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I believe in them because I, myself, have very intuitive moments. So I just figure other people can be the same, but stronger than me? Not sure how to put that.
I've had 5 readings. All of them false. I got told by 3 different psychics I would get pregnant within a year, never happened. Then one told me "you have 3 close friends, one is not true to you." I have no close friends. Lol Then a different one was just waaaay off about everything.
So now I'm starting to doubt the whole concept.
I can't say that I believe in psychics/mediums, but I also can't say that I don't believe, if that makes sense.

I've never personally had a reading, but if the opportunity ever arose, I'd love to see what they have to say.
I do believe in them, but I don't believe it can be controlled. I think the ones that make a living off of it are either fakes, or they are just very good at reading body language. The the real ones get it at random moments, and can't read everyone.
If those hacks could predict the future with any degree of accuracy, they'd know which stocks will tank or profit along with other money making opportunities instead of just separating suckers from their money. :-D

That said, I do believe there are some very legit people that have ESP and other "paranormal" talents... just not the ones who advertise it for profit.

There are people that can read others and have a very intuitive guess at what others are wanting to hear. Look at most of your top salesmen, some of them make a very good living out of predicting what a customer wants to hear.

With that said, most of the Mediums and soothsayers are charlatans and the closest thing that they get towards a "Psychic" sense is that they will have a bowel movement in the next 24 hours. BUT there are those that actually sense things and not know how to express it other than premonitions. I do believe that there are some that can do it.
yes i believe in them, no i've never had a reading... i'm scared that they will discover stuff i rather not know :lol:
we have this guy here... derek something... he's scottish, and asks 50 euro per person, for a 1000 people show... now that's gotta be some sign for fakiness
a former friends of mine, knows a woman in her neighbourhood, that offers a hour personal reading, for 30 euro..
she has told that friend things, that i don't believe is in the 'quessing' area

like personal feelings, such things... hard to guess that right for all the people that went, and i know 4 that went to her

it disgusts me that people will take huge profit for things they can't really do, and the fact that most of them believe they help people by it, is even more gross
ok, i used to read tarot for people, and i was considered highly accurate. ive had dreams that came true, and had glimpses of things that make no sense based on science. so, do humans posess the abilities? sure, why not. if my addled brain can come up with the occasional "psychic" flash then i guess its possible that its a phenomena that exists. now ask me if i think its at all useful?
not a single one of my flashes has ever saved anyone's life, kept me from getting into trouble, helped me have something good come my way, or been in any way helpful. the only aspect of it all that has any use at all is a talent for low grade empathy, and that can be explained as much by my ability to read facial expressions and body language as any ESP. my dreams that come true? vague glimpses of having dinner with someone i already know. accurate down to what we drink and talk about, but useless. no warning at all that my back was going to blow out. none that i was going to lose a job when the company was going to tank

i spent years working to try and expand my pathetic abilities. no improvement in accuracy, frequency or benefit. went to supposedly haunted houses and never even hit a cold spot. the closest i can say to any of it being useful was tarot. it got me laid a few times.

i tried with everything i had in me to contact the dead. mental effort, magical rituals from simple witchcraft to complex stuff like thelema. other than a lot of interesting trivia knowledge the only thing i got out of it was an eclectic occult library.

my experiences with so called psychics and mediums was funny as frak. out of 15 or 16 readings of various types not a single person ever said anything that wasnt obvious from looking at me. most of them couldnt even use that information well. at the time i looked more like a biker than anything else when i went out for fun. most of the crap that got spewed my way were false assumptions. three times i was told to make sure i wore my helmet! that i was soon going to eat pavement ( as my biker friends called it) i never rode at all. hate motorcycles if im on them.

