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jodeum said:
PlayboyMegan said:
Kunra9 said:
Ya know, taking this thread back to the previous thread about ghosts and whatnot...

I would LOVE to see a camgirl do a show with this kind of stuff.

I tip you 500 tokens and you give me a tarot card reading.

Do I believe in the stuff? Not so much, but how fun and unique would it be ya know?
I do psychic shows in my room!!! No lie! I dress up and everything 70tkns per question. But I'm only 30% psychic....I can read palms though, but it's too hard to see fine lines on cam. I'll pm you when I'm doing my next show.

You might not want to tell people you're 30% psychic. My first thought was a coin is 50% psychic. :-D
Well I do more than yes or no questions. In depth life and love readings. But maybe a coin would be fun for yes or no. Cast a "spell" on it and do x tokens for a flip. :p
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PlayboyMegan said:
Kunra9 said:
Ya know, taking this thread back to the previous thread about ghosts and whatnot...

I would LOVE to see a camgirl do a show with this kind of stuff.

I tip you 500 tokens and you give me a tarot card reading.

Do I believe in the stuff? Not so much, but how fun and unique would it be ya know?
I do psychic shows in my room!!! No lie! I dress up and everything 70tkns per question. But I'm only 30% psychic....I can read palms though, but it's too hard to see fine lines on cam. I'll pm you when I'm doing my next show.


I'm in.

Now what ridiculous questions should I ask...
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PlayboyMegan said:
Bocefish said:
There may be a psychic fact following, I dunno... :icon-cry:

In fact, I believe that some women feel they deserve as much money.
I must be missing something....
Yeah, I think that was an incomplete thought. Seems snarky, but I'm not sure what it means either.
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Bocefish said:
LadyLuna said:
To be honest, when it's something over the internet like this, it would just be for fun. I've only gotten accurate ones from people I had some sort of connection with, which I figure is just me using the cards to aid my mind in picking up on things I could've noticed anyway. But I would still do the whole thing, blessing the cards and the reading, banishing evil and praying for benign spirits. And yes, I would do the shielding of the room naked. Skyclad is the best way to do shields anyway.

So what is your reasoning behind telling other people not to mess with a Ouija board?

A Ouija board is asking a spirit to come in and possess your body to answer questions.
A Tarot deck is asking a spirit to come in and possess a deck of cards to answer questions.

1. You're much less likely to get a malignant spirit with a Tarot Card deck. Ouija boards were made as a game and have no protections included in them. Tarot Card decks were designed by people who actually believe in this stuff, and so they put protections against evil spirits in the designs of the cards. While decks these days are mostly made by people who don't believe, they still use a lot of the original designs, so the protections are built into the decks.

2. It's much easier to throw out a Tarot deck than it is to banish an evil spirit from a person without killing the person. In the first case, you're out about $20 ($10-15 for a really cheap deck, $30 or $40 for a really expensive one). In the second... *shudders*

I also, in that Ouija Board thread, said exactly what you would need to do in order to have as safe a reading as possible. It's a lot more complicated than Tarot decks. With the Tarot deck, all you really have to do is a quick prayer that evil be repelled and good be attracted. The rest of it is mostly for show, but does actually help.
LadyLuna said:
I do believe in them, but I don't believe it can be controlled. I think the ones that make a living off of it are either fakes, or they are just very good at reading body language. The the real ones get it at random moments, and can't read everyone.
I don't believe in most so called "psychics". But there is an experience that happened which made me a believer.
Many years ago, a friend of mine's girlfriend killed herself. She stole some drugs from the veterinary clinic she worked at, drove out into the country, and shot herself up with the drug and died on a stack of hay. My friend (her BF) was investigated for murder because she just disappeared one morning and left no suicide note.
Well like a year later, this woman, who none of us had ever met finally contacted my buddy. She said that this spirit wouldn't leave her alone and that she needed to tell him to look behind this dresser (or something like that, I'm going from memory here). When he looked in the spot that the lady told him to search, he found the suicide note. It had fallen and no one was able to find it until that woman told him where to look.
So yeah, I'm with you on this. I don't believe it is something that can be controlled. I think most of them out there are just hacks.

