AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Plushies (and other items) on CB

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.


Aug 13, 2024
I asked Chaturbate support about including some specific items in my streams and got mostly a canned response. I replied asking for more specifics, and I'll update this thread if/when I get them, but their response about stuffed animals was a little worrying. I've had a couple stuffed animals in the background of my stream since I started, and I've also seen SEVERAL other streamers with plush toys, teddy bears, etc. in the background. Is this not allowed? Has anyone had an issue with plush toys specifically?

For context, my question and their response:
I didn't actually ask about masks (although I do wear a COVID protection-style face mask on stream sometimes) so I'm guessing that's just part of the boilerplate lol.
Sounds pretty straight forward to me.
I... apologize, because it's not straightforward to me, that's why I asked. I asked "Are plush toys allowed in backgrounds and has anyone ever had issues with them, yes or no?" and I don't see that answer anywhere. Can you tell me where you're seeing it?
Tbh Chaturbate's "don't look like a minor" rule really seems to not be defined by anything other than Vibes, which is why I wanted clarification for specific items. They gave me a specific okay on tentacle-shaped dildos in the same email so I don't see why I couldn't get a simple yes or no for my other questions.
Tbh Chaturbate's "don't look like a minor" rule really seems to not be defined by anything other than Vibes, which is why I wanted clarification for specific items. They gave me a specific okay on tentacle-shaped dildos in the same email so I don't see why I couldn't get a simple yes or no for my other questions.
Because they are not yes or no questions, they are "it depends" questions. It's going to depend on the design of the room, how you portray yourself etc, if everything gives the vibe that you might be underage then it wouldnt be allowed, but if you are looking like you are in your 40's then there wouldnt be the same issue with plushies, its not a clear cut yes or no because it's about the overall aesthetic that you present on cam.

If you want a definitive yes or no, you could email them with pictures of the room setup, how you are on cam, and the plushies you want in the room and ask it as a more specific question.
You asked if you could have plush toys on cam and they said no in a very detailed way.
Because they are not yes or no questions, they are "it depends" questions. It's going to depend on the design of the room, how you portray yourself etc, if everything gives the vibe that you might be underage then it wouldnt be allowed, but if you are looking like you are in your 40's then there wouldnt be the same issue with plushies, its not a clear cut yes or no because it's about the overall aesthetic that you present on cam.
You asked if you could have plush toys on cam and they said no in a very detailed way.

See, the fact you both agreed this was "pretty straightforward" but actually didn't agree about what their answer meant confirms my point that it wasn't, in fact, straightforward.

I did reach back out to them asking for further clarification and I'll wait on that, but I was wondering specifically about plushies since they just seem to show up very commonly. I'm a younger guy but I don't think I look like a teenager, though god knows what Chaturbate is smoking when they decide to ban people under this policy so I want to play it safe. The idea of banning someone who you have confirmation in the form of legal documents is an adult because they "look like a minor" is asinine to me, but it is what it is.
See, the fact you both agreed this was "pretty straightforward" but actually didn't agree about what their answer meant confirms my point that it wasn't, in fact, straightforward.

I did reach back out to them asking for further clarification and I'll wait on that, but I was wondering specifically about plushies since they just seem to show up very commonly. I'm a younger guy but I don't think I look like a teenager, though god knows what Chaturbate is smoking when they decide to ban people under this policy so I want to play it safe. The idea of banning someone who you have confirmation in the form of legal documents is an adult because they "look like a minor" is asinine to me, but it is what it is.
It is pretty straight forward, you cant be seen to be trying to or have the aesthetic of a minor.

ETA: I think there's a difference in what constitutes a plushie, not necessarily a disagreement in what they said. Personally I wouldnt think teddy bear and stuffed animals with the word plushie. I mean technically I guess they are but when I hear the word plushie I think like anime character plushies.
It is pretty straight forward, you cant be seen to be trying to or have the aesthetic of a minor.
What is "the aesthetic of a minor?" Am I allowed to have a poster of a dinosaur? Of space? Am I allowed to wear bright colors or fun clothes or should I be strictly either naked or business casual to avoid being seen as wearing "children's accessories?" Should I hide the fact I have acne, which many adults have, just because it's associated with teenagers?

It's a dumb and poorly-defined policy. I think we have every right to think so.
What is "the aesthetic of a minor?" Am I allowed to have a poster of a dinosaur? Of space? Am I allowed to wear bright colors or fun clothes or should I be strictly either naked or business casual to avoid being seen as wearing "children's accessories?" Should I hide the fact I have acne, which many adults have, just because it's associated with teenagers?

