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Promoting and Affiliating with other models - do you?

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Nov 12, 2017
I am really curious for this.

I understand a lot of models don't like their fans/customers/members going to other rooms. They simply want them all to themselves. I fully get that, I am sure we all do - money is the whole point.. I also understand there are models who are like this but that also understand the users will go to other rooms and spend money (especially if you're not online when they are on and horny).

I definitely see some models talking about and promoting other models they are actual friends (either just through the cam site, social media, or have actually met in real life also due to camming) with. Not just randomly bringing model names up in their room, but most likely it comes up somehow in conversation, so the model may say "oh yeah she is really great, she does fantastic [type of show]" or whatever else. Like, there are a group of English models that I visit, who all happily promote each other if it comes up - so it's a good little support group/network for it.

What are your thoughts on promoting other models in your room or on your social media? Are you friends with lots of models, only a few models (just 1) or none at all? Do you keep yourself to yourself and stay away from interacting with other models out of fear for some reason? Maybe you only promote/mention smaller models because you understand they need more help?

I was also thinking/wondering, do models affiliate with each other? If you remember, websites used to create little affiliate icons and banners and link to each other - do any of you do anything like that?
I am really curious for this.

I understand a lot of models don't like their fans/customers/members going to other rooms. They simply want them all to themselves. I fully get that, I am sure we all do - money is the whole point.. I also understand there are models who are like this but that also understand the users will go to other rooms and spend money (especially if you're not online when they are on and horny).

I definitely see some models talking about and promoting other models they are actual friends (either just through the cam site, social media, or have actually met in real life also due to camming) with. Not just randomly bringing model names up in their room, but most likely it comes up somehow in conversation, so the model may say "oh yeah she is really great, she does fantastic [type of show]" or whatever else. Like, there are a group of English models that I visit, who all happily promote each other if it comes up - so it's a good little support group/network for it.

What are your thoughts on promoting other models in your room or on your social media? Are you friends with lots of models, only a few models (just 1) or none at all? Do you keep yourself to yourself and stay away from interacting with other models out of fear for some reason? Maybe you only promote/mention smaller models because you understand they need more help?

I was also thinking/wondering, do models affiliate with each other? If you remember, websites used to create little affiliate icons and banners and link to each other - do any of you do anything like that?
If I am going to be off for an extended period of time, obviously I'd like my members to be offline tipping me for whatever I'm offering while I'm away, but I also get that they enjoy the live aspect of camming. If they're DEFINITELY going to log on and spend while I'm not live on cam, I would prefer they spend their tokens (which obviously I'd prefer they'd save for me, but if I'm a daily habit in my "live" aspect I understand if not) on fellow models that I endorse as awesome people. So sometimes I do tweet about my fave models or mention them in my chat to get my members to spend that time (that they can't save for me because of habit/obsession) with my model friends.
the tl;dr from above: As a general statement, I do believe that all of us cam models hope that our most loyal and dedicated regulars save the massive majority of their tokens for us. If there are instances/times we cannot fulfill our most loyal and dedicated members needs, at least we hope their tokens go to models we think are cool.
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Models attitudes towards each other depend on the site they work on.

MFC has few members that each tip a bunch and expect a lot of personal attention from the models they tip. When I cammed there I did expect my hardcore members to tip me exclusively or to tip me the majority of their tokens. The reality is a model’s time and energy for 1 on 1 attention is limited so she needs to make sure she is spending it wisely. MFC also did not have an affiliate program for most of the time I crammed there and now that they are back to it they are doing it through a CPA network where shaving happens.

Chaturbate has massive traffic of members who tip nicely and have little expectations from the models they tip. The fact that there is no camscore means that models aren’t competing against each other so if a member tips another model he is not hurting you by doing it, your cam score or your chances at a Miss Website contest. So models are more likely to promote each other in this manner. Their affiliate program is also bomb so many models use it and understand that it also benefits them when members spend sitewide.

Personally I have promoted model “friends” in the past and there isn’t a single instance in which it has ended well. The first time was on MFC and I was way naive, the model I was helping was new and she tried to poach my regulars behind my back eventually making one of my regulars switch to tipping her exclusively. This after doing things for her no other model would do.

Then on Chaturbate there was a model who looked up to me a great deal and I liked her too. She would visit me and tip a ton, In response I did the same to her. She copied my show and I didn’t mind until one day she simply stopped talking to me, stopped visiting me, and when a member brought my name up in her room she silenced him. I created my twitter account and she didn’t follow me even when I know she is obsessed with watching my shows because she is still stealing ideas from my latest ones.