LadyLuna said:
A Ouija board is asking a spirit to come in and possess your body to answer questions.
A Tarot deck is asking a spirit to come in and possess a deck of cards to answer questions.

i always thought that your subconsciousness made the tarrot person pull a certain card, and that's why it's always things you know deep down allready? that's what people told me :eek:
I used to read tarot cards professionally, I now still do as a favor for friends from time to time... and regularly for myself.

Having lived with a woman who helped find lost kids in NZ among other things, it's not even a matter of 'belief' for me. Its just an active normal part of my life.
A Tarot deck is asking a spirit to come in and possess a deck of cards to answer questions.

Luna, you state this like its a fact. Some tarot readers work with the tarot in this way. When I read tarot, I do not work with any spirits other than ... my own and the person I am reading for.

I really just want to make sure people know that this belief of working with or asking a spirit to come in and 'possess' anything is not required to work with a tarot deck!
TashaDutch said:
LadyLuna said:
A Ouija board is asking a spirit to come in and possess your body to answer questions.
A Tarot deck is asking a spirit to come in and possess a deck of cards to answer questions.

i always thought that your subconsciousness made the tarrot person pull a certain card, and that's why it's always things you know deep down allready? that's what people told me :eek:

Miss_Lollipop said:
A Tarot deck is asking a spirit to come in and possess a deck of cards to answer questions.

Luna, you state this like its a fact. Some tarot readers work with the tarot in this way. When I read tarot, I do not work with any spirits other than ... my own and the person I am reading for.

I really just want to make sure people know that this belief of working with or asking a spirit to come in and 'possess' anything is not required to work with a tarot deck!

I was explaining why Tarot is not as dangerous as Ouija boards. For the original belief behind it, it was the spirit thing. For those who don't believe in such things, then it might just be a way to access subconscious cues. I believe that my readings for friends have been the second. I did not know what their question was, but since they were really good friends, I had a decent idea of things going on in their lives they might want to ask about.

I have two decks, the Geometer's Oracle, which is NOT a Tarot deck, and the Guilded Tarot, which IS a Tarot deck. The Oracle works really well for me, and I think it's just me letting my subconscious talk about itself. The Guilded Tarot only works for a self-reading if I can feel at least one of my spirit guides close by, so I believe that when I use it for myself, it's meant to help me communicate with them. (I will also note that when I bless the cards, I stop feeling the guide that will be answering me, because it's in the cards.) The Guilded Tarot is what has given me good readings for friends, and again, that felt like it was my subconscious mind picking up on stuff my conscious awareness didn't notice. The Oracle never worked with friends, so I don't think I can use it to tap into anything other than my subconscious awareness of myself.

Thus, if I do it online, I am pretty damn sure that it's going to be a load of bullcrap and will be totally in fun. But I will still take the precautions to keep an evil spirit from invading my deck. I like that one, and I don't really have the nerve to find another.
Somewhat related to the topic:

Two nights ago, I had a dream about a girl I work with. She showed up at my door crying because she got dumped, and pretty much hopped on my dick.

Today she is crying at work because they broke up.

Do I think I'm psychic? No. It's just a coincidence
Miss_Lollipop said:
For the original belief behind it, it was the spirit thing

I'm a little confused about this? What original belief are you referring to?

A long time ago... I could be wrong about it, of course, since I didn't live back then and haven't exactly studied it, but I was taught that when you do a reading you're asking the spirits to give you answers, by people who believe in such things.
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I would definitely say I'm a believer in all things supernatural, but one thing I just could not buy in to was when my Mum told me she was having the house exorcised... over the phone? She says the house feels different now and the weird stuff that had been going on has stopped, but seriously how can that work?
KatyPlays21 said:
I would definitely say I'm a believer in all things supernatural, but one thing I just could not buy in to was when my Mum told me she was having the house exorcised... over the phone? She says the house feels different now and the weird stuff that had been going on has stopped, but seriously how can that work?
:-D Placebo effect.
It must be! The psychich/medium claims to have done it with success as far as 400 miles away, but i'm still not convinced.