It's a dumb and poorly-defined policy. I think we have every right to think so.
It's really not, if you look like you are trying to portray yourself as a minor then it's an issue. Not so sure what's hard to understand about that tbh
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For the record, my aesthetic is mainly to do with otaku/"kawaii" stuff since I'm into anime and I think it fits some of the audience for twink/femboy models. I'm not trying to portray myself as a minor, I'm trying to portray myself as a fucking weeaboo.

It's really not, if you look like you are trying to portray yourself as a minor then it's an issue. Not so sure what's hard to understand about that tbh

People keep saying "portray yourself as a minor" over and over again in this and other threads but no one can actually explain what that means. To me "portraying yourself as a minor" is telling people, specifically, that you're under 18, or wearing specific ageplay accessories like diapers or bonnets. I would never in a million years associate catboy/girl or maid cosplay with children, and pretty much all my adult friends own some kind of plush toys/stuffed animals.
@cboycotton from the verbiage on your CB profile and the way you portray yourself in images, I am feeling like you’re trying to find a way AROUND the rule about not portraying a minor.

CB is not going to be more specific with you than they have, and their reply already indicates that having plushies on screen could very well imply (in their view) that you’re trying to portray a minor.
For the record, my aesthetic is mainly to do with otaku/"kawaii" stuff since I'm into anime and I think it fits some of the audience for twink/femboy models. I'm not trying to portray myself as a minor, I'm trying to portray myself as a fucking weeaboo
Ok, just add that into my reply above. Since you’re trying to portray this genre, which already has strong portrayal of minors, same same.
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To me "portraying yourself as a minor" is telling people, specifically, that you're under 18, or wearing specific ageplay accessories like diapers or bonnets.
And here lies the problem. You don’t define it the same way people who run adult sites have to in order to stay above board.

You’re gonna have to dial it way back in order to not catch a ban.
Ok, just add that into my reply above. Since you’re trying to portray this genre, which already has strong portrayal of minors, same same.
I'm... not sure what this means. Are you saying because anime is targeted at kids (not necessarily true), or that there are underage characters in anime (I guess) it wouldn't be allowed? Plenty of adult characters in anime do wear maid outfits, my concern with that was honestly that it might be considered a "service uniform." Or maybe you think all anime fans are creeps, which I understand and I'd probably be talking to a wall if I said "we're not all like that" lol

And here lies the problem. You don’t define it the same way people who run adult sites have to in order to stay above board.
Do sites other than CB have this "don't look like a minor" rule? I feel like I've really only seen posts on here regarding that policy on CB, but it might just be that more CB users are coming here about bans/suspensions. And my point is that I think they SHOULD define it, at all, because it's open to interpretation and they don't define it clearly.
I'm... not sure what this means. Are you saying because anime is targeted at kids (not necessarily true), or that there are underage characters in anime (I guess) it wouldn't be allowed? Plenty of adult characters in anime do wear maid outfits, my concern with that was honestly that it might be considered a "service uniform." Or maybe you think all anime fans are creeps, which I understand and I'd probably be talking to a wall if I said "we're not all like that" lol

Do sites other than CB have this "don't look like a minor" rule? I feel like I've really only seen posts on here regarding that policy on CB, but it might just be that more CB users are coming here about bans/suspensions. And my point is that I think they SHOULD define it, at all, because it's open to interpretation and they don't define it clearly.
You're very young and I understand you think that there should be some bullet point by bullet point outline of what is allowed and what isn't allowed in terms of items or descriptions.

But the fact is, the laws are constantly changing and the verbiage is kept loose in order to cover their ass. You are but one in a sea of millions, you're not a top earner, your cam skills are very niche and have very strong undertones of underage role play. Period. I don't care how whimsical or fun you think it is, there are federal laws in play here and banning you is the equivalent of flicking a fly off a sandwich. Compliance is astoundingly easy. Just.don'

Oh and Marti and I having focused on two different aspects of your posts is evidentiary of nothing. We're two different people.
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You're very young and I understand you think that there should be some bullet point by bullet point outline of what is allowed and what isn't allowed in terms of items or descriptions.

But the fact is, the laws are constantly changing and the verbiage is kept loose in order to cover their ass. You are but one in a sea of millions, you're not a top earner, your cam skills are very niche and have very strong undertones of underage role play. Period. I don't care how whimsical or fun you think it is, there are federal laws in play here and banning you is the equivalent of flicking a fly off a sandwich. Compliance is astoundingly easy. Just.don'
I don't know why everyone here decided to use me asking what I thought was a simple yes or no question as an excuse to be assholes to me but I hope you're having fun.