so it is my opinion that whatever psychic sense is out there in people, its useless. maybe one hit every year sounds good if its a big hit ( some psychic supposedly predicted reagan getting shot months ahead, and warned the FBI about it) but its such a rarity that it amounts to being non-existant
I've had psychic connections with people and random thoughts that have come true, but that's obviously very different from someone advertising themselves as a psychic. In one year I had two tarot readings; one from my best friend, and one from a stranger at a bar that I paid. In the one that my friend gave me something pretty incredible happened; I drew the High Priestess card and simultaneously started my period at the exact same time. This is significant in several ways; the High Priestess is a very feminine card, as well as flooded with lunar symbolism, which is amazing because a; I'm a cancer, moonchild, and b; my menstrual cycle at the time was very much revolving around the lunar cycle. If I remember correctly the position the card was in was representative of the present. That blew my mind.

In my other tarot reading, nothing particularly interesting happened. The reason I think something significant happened in the first one is because it was someone who I share a link with. The same person and I had an interesting synchronicity just this week. I woke up randomly in the middle of the night (which is strange for me, seeing as I rarely sleep at night in the first place) and for no discernible reason this person popped into my head and about a second later I received a text from them about a curious synchronicity in other matters.

I also remember once as a child that I thought in the morning very clearly about my good friend who had never been absent from school "wow, my friend is never home sick!" and that day she was home sick for the first time.
I've been to a psyschic twice. And before she even started she told me that psychics do not hold the ability of ultimate truth. They are just able to see many paths that you could take and tell you which one your strongly leading to at that moment. You do not have to take that path. You are allowed to control your own future.

When I went to a psychic for the first time, I was a bit skeptical, but I wanted to try it out. I didn't know how "real" it was going to be or what. By the way, there are no room filled with candles and ghost didnt come shoot out the walls. It was just a presence of calmness and peace. She started off with trying to figure out exactly who I was. She told me what my astrological sign was. And both of my parents signs were as well. Which freaked me out because she was right. And I hadn't even mentioned my parents. She also told me that I had a interest in foreign languages specifically Japanese. Which I do because its the language I'm studying in school.

She also told me about my past lives. She said that I was not a young spirit at all. Apparently in my past life I was a gypsy from somewhere in the South and I dealt in magic. But I was a good "witch" and I was also very good at what I did. The life before that she said I was a Samurai during the uprising of Japan. And before that I was from was a Celtic.

She also said that I have family that came from Louisiana (my fathers side came from there) and that there is an inheritance waiting for me there. She didnt know how small or large it was, but it was an inheritance. She also told me that my guardian angel is my grandmother. By the way, I've never met the grandmother she is talking about because she died a few months before I was born. But its also VERY weird how much me and her look a like. I dont know if its true, but it would be nice to believe that my grandmother is always there keeping an eye out for me. The last thing she told me that freaked me out the most is that I have a baby spirit that has attached itself to me. She went on to explain that spirits come back when they are ready and attach themselves to their parents when they feel like time is nearing for them to return. She said that it doesnt mean I'll get pregnant the next day or anything like that, but it would happen. But its also ultimately up to me when that is because I control my own future.

Like I said before. I dont know how true any of this is, but she got so many other things right that the other things almost make me want to believe that they are true. If anything it was an experience and glad I did it at least once.
I don't believe at all. I do agree with most of what GreatDane said about some people being intuitive and being able to read people super well; and I think that's pretty much all it is. Now, do some people honestly believe they are psychic because they are exceptionally good at reading others and just want to attribute it to something paranormal? I think so; I'm not saying that every single person claiming to be psychic is necessarily scamming others. However, most of the really notable ones out there in the media? Big time, in my opinion...

On the same topic, the James Randi Educational Foundation has a standing million dollar prize for anyone claiming to be psychic who is willing to use their powers under controlled observing conditions. So far no one has attempted to claim it.
Yes, it should read, "no one has SUCCESSFULLY attempted."