For this reason I have never been able to make model friends.. eventually they all turn on you even if you actively promote them to your members with no ulterior motive, even if you are nice and kind and do everything right. In the end this is a business and you should keep competition out.
I'm on a private based site but I'm forever telling members about models that do shows I don't do or that have toys similar to mine that they like. Or models similar to me that have videos when guys ask about vids.

I might feel different on a site like MFC but on SM I already know guys are visiting other models and if I lose a regular another will come along. Sad to see them go but that's the reality on private based sites.
I'm on a private based site but I'm forever telling members about models that do shows I don't do or that have toys similar to mine that they like. Or models similar to me that have videos when guys ask about vids.

I might feel different on a site like MFC but on SM I already know guys are visiting other models and if I lose a regular another will come along. Sad to see them go but that's the reality on private based sites.
This is how I feel too.

I have a little list of the models I know that do some certain shows I don't and that sell vids through sm because I don't as I can't stand the way they make us sell them now aha.

I don't even get that many repeat customers on SM mostly new guys for me and that's like 1.5 years on the site now. So if a guy moves on from me, no big deal in my eyes.

I will also retweet models that are online some times because I often have to take quite a few days off with my young baby haha
I'm part of a group on Twitter that shares tweets we'd like each other to rt, as a method of combatting the lack of exposure due to shadowbanning. I also rt occasional ads I see of models I follow, especially if the ad makes me go "ooh".
I am coming from a clip makers perspective.

I do not promote or publicly associate with many gals. Because I don't cam promotion and association is just through social media.

Too many gals have said something that makes me not want to be associated with them on social media so I avoid promoting or making it look like I have a connection with most gals. I feel like if I promote them I may be tied to things I don't agree with. I will publicly engage with gals if it's someone I have been familiar with for some time because I feel I have had time to get to know them and they won't do or say anything that could damage my brand but unknown gals defs not.

If someone asked me for a clip that I don't do I will however recommend a gal I know who may produce a particular type of content.
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Not camming. I just retweet girls I like mostly. When I cammed on MFC, I brought up girls I liked. The danger in that is that some members feel the need to disagree when you say a girl is awesome. It can bring accidental, weird negativity to the room. After learning that, I'd mention girls to members if I knew they fit their type. I am the least competitive human on the planet. I like seeing people get money. :blush:
My friend actually got me into camming and I know a few other people personally who cam. I'm online pretty frequently doing G/G shows with the one friend, and we promote each other. I haven't had a lot of opportunities to mention other cam models and I don't go out of my way to promote others but if it comes up I'm definitely willing. I'm competitive, but I like friendly competition and celebrating others' success.
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I'm gonna make an example of the time Lucy (ittybits_xo on Twitter) and I both appeared in Flora's (FloraxRodgers on Twitter) camroom and were both tipping and then all 3 of us had a big ol' gay moment of blubbering about how cute each other is. I know that at least Lucy and I talk about other models while on cam in a "holy-shit-I-have-a-raging-heart-on-for-this-babe" way, we can't contain it.
We definitely also flubber over models on Twitter/Tumblr/DMs and then others join in and it's wonderful and positive.

But that's just me, I absolutely do respect people that don't promote/RT others- they're here to make money, not give free promotion to others and if it wasn't for the welcoming, gay, loving side of the community that I've found- I'd probably be the same.
Im always being recommended to other members by models, so I try to give back and do the same. If a member asks for something paticular that I don't offer, I politely ask them to wait and see if I can recommend any models. We have a couple threads over in MO were we list our expertise where I can source. I also try to rt models regurarly on my Twitter.

I don't get why people get so possessive of their clientale. I've had online findommes go after me and get bitter because I posted a tip from one of their subs. Bitch be mad at him, not me.
Client here. I found my favorite model while she was doing a 2 girl show in a different model's room, otherwise I probably wouldn't have found her since she's only on 2-3 hours max a day now.
I used to promote a lot of my model friends, & have even cammed & done certain private shows & other engagements with them, but I always got fucked over in the end.

I know this can work well for a lot of ladies, but honestly, I make a lot more money now, because I only focus on myself.

It can be a lot of fun working with others, etc just have to make sure everyone is on the same page.