I know I'm not as popular as you and will never be. But hey, congratulations on being a more popular cam model than someone with very niche interests not taking it very seriously. Genuinely happy for you that you've been able to make good money.

I asked BECAUSE I didn't want to run afoul of a rule I didn't understand, and if the answer had been "no, you're not allowed to have plush toys on cam" in plain text, I would have gotten rid of them. I didn't come here because I didn't get the answer I wanted, I came here because I didn't get a good answer at all and I thought people here would be more helpful. I'm sorry for liking cute outfits and toys and I'm sorry for believing people on the internet would ever have good intentions towards me.
I'm... not sure what this means. Are you saying because anime is targeted at kids (not necessarily true), or that there are underage characters in anime (I guess) it wouldn't be allowed? Plenty of adult characters in anime do wear maid outfits, my concern with that was honestly that it might be considered a "service uniform." Or maybe you think all anime fans are creeps, which I understand and I'd probably be talking to a wall if I said "we're not all like that" lol

Do sites other than CB have this "don't look like a minor" rule? I feel like I've really only seen posts on here regarding that policy on CB, but it might just be that more CB users are coming here about bans/suspensions. And my point is that I think they SHOULD define it, at all, because it's open to interpretation and they don't define it clearly.
otaku/kawaii characters are often very juvenile-like, speak with high voices, wear “loli” type clothing. Not all of anime is geared toward kids, but a lot of the characters IN anime have childlike aesthetic. Dressing like this wouldn’t necessarily be a “uniform” but easily falls under a costume/cosplay/items that portray a children’s character (which is directly stated in your support reply.)

Yes all sites have it in some form. I am 45 damn years old and I’ve had schoolgirl type content removed. And they cannot define it more than it already is, there has to be room for context and scenarios. But if you’re having to ask this many questions, you should assume that what you’d prefer to portray on camera is not going to be allowed there.
I don't know why everyone here decided to use me asking what I thought was a simple yes or no question as an excuse to be assholes to me but I hope you're having fun.

I know I'm not as popular as you and will never be. But hey, congratulations on being a more popular cam model than someone with very niche interests not taking it very seriously. Genuinely happy for you that you've been able to make good money.

I asked BECAUSE I didn't want to run afoul of a rule I didn't understand, and if the answer had been "no, you're not allowed to have plush toys on cam" in plain text, I would have gotten rid of them. I didn't come here because I didn't get the answer I wanted, I came here because I didn't get a good answer at all and I thought people here would be more helpful. I'm sorry for liking cute outfits and toys and I'm sorry for believing people on the internet would ever have good intentions towards me.
She’s not being an asshole to you just because she’s using blunt phrasing.
She’s not being an asshole to you just because she’s using blunt phrasing.
I get I'm a new person and you guys have known each other for a while but ignoring my question in favor of a snide, telling me I'm basically worthless (again, not untrue, but unnecessary considering I never claimed to be a big deal in any way), and gaslighting me about an email I'm reading with my own eyes is pretty shitty behavior and I think I have a right to feel condescended to. She's STILL claiming they did tell me no plush toys. They didn't. Read the email again.
I get I'm a new person and you guys have known each other for a while but ignoring my question in favor of a snide, telling me I'm basically worthless (again, not untrue, but unnecessary considering I never claimed to be a big deal in any way), and gaslighting me about an email I'm reading with my own eyes is pretty shitty behavior and I think I have a right to feel condescended to. She's STILL claiming they did tell me no plush toys. They didn't. Read the email again.
if you can't see her point in saying you aren't a top earner, it's not unnecessary for this topic at all, because the site will ban you faster than a top earner, and walking a grey-zone like this could easily land you a ban imo since you are not a top earner.. so very valid..

For what it says in the e-mail, I would avoid playing around with teddy bears, I would have a feeling it would come across as minor roleplay REAL fast even if you see it as a weeaboo thing.. and I honestly do not think they will care one bit how you word it, they will cover their ass..
I get I'm a new person and you guys have known each other for a while but ignoring my question in favor of a snide, telling me I'm basically worthless (again, not untrue, but unnecessary considering I never claimed to be a big deal in any way), and gaslighting me about an email I'm reading with my own eyes is pretty shitty behavior and I think I have a right to feel condescended to. She's STILL claiming they did tell me no plush toys. They didn't. Read the email again.
Stop playing like a victim and woe is me, it’s not helpful.