At least the little girl who was standing in my Mum's bedroom has disappeared, just hope she hasn't moved into mine :shock:
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as far as the history of the tarot goes, theres no connection to spirit calling, at least not directly. theres several versions of how they came to be, but the most common one is that they were designed to be an instruction in magic. some people say egyptian in origin, others put it in the kabala, but the intent was that of instruction in a mystic practice. as luna said, none of us were there at the time, so its mostly speculation as the tarot predates most written history.

it spread so far and wide that many cultures have taken it as their own invention as well. the "gypsy" or traveler communities claim it either originated with, or moved with them from its origins.

but the tarot is based around 5 "suits" four of which found their way into modern playing cards in a slightly changed way. they comprise the minor arcana :pentacles (aka spades) wands or staves (aka clubs) cups (aka hearts) and swords (aka diamonds). its important to note that some variations have diamonds being switched with spades. the pentacle is an old symbol of the element of earth. wands are fire, cups water and swords air. the 5th element is not leeloo dallas, as most movie fans think . its called various thing. ether, spirit, akasha, et alia. it's suit is the major arcana.
starting with the fool (in most decks) which represents the aspiring mystic untrained, as well as many other things and going up to.... well the last card varies from deck to deck but most of them its called the world or the universe, which represents the finality of mystic training which is supposed to be a connection with the higher energy (god, nirvana, whatever ya wanna call it)

now, it seems that every reader of tarot has a different interpretation of how/why they work, so im not going there, but as far as its use in communing with/summoning or otherwise interacting with spirits thats a much more modern contrivance. the spiritist movement was where that part of things kicked in as a broader idea, but the spiritists tended to co-opt everything. so that part came into being in the 1800s really ( not saying that some group or individuals didnt do it b4 then, just that thats where the idea came in for the mainstream)

ima do a separate post for ouija, tho itll be much shorter
the ouija as we know it ( you know, the alphabet and numbers on a flat board and a planchette) goes back to the mid 1800s as far as ive ever read the spiritists made wide use of it of course, and its a popular "scary" parlor game still.

versions of automatic writing like the ouija go back to the A.D.s china has the record for the oldest version as far as i know back in 540 AD or so. from what ive read over the years just about every culture that has a writing system has some version of it. and yes, they were all meant to communicate in some way with spirits. the majority are meant to speak with the ancestors (aka dead folk) some of them were meant to speak with non-human type spirits. angels, demons, oni, deva, whatever ya wanna call them are all spirits that arent of human origin, unlike ghosts, poltergheists, haunts, revenants etc.

from what ive read the idea of demons and angels as most think of them is largely due to the divine comedy ( damn you dante!) but!

versions of what we know as ouija were indeed meant to contact those types of spirit (though i'd think that if you were serious about it enochian type magic would be far more effective)

now possession by any kind of spirit is of course something you either believe or dont. but if such spirits exist then they have to have a way into you to take over. ouija per se is not an invitation to possession or malignancy. yer just asking them to speak through the planchette. the theory is that if you already have an "opening" (no vagina jokes please:p) then said spirits would take the opportunity. having seen a voudoun being ridden by ellegua and how much time and effort it took them to get it to happen, i tend to disbelieve casual possession is even possible.

there, now the fruits of my misspent youth have been useful at last!
On a serious note (WARNING, kinda' sad/possible boner killer story a head) I just wanted to share this...
When my husband was in ICU on life support, the doctors where doing all they could to try to get him well enough to be able to go into surgery (needed a heart transplant), but he had this really high fever that they had to get rid of first. No one could pin point where the infection was in his body to find out what was causing the fever. And he couldn't tell anyone any of his symptoms because he was on life support. Well anyways, one night while I was sleeping, I had a nightmare that all of my teeth kept falling out. One after another, after another... Then I get woken up to my mother in-law calling my phone early that morning to tell me that they figured out where the infection was...
He had bad teeth, and at least couple of them where infected. So just to be on the safe side, they pulled all his teeth that had any cavities (which was damn near half of them).
So while I was having this nightmare that all of my teeth where falling out, at that exact same moment, doctors where pulling out half the teeth in my husbands head in an attempt to save his life.
Could it be just a coincidence??? Perhaps... but what are the odds???
southsamurai said:
as far as the history of the tarot goes, theres no connection to spirit calling, at least not directly. theres several versions of how they came to be, but the most common one is that they were designed to be an instruction in magic. some people say egyptian in origin, others put it in the kabala, but the intent was that of instruction in a mystic practice. as luna said, none of us were there at the time, so its mostly speculation as the tarot predates most written history.

