more demand for her services, because I wouldn't get any more value for my money. (Her time is more valuable to
her, because more people demand it, but it's not more valuable to
me than the time of equally attractive models who make equally good videos, but have fewer customers I have to compete with for their time.)
I would rather support the equally good, if slightly less experienced, newer models where I can make more of a difference to them and at the same time get a better deal myself. It's a win-win situation compared to dealing with a model for whom my contribution would be a drop in the ocean and the attention I would get from her in return would be equally minimal (understandably so, since she has many other customers to deal with).
3. Appearance of the model
It's somewhat important. Obviously, I have to find the model attractive... If a model is less attractive then I may only buy from her if her prices are lower than the models I find more attractive. If I don't find her attractive at all, then obviously it wouldn't make any sense for me to buy anything from her. On the other hand, after a certain point being more attractive doesn't always add more value. If a model has the traits I'm looking for for a particular video, then that's good enough for me. (For example, if I'm looking for a "leg themed" video, then any model with nice legs will do. She doesn't necessarily need to have a perfect body all around.)
4. Quality of video
Sometimes I'm willing to overlook some quality issues if the content is great, but I would always prefer good quality. Other times, for certain types of videos, the quality is extremely important. For example, there are some videos where it's absolutely essential that the resolution and lighting are good enough for me to see the texture of the model's skin or the whole concept doesn't work. In that case a poorly lit, blurry, grainy, or low-res video would be completely useless to me.
5. Length of the video
This is the least important for me. Even in the best videos, it's usually certain short segments that turn me on the most, so as long as there is such a segment in a video, it works for me. Sometimes paying for the extra length doesn't really make sense. I don't like extremely short videos though - I mean under 1 minute long.
When it comes to length, one touchy subject with me, in the case of custom videos, is getting a video shorter than what we agreed on. If we agreed on a 5 minute video I don't want to get a 4 and a half minute video. It just makes the model look like she was so eager to end the video that she couldn't even wait until the agreed time was up. It's unethical for a model not live up to her end of the agreement.
5. What’s more important to you?
A: buying a video that fulfils your sexual desire regardless who is in the video.
B: buying a video from someone you are specifically into, regardless if it fulfils your sexual desires.
For me it's "A" if i'm interpreting the question correctly and I'm surprised by the all "B" answers so far.
Isn't this the same as asking if I would rather watch A) a movie I would enjoy regardless of the cast or B) a movie with a lead actor I like that I wouldn't enjoy?
My answer is that I would rather watch a movie I'll enjoy no matter who is in it. Same for a video. The point, at least for me, is to enjoy it and not to be looking at a particular person - especially if it's not fulfilling. I don't understand why the person in the video is more important
even if it's not fulfilling to watch the video than to watch a video that is fulfilling, but with another model in it. Can anyone explain?
One more thing: There are different types of videos I buy - some are for certain fetishes, some focus on a certain pose or a part of the body, so they can be very different from each other. Often I'm very into a girl for doing one type of video, but I'm not so into her doing another type, because for that particular video she is not as good a fit. So for me this is another way in which it's not necessarily about who is in the video, but rather how well she fits the role I'm asking her to fill in that particular video.