It’s funny to me you want blunt and to the point answers from CB support but when we give them to you, it’s an offense.

CB support told you that having children’s accessories visible on cam (plushies being one) could lead to you being in breach of ToS. You need to learn to better understand legal speak and realize that wording means if that’s found in conjunction with questionable costume, hair styles, etc will be seen as a breach.

I told you that it’s clear from your imagery and verbiage on profile that you’re already portraying yourself in a manner that’s questionable, so adding a plush to your backdrop would very clearly be what they are advising you against.
I'm... not sure what this means. Are you saying because anime is targeted at kids (not necessarily true), or that there are underage characters in anime (I guess) it wouldn't be allowed? Plenty of adult characters in anime do wear maid outfits, my concern with that was honestly that it might be considered a "service uniform." Or maybe you think all anime fans are creeps, which I understand and I'd probably be talking to a wall if I said "we're not all like that" lol

Do sites other than CB have this "don't look like a minor" rule? I feel like I've really only seen posts on here regarding that policy on CB, but it might just be that more CB users are coming here about bans/suspensions. And my point is that I think they SHOULD define it, at all, because it's open to interpretation and they don't define it clearly.
It's not a CB policy perse it's a policy of the U.S government which is the 18 USC 2257 and some other legal law which means that all adult websites must keep records of adult models (their age) no doubt that also includes "interpretation" of behavior and other "prerequisites".

If they "adult websites" allow models to behave in a manner that could or would be interpreted as encouraging underage sex then their licenses could be revoked by the U.S government. It means these adult websites must comply with strict modes of behavior and not allow depictions of anything that could be seen as encouraging under age sex.
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Anyway, I'm going to remove the plushies for now and await further response from CB, I'll see if I can send them set/outfit pics.

For the record, there are several streamers online right now in schoolgirl outfits, cat ears, and similar. It's basically the whole cosplay tag on the site. I asked about it because I've seen people on this site talk about getting banned for such outfits. I don't get why I should be ganged up on for trying to stay above board.
You're acting like they didn't tell you. They told you. They are not going to list every possible violation. These people are busy.

Also, if everyone jumped off a bridge into a rocky quarry would you jump as well? If it's not that serious to you then why does following the letter of the policy matter at all?

Do what you want, get the warning/ban and come back here asking for a reversal.

And my dude, the models on this site who take the time to comment at all have a combined 150+ years of experience in the industry across multiple platforms. We paved the way for you to be here at all. We know a thing or a thousand.
I don't know why everyone here decided to use me asking what I thought was a simple yes or no question as an excuse to be assholes to me but I hope you're having fun.

I know I'm not as popular as you and will never be. But hey, congratulations on being a more popular cam model than someone with very niche interests not taking it very seriously. Genuinely happy for you that you've been able to make good money.

I asked BECAUSE I didn't want to run afoul of a rule I didn't understand, and if the answer had been "no, you're not allowed to have plush toys on cam" in plain text, I would have gotten rid of them. I didn't come here because I didn't get the answer I wanted, I came here because I didn't get a good answer at all and I thought people here would be more helpful. I'm sorry for liking cute outfits and toys and I'm sorry for believing people on the internet would ever have good intentions towards me.
Par. (8)(D). Pub. L. 108–21, §502(a)(3), struck out subpar. (D) which read as follows: ‘‘such visual depiction is advertised, promoted, presented, described, or distributed in such a manner that conveys the impression that the material is or contains a visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct; and’’. Pars. (10), (11). Pub. L. 108–21, §502(c), added pars. (10) and (11).

Sexually explicit conduct has the meaning set forth in 18 U.S.C. 2256(2)(A).in such a manner that conveys the impression that the material is or contains a "visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct;" and’

As you can see above it explains what will not be allowed !
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Do what you want, get the warning/ban and come back here asking for a reversal.

And my dude, the models on this site who take the time to comment at all have a combined 150+ years of experience in the industry across multiple platforms. We paved the way for you to be here at all. We know a thing or a thousand.
This right here is big true. Those of us who’ve replied to you are taking the time out of our day for no reason other than to share our knowledge that we’ve gained over our many years in this industry and to be sure others who use the sites that we use are following rules since it is important to us, in order to keep the sites operating within legal requirements and not have credit card processors taken away.

If anything is condescending, it’s people who are new, shunning our comments just because it isn’t what they want to hear.