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Pimps in the Lounge and Lounge1000

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V.I.P. AmberLander
Mar 19, 2010
Does having a member mention a models name in the lounge actually help that model?
I think it depends what context it is in. And it depends who is saying it. I believe last year when I started, the lounge helped me, but only because I had the right attitude and personality. It didn't' hurt that I gave very cheap/free oil shows nearly nightly, and the loungers seem to LOVE them a free show. :)

If a person was to go in there and spam a girl's name and "pimp" her, I think it reflects a bit negatively on the model. If she is actually doing something fun or is a new girl who seems to be lively and interactive, subtly mentioning her in lounge could be a good thing.

That's my take on it. I was a lounger even before I was a model, pretty much, so I've been in there a fair share of time. I still frequent it at least once a week to scope out new girls and see what the weekly buzz is. There is some harsh conversation in there that I don't think many models would be able to handle, but we all know I've got a twisted sense of humor and a high tolerance for 'tardery. :mrgreen:
I don't think I have someone pimping me in the lounge. I may have but I am not aware. But personally I am not a huge fan of the lounge. Whenever I have gone in there it seems like a bunch of guys just picking apart every girl on the site no matter how hot she is. I have been called fat, buckteeth, horse mouth, etc etc by people in the lounge. So I try to stay out of it and not have people pimping me out in there.
One of my regular boytoys told me the lounge said I looked like Amy Adams. Made my day!!

Anything else I couldn't handle I don't think... I'm very self conscious. But he openly tells me when he talks about me on the lounge. The boys that come from it don't spend anything... but... I'm not too bugged by it. Makes me feel a little special to have someone looking after me :)
I'm in the lounge whenever a computer is on at home; and that can be all week day or night. I really don't care what people say about me but it's nice to hear what's going on with my favorite models. I can be on camera and hear that, say, Candied is having a goo show; then I can mute the camera, and take a peek without my room noticing too much.

Perving is fun yeah but I like seeing my friends having fun too.
Just a bit wary of the lounge. It can be a double edged sword. I had some guy volunteer to pimp me out. I told him no thanks because like someone said, I didn't want that to reflect badly me (make me seem like a desperate beggar) or attract anymore trolls than what I already get. He apparently did it anyway and came back to tell me he did. :woops: Jerk.

Monday was a good day though because of the lounge I guess. I had a user come in and they were like, "Hey, the Lounge says they think you're pretty chill and cute. How does that feel?" or something to that effect and I was like, "Oh! the Lounge thanks!" XD

I'd still rather not have anyone spam me out in there. Not a good look.
RufffRider said:
Does having a member mention a models name in the lounge actually help that model?

If done properly, it can. However, most of the tards in there seem to think the more you spam a model, the better it is for her. The bloobs are the worst, but even some of the guys that have been around for years are clueless.

FWIW, if I see the same person pimp a model more than once in the same screen frame, they win an instant iggy. A persistent pimp can actually hurt a model merely by negative association whether the model knows the twit or not.

Occasional and subtle mentioning of a model is the best way and if she's doing something special or extraordinary, she will be mentioned by several members.
If done right it can help.. My fiance sits in the lounge whenever I am on.. But he wont *pimp* me.. He actually browses other girls and points out anything "interesting" to the lounge.. The only time he will link me is when I am actually doing a public show or something that he thinks people would enjoy seeing. Nothing like the hordes of idiots who *go see XXX she will do this for 100 more tokens!!!".. Gotta love clicking a link when someone says how it's some awesome show and you look and the girl is sitting there staring at the screen looking bored as all hell. Linking when I am actually doing something can usually increase the # of people in my room by 100 or so who stick around till it's over.. If even ONE of them tips anything it's worth it IMO.
I don't pay much attention to the lounge, I pretend that it is in a black hole in another universe that I don't see or care about because honestly I'm sure they would probably not have very many nice things to say about me, so why bother acknowledging it's existence! ^_^
I hang out in lounge1000 a fair amount. If one of the regulars recommends a girl I'll go look. However, if it is a pimp I usually ignore. It is a good place to hang out if you aren't spending tokens, or your fav models aren't on.

The regular lounge can be a pretty brutal place and full of pimps.
Oh lord , i'm sure it can help but I had someone pimping me in the lounge last night and in other models rooms and I hate that , lounge is one thing though.Some guys just look to start trouble.Very rude when guys go in other models rooms and spam , thats what else he did.Very tacky
Pimping will get the pimp ignored and the model hidden. It helps no one, and in fact hurts the model. Might be a good idea to make it known that you will ban people for pimping you in the lounge needlessly. General rule I've heard is if they mention you 3 times in a row, they're ignored. Of course the exception to this is for really nasty models that you link to get people using autoclick to vomit.
Do not suffer the pimp, for he is unclean.
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