So I've always wanted to try pole dancing, but I don't dance. I was thinking about buying a pole and watching some YouTube tutorials, but what do you ladies think of doing it in a show?
Have you considered going to a pole dancing aerobics class?
It's probable cheaper then buying a real pole and mats. Plus your going to get an instructor who should know what their doing. There are real risks involved in pole dancing. You really want some one to tell you if your doing it wrong; Because you can have a life altering injury.
Thank you so much! I plan on taking the class when I get the money. I appreciate it!Be extremely careful. If you just want to dance around it, but not swing or do tricks, then a fairly cheap pole will be fine. Like literally dance around the pole and don't put any weight on it. See youtube for "pole fail" videos.
If you want to be safe and really get into dancing/spins/tricks, TAKE A CLASS. Even if you only do one month. It will give you the basics and make sure you aren't doing any bad habits thay can cause injury.
Pole dancing is hard, but it is a lot of fun! It is also dangerous, especially learning new tricks on your own.
If you want a pole for at home, I would invest in an x-pole, which is going to cost you around $500 IIRC. I have one, and it's amazing, but I didn't buy it until after a few months of classes.
Tl;Dr: don't buy a cheap pole, take classes, be safe
X-poles don't cost $500? I think I got mine for ~$200.
I honestly don't know if I could stand taking a pole standing class. That entire environment is ridiculously whorephobic.