Hello all! I am 38 and I just discovered the wonderful world of cam models (!) while on this lovely lock-down. Your help would be much appreciated as I am truly hopeless with these kinds of things

. My questions is, what are your tipping etiquette suggestions? I am on Chaturbate and I want to be a good client, but there doesn't seem to be any how-to guide out there that outlines what tipping expectations and best practices are? For example, I see some guys throw in single token at a time and other guys throw down 1000 tokens at a time. Obviously for the ladies, the more tokens the better, but what would you say is reasonable and fair for both the ladies and a fellow of modest means? Like both the per tip amount and the total amount a decent tipper should tip a girl per show? Also, if I ask to go private, do I still tip on top of the per-minute private show cost? Again, if so, what metric should I use to determine how much I should tip? As for what I'm currently doing now; for "just because" tips (as opposed to menu items) I have been tipping in 20 token increments because I understand Chaturbate tokens are worth 0.5 cents, so 20 tokens would come out to $1. And I usually try to spend $10 or $20 dollars (200 to 400 tokens) per show on a model. Is that good? Bad? Indifferent? I'm jealous of the high rollers who can tip ALOT more, but as I said, I'm a man of modest means and would like to strike a reasonable balance. I also did do one private and I tipped her 800 tokens on top of the per-minute price, but I don't if that was overkill, not enough, or just right? Please help? Thanks
I agree with
@Mila_ on this one. Find a couple of rooms you like and stick to them. I've been camming since April 2020 and I personally like/dislike the following:
Tip 1 token and say "show ass bb"
Come to my room all the time and just converse.
Don't misunderstand - my room's quite small 100-200 viewers at a time and I try to pay attention to everyone of them. But there are some viewers who
only log on to chat because they know I respond to everyone and fail to tip even 1 token! Mate, this ain't cool. We're here to work and if a viewer can't
tip 5 bucks over the course of a few shows then he ought to stay silent.
Make it rain once and expect a lifetime of servitude
I had this one guy who showed up and tipped about 800tks in one show. Great! I was extra nice to him, gave my snap id so that we could "schedule" a
private show. A month goes by and he's still stringing me along about the private show and asking me for free photos. As
@Mila_ also said, smaller
rooms are for new girls who don't yet know the ropes. And I'm still learning. So when I realised I needed to monetize my snap, this viewer got
passive aggressive. Finally he said he wanted a show, I arrived, he didn't, I realised I was being had and I blocked him from all my accounts. Don't be
that guy!
Silently lurk in my room
As some of the regulars from my show will tell you, mine's a more interactive, light-hearted room. I make jokes, I ask you about your life, your work,
YOU as a person and I talk about myself. I've got 2 cats who always want to be on camera and that's a running gag. So, as soon as a viewer hops
on, I say "Hello username, nice to see you!" And if I see you online for a good many shows and you don't respond, this annoys me. Now this is just
Tip what you can, and be nice!
If there are games and I'm asking you to play, then play!
I personally prefer it if guy tips at least 25tks per show. Even if you don't, I will still remember you and where you're from and ask you about your life in the following show

Tip consistently - whatever your amount

And maybe make it rain in your girl's room one day
Hope this helps