it spread so far and wide that many cultures have taken it as their own invention as well. the "gypsy" or traveler communities claim it either originated with, or moved with them from its origins.

but the tarot is based around 5 "suits" four of which found their way into modern playing cards in a slightly changed way. they comprise the minor arcana :pentacles (aka spades) wands or staves (aka clubs) cups (aka hearts) and swords (aka diamonds). its important to note that some variations have diamonds being switched with spades. the pentacle is an old symbol of the element of earth. wands are fire, cups water and swords air. the 5th element is not leeloo dallas, as most movie fans think . its called various thing. ether, spirit, akasha, et alia. it's suit is the major arcana.
starting with the fool (in most decks) which represents the aspiring mystic untrained, as well as many other things and going up to.... well the last card varies from deck to deck but most of them its called the world or the universe, which represents the finality of mystic training which is supposed to be a connection with the higher energy (god, nirvana, whatever ya wanna call it)

now, it seems that every reader of tarot has a different interpretation of how/why they work, so im not going there, but as far as its use in communing with/summoning or otherwise interacting with spirits thats a much more modern contrivance. the spiritist movement was where that part of things kicked in as a broader idea, but the spiritists tended to co-opt everything. so that part came into being in the 1800s really ( not saying that some group or individuals didnt do it b4 then, just that thats where the idea came in for the mainstream)

ima do a separate post for ouija, tho itll be much shorter

thanks for posting this samauri! That was pretty much what I wanted to say but you said it better than I could have!
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Kunra9 said:
Ya know, taking this thread back to the previous thread about ghosts and whatnot...

I would LOVE to see a camgirl do a show with this kind of stuff.

I tip you 500 tokens and you give me a tarot card reading.

Do I believe in the stuff? Not so much, but how fun and unique would it be ya know?

ive done this!
I'm glad I found this thread because I do tarot readings on cam ;)

I think we all underestimate our own psychic abilities, especially as women. I am empathic, which I never quite understood until it started making me feel crazy all the time and I realized I needed to channel it into something useful. Picking up on weird energies and peoples' bad/sad stuff on public transit and whatnot was not doing positive things for me... so I investigated "shielding," to help protect myself.

(To many, this probably sounds batshit insane, but hear me out)

Developing my psychic skills has completely transformed my life. I am also a medium, and I channel, but I am not Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost and I am not ever going to do a "cold reading" where I walk up to someone and say "You are going to die in 22 years in a train wreck." I will never let your dead grandfather inhabit my body because I have boundaries and that sounds terrifying; yet I can channel a powerful goddess or ancestor's strength when I need it. Maybe there are people who can predict that you'll marry a blonde bombshell in 6 months, but I don't (though the feeling does come to me, I always keep that to myself). What I feel is energy, and what I can do is interpret messages and work with my allies, ancestors and guides (okay, and the planets & elements, too) to stay connected, grounded, and protected. I also use these skills to help other people, when they ask for it.

What's important to remember is that we are co-creators in our lives. There's no way to say "THIS WILL HAPPEN ON THIS TIME/DATE" because there are 2 factors - YOU and THE UNIVERSE (which includes other people). Working with YOU to help you work with the universe is my psychic specialty. I do this by way of tarot over webcam, usually. And, of course, most people want it topless! heh..

I don't mean this to be advertisey, but in my MFC profile, I put a list of things about "what to expect from a psychic tarot reading" and it might be interesting to some of you?

Sinwithcyn said:
Kunra9 said:
Ya know, taking this thread back to the previous thread about ghosts and whatnot...

I would LOVE to see a camgirl do a show with this kind of stuff.

I tip you 500 tokens and you give me a tarot card reading.

Do I believe in the stuff? Not so much, but how fun and unique would it be ya know?

ive done this!
I tried to read tarot on MFC once. They ripped me a new asshole.

I read for ladies on the forum occasionally, and while I enjoy the process it's not something I'm sure I will ever do regularly. Despite my beliefs, people do put a LOT of stock in to tarot, whether they admit they do or not - I have had women ready to break up with their boyfriends, cheat, choose new careers, drop out of school or do drastic things at my word. The issue of 'truth' doesn't really come in to it for me (whether or not the reading is accurate) but rather I just don't feel comfortable being used as an avenue or excuse for people to make very large life changes.
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