Humans have powerful minds and what sets us apart from computers is the ability to get to a conclusion using only what seems like unrelated data. But that isn't paranormal, it's just very good intuition.
I have a habit of predicting when someone I'm close to is about to come home, but only if I don't think about it, and only if I had no idea when they would be back, and no way of making an accurate guess. Because when I have some way of knowing/guessing, then I start thinking about it and mess it up.

The first instance of this was when I was at college, I told a friend to come on in before she even knocked. I thought I had heard her knock, but she was really freaked out by that. I asked her why she was skipping class, her professor was out sick, no class. We concluded that I must have heard the echo of her thinking about knocking. To understand just how intense this was, I never invited anyone into my room without first asking who was there. I already knew it was her.

The second time, I opened the door for her right as she was about to knock. I wasn't leaving or anything, I just knew she was there.

I have also had these dreams that came true, but they're never anything special. One of the strongest was when I was entering a building in a school. I had the dream in the summer, before I ever knew I was going to go to that school, before I ever saw that school or even heard of it. The dream was simply about changing classes and getting taunted on my way in the door.

I do believe that psychic links exist between people who are close. I also know that sometimes, I can sense other people, whether I know them or not. I have successfully avoided getting into car accidents simply by knowing that the car next to me was about to swerve, with no way of actually knowing that, because there was nothing on the road. As you can see, I wear glasses, so the person directly next to me was out of my field of vision. It's not like I saw something out of the corner of my eye- I *can't* see anything out of the corner of my eye. I know when a fight is about to happen in any of my neighbor's apartments, despite not knowing anything about them. I have felt someone's anger without ever having looked at them before.

So yeah, I do believe in this stuff. But like southsamurai, not much useful can come of it. I can take someone else's pain or anger into myself, and project my emotions onto others, but that's about it.
I think it's a possibility, probably a bit far fetched. I've never witnessed anything myself to prove/disprove it's existence.

However, I imagine that anyone claiming to have these abilities, and stands to profit from them is a fraud.

I know that if I had psychic ability, and could control it well enough, I wouldn't tell anybody.
I would keep it for myself and only use it to help myself and those I care about, and even then I would keep it subtle.

Think about it.

If it became widely known that I could read thoughts, predict the future, talk to the dead, WHATEVER, I would become a target for so many people. Religions, governments, would both want to take you out.

Random strangers would show up at your doorstep begging you to help them talk to their dead lover, or give them a hot stock tip, the next lotto numbers. Some of these people may show up DEMANDING these things and may even resort to violence to MAKE you do it. Or your family and friends may become targets as well.

If such powers actually exist, and there are people out there right now with the ability to control them, they are being smart and keeping it to themselves.

People like John Edwards are frauds.
I don't believe in them in the least. Every time someone says they have some sort of psychic ability I think yeah right, there's not a chance you could get the million dollar prize. (although when I first saw this it was only a $10,000 prize)

If anyone actually had the ability why are they still trying to get a few bucks out of strangers when they could win a million by simply proving they can do it at all? ... Foundation
I try not to put any stock in anything psychic or paranormal because if they were true, then I really am a jinx. If it weren't for my 'bad' luck I'd have no luck at all. Either that or I'm just eerily good at ending up in ironic situations. :?
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I believe. I'm actually metaphysical. I've had a couple of tarot readings by two seperate people and they both came true, exactly like I was told. I also read tarot cards and astrology charts in my free time. I've been told by a few different friends that I have excellent people reading skills and am hardly ever wrong. They're often a little spooked at what I pick up on in others.

I can also understand how someone wouldn't believe. If it really does exist, cool. If not then I figure I'm not hurting anyone.
Ya know, taking this thread back to the previous thread about ghosts and whatnot...

I would LOVE to see a camgirl do a show with this kind of stuff.

I tip you 500 tokens and you give me a tarot card reading.

