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Purity Check-in: Test Yourself and Share!

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Nordling said:
LadyLuna said:
I started taking the 200 question one. When I noticed that they were repeating questions within those 200, I stopped taking it (somewhere around question 97... they had a string of 15 questions that I knew I had already answered, with the exact same wording).

Also, I agree, some of those questions were like- well, they don't specify if it's with a long-term partner or a short-term partner or someone you just met... I've only ever had long-term partners, never done stuff with someone I've just met.

Curious- what do you guys count as "getting picked up"? I said yes to that because I figure I've had sex, therefore, some guy picked me up, even if it wasn't with a pick-up line. Sides, I think both partners have used pickup lines, but after we were already close to going there anyway, not just out-of-the-blue. Does it count if it was a friend who used the pick-up line, and it got me thinking about them in that way, even if we didn't do anything until a few months later?
Yeah, "getting picked up" is a fuzzy (as in unclear) idiom at best.

Well I thought that it seemed pretty clear...


And I'm an idiot

It wasn't repeat questions, in the first set it was with a partner of the preferred gender, in the second, it was a partner opposite to the preferred gender. x.x

My score was 51% on the 200-question one. now time for anima roleplay. Huzzah!
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LadyLuna said:
And I'm an idiot

It wasn't repeat questions, in the first set it was with a partner of the preferred gender, in the second, it was a partner opposite to the preferred gender. x.x

My score was 51% on the 200-question one. now time for anima roleplay. Huzzah!
I know you meant it as an expression, but when a lady I think is smarter than hell calls herself an idiot, I cry a little bit. :h:
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Nordling said:
LadyLuna said:
And I'm an idiot

It wasn't repeat questions, in the first set it was with a partner of the preferred gender, in the second, it was a partner opposite to the preferred gender. x.x

My score was 51% on the 200-question one. now time for anima roleplay. Huzzah!
I know you meant it as an expression, but when a lady I think is smarter than hell calls herself an idiot, I cry a little bit. :h:

I believe that everyone's an idiot, just that some people are bigger idiots than others.
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LadyLuna said:
...It wasn't repeat questions....partner of the preferred gender... [or] ...opposite to the preferred gender.
As mentioned in the follow-up post to my original thread-starter (which I can't seem to edit) :(

Thanks for taking another crack at it! :)
In an effort to be more posty and less lurky, ladies, gentlemen, and everyone else, I give to you...


That's what I get for spending all my time with books and computers (and computerized books, and books about computers, and reading about books on computers...).
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For the 500-question test:

For the 200-question test:

Apparently I'm decidedly less pure when they group questions together in the 200-question test.


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Just took the 1000 question one. 70.9%
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I decided to do the 1000 question test on and off today while I was waiting for laundry to finish.

I guess I average about 42.7% pure according to all three results. I'm okay with that outcome.


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Oh Thank Goodness others have posted numbers this high already.


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Ummm... feeling a little slutty now. :oops:

No, no bestiality for me, no sex in churchs, or with dead people, or in a plane. What happened then? :?


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jackie_O said:
36% but was I the only one who thought most of that stuff was pretty tame? I mean not like the animal stuff, but most of the questions didn't strike me as out there.

edit - Maybe its cause I only did the 200 question one.

I thought so too.

200 questions = 35% pure.
I'll do the longer ones sometime too.
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