In the past, I’ve mentioned friends on MFC, & even offered something if they’d tip my friend, etc but I would always get guys who would shit talk, or feel the need to compare us both, which can really bring the fun down.
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Honestly, I have a lot of models I've added to my friends list just because I think they are absolutely stunning! If I weren't so shy about chatting up women I would totally reach out to them and let them know. I do gush over some of those girls while I'm in my room, and I will let me room know who I'm "getting distracted by". They have been absolutely great about it and so far no one has caused any trouble. We have fun chatting about my crushes, and they all know by now how I have a weakness for redheads. :shame:
I wish I felt more comfortable approaching other models- and that I wouldn't make the model feel uncomfortable if I did try to connect.
I want to connect with other models but am very... leary! I have two that come in my room and tip and chat, but I'm not often able to go to their rooms because they stream when I'm sleeping lol

I have tried to visit their rooms a few times and create conversation and tip ect. But I'm not able to tip much and that makes me feel guilty..

And I also struggle with the fact when I go to their rooms they always have maybe 10-15 viewers max and I feel badly because I usually have anywhere between 40-200 viewers... If that makes sense

Last night I went to one guys room who frequents mine and tips/pvts me often and he had another woman saying she loved him ect ect... so I just said hi, that I wanted to stop by and left then I checked her page and she has over 20 thousand followers and felt bad about my measly 2700 followers
I want to connect with other models but am very... leary! I have two that come in my room and tip and chat, but I'm not often able to go to their rooms because they stream when I'm sleeping lol

SAME. I also have the problem of wanting to collab with fellow cam girls, but I'm still pretty new so that's not really an option.
I'm quite passionate about promoting other models. So much so, I created an entire website ( as well as Twitter promo accounts to better do this.

However, this promotion is clearly is done on that account and website and not my own personal Twitter or cam room. I want to give models a platform so the right customers can find them as oppose to me personally referring them where it's more likely the customers engaged with me are enjoying me and my style.

This is also female domination stuff so that could perhaps differentiate this situation from other ones.
SAME. I also have the problem of wanting to collab with fellow cam girls, but I'm still pretty new so that's not really an option.

I don't even understand how collaboration works! Lol and I hate that I'm always suspicious now when women enter my room... it's a sucky feeling . But I give every one the benefit of the doubt as much as I can. It's sad that we should be building each other up and not tearing each other down
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Honestly, I have a lot of models I've added to my friends list just because I think they are absolutely stunning! If I weren't so shy about chatting up women I would totally reach out to them and let them know. I do gush over some of those girls while I'm in my room, and I will let me room know who I'm "getting distracted by". They have been absolutely great about it and so far no one has caused any trouble. We have fun chatting about my crushes, and they all know by now how I have a weakness for redheads. :shame:
I wish I felt more comfortable approaching other models- and that I wouldn't make the model feel uncomfortable if I did try to connect.
Soph I agree as I love certain girls together if they feel that they're the right fit for each other as I know as well that if you & another model do well together I'm all for it as I'm speaking to you as a friend because you & I have really gelled well together the last several months too.
I am really curious for this.

I understand a lot of models don't like their fans/customers/members going to other rooms. They simply want them all to themselves. I fully get that, I am sure we all do - money is the whole point.. I also understand there are models who are like this but that also understand the users will go to other rooms and spend money (especially if you're not online when they are on and horny).

I definitely see some models talking about and promoting other models they are actual friends (either just through the cam site, social media, or have actually met in real life also due to camming) with. Not just randomly bringing model names up in their room, but most likely it comes up somehow in conversation, so the model may say "oh yeah she is really great, she does fantastic [type of show]" or whatever else. Like, there are a group of English models that I visit, who all happily promote each other if it comes up - so it's a good little support group/network for it.

What are your thoughts on promoting other models in your room or on your social media? Are you friends with lots of models, only a few models (just 1) or none at all? Do you keep yourself to yourself and stay away from interacting with other models out of fear for some reason? Maybe you only promote/mention smaller models because you understand they need more help?

I was also thinking/wondering, do models affiliate with each other? If you remember, websites used to create little affiliate icons and banners and link to each other - do any of you do anything like that?
Excellent topic Brett as I have set rules for myself as I have many friends on MFC but what I do is that i keep as low of a profile as it is as I will promote models in the lounge an area that's for premium members only as If I go into a model's room I only talk about them as that's standard procedure for me as I love the real friends I have here but know what's appropriate & what's not. If a model brings up another model I know especially if its good vibes I will be there to promote the other girl that the model is talking about
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