Do I believe in the stuff? Not so much, but how fun and unique would it be ya know?
I want to believe. Ive never been to one though, or anything of the sort. Psychics are a dime a dozen in NYC, and while I want to believe, and I think that some people may have some sort of psychic ability - I really dont think that the ones who advertise well enough to get my attention are the ones that really have the gift. I think most of them are just good at paying attention, reading reactions, and start off with broad enough things that they can narrow down based on reactions.

My mom has creepy dreams though - every time anyone on her side of the family that she was slightly close to has died, she has had a dream about losing them the night before. Similarly - my dad is convinced he knows when he is going to die, hes has the same dream regularly since he was in his teens. He claims to know just how old hell be, the time of year, and where and how it will be - in a car crash, and he can even tell you what highway it is, and after what exit. He wont tell any of us how old hell be, he believes in it so strongly that he doesnt want us to panic or worry.

My sister went to a psychic once when she was younger - I wasnt with her. The psychic told her that I had lesbian tendencies. I guess that more or less turned out to be true, but again - thats a broad generalization, and she ran a good chance my sister wouldnt have ever brought it up to me, and just assumed it to be true. Or if she had told me - I would find a way to rationalize it and make it true - I mean, most girls I believe have had *some* sort of experience with a woman, be it just feelings, confusion, drunkenly making out, etc.
Kunra9 said:
Ya know, taking this thread back to the previous thread about ghosts and whatnot...

I would LOVE to see a camgirl do a show with this kind of stuff.

I tip you 500 tokens and you give me a tarot card reading.

Do I believe in the stuff? Not so much, but how fun and unique would it be ya know?
I do psychic shows in my room!!! No lie! I dress up and everything 70tkns per question. But I'm only 30% psychic....I can read palms though, but it's too hard to see fine lines on cam. I'll pm you when I'm doing my next show.
I can only predict how you might react when you get a huge tip during your cum show. I say I have a 85% prediction rate only with your reaction. :D

I do think someone or a group of angels is looking after me. I've been in too many situations that could have gone sour came out smelling like roses. I don't think it's chance. I feel that I am truly blessed. I just need to remember to be grateful for life everyday.
Kunra9 said:
Ya know, taking this thread back to the previous thread about ghosts and whatnot...

I would LOVE to see a camgirl do a show with this kind of stuff.

I tip you 500 tokens and you give me a tarot card reading.

Do I believe in the stuff? Not so much, but how fun and unique would it be ya know?

I tried this once, no one bit... was offering them for 50 I believe. I think now, I'd be more willing to do it in a truprivate.

To be honest, when it's something over the internet like this, it would just be for fun. I've only gotten accurate ones from people I had some sort of connection with, which I figure is just me using the cards to aid my mind in picking up on things I could've noticed anyway. But I would still do the whole thing, blessing the cards and the reading, banishing evil and praying for benign spirits. And yes, I would do the shielding of the room naked. Skyclad is the best way to do shields anyway.
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PlayboyMegan said:
Kunra9 said:
Ya know, taking this thread back to the previous thread about ghosts and whatnot...

I would LOVE to see a camgirl do a show with this kind of stuff.

I tip you 500 tokens and you give me a tarot card reading.

Do I believe in the stuff? Not so much, but how fun and unique would it be ya know?
I do psychic shows in my room!!! No lie! I dress up and everything 70tkns per question. But I'm only 30% psychic....I can read palms though, but it's too hard to see fine lines on cam. I'll pm you when I'm doing my next show.

You might not want to tell people you're 30% psychic. My first thought was a coin is 50% psychic. :-D
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LadyLuna said:
To be honest, when it's something over the internet like this, it would just be for fun. I've only gotten accurate ones from people I had some sort of connection with, which I figure is just me using the cards to aid my mind in picking up on things I could've noticed anyway. But I would still do the whole thing, blessing the cards and the reading, banishing evil and praying for benign spirits. And yes, I would do the shielding of the room naked. Skyclad is the best way to do shields anyway.

So what is your reasoning behind telling other people not to mess with a Ouija board?
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