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Personality Survey Game

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Inactive Cam Model
Aug 30, 2012
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These are the questions I use when creating a character profile for members for entrance into the Pantheon and, I think, provide a well-rounded insight into a person's character. And I really like studying you people, tracking pheromone trails and writing notes in my Secret Logbook of Information. o.o


When you answer a question, you must answer with the number of words indicated by the number on the question. So like:

3. How much do you like ducks?
1. How much do you like ducks?

Every time you fill out the survey and post, go HERE and copypaste the number sequence (like 10, 8, 2, 1, etc...) at the bottom of your answers.

And the next person posting must answer according to that sequence. Such as:

8: What were you like as a child? I JUGGLED ALL OVER EVERY PONY I FOUND
2: Top 5 hobbies? JUGGLING, BALLS-
1: What was the saddest moment in your life? DROPPED.

THE QUESTIONS (I'm also placing the random numbers by the questions for convenience)

5 What were your parents like?
10 What were you like as a child?
3 Top 5 hobbies?
16 What was the saddest moment in your life?
4 What sort of people do you get along with best?
15 When have you been the most angry?
7 What are you most proud of?
9 What is your ultimate goal in life?
12 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
17 How do you deal with conflict?
11 Do you follow your heart or your head?
6 Are you hot or cold?
18 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
1 Do you take work environments seriously?
20 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?
19 Are you flighty?
2 Are you a happy person?
13 How do you want to die?
8 What are you most ashamed of?
14 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?

5, 10, 3, 16, 4, 15, 7, 9, 12, 17, 11, 6, 18, 1, 20, 19, 2, 13, 8, 14

If the rules are too complicated or you think you fucked it up somehow, it's okay, the point is just to assign numbers 1-20 randomly, and change it up for each person who answers. So just do that.
5 What were your parents like?
Good people, I can't complain.

10 What were you like as a child?
Youngest. The good one. Quiet. Book reader. Independent. Thinker. Loner.

3 Top 5 hobbies?
All the standards.

16 What was the saddest moment in your life?
Seeing my dad cry for the first time the night mom died of a heart attack.

4 What sort of people do you get along with best?
Anonymous ones from websites.

15 When have you been the most angry?
Day my dog came hobbling home on three legs because neighbor shot and shattered one.

7 What are you most proud of?
Creative way I got even with neighbor.

9 What is your ultimate goal in life?
No goal. We live until we die. Nothing matters.

12 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
Nope. I still prepare for surviving it. Just another way to die.

17 How do you deal with conflict?
Quietly plan a revenge for months later so no one will link the event back to me.

11 Do you follow your heart or your head?
Follow my head. I think through all decisions thoroughly before acting.

6 Are you hot or cold?
AC is on, so i'm cold.

18 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
Yes. This is rest of the words to fill out the response that was summed up by yes.

1 Do you take work environments seriously?

20 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?
Guessing gothic is on the 1 side, so i'd have to go with a solid 3.14 because I like Pi.

19 Are you flighty?
Oh my GOD 19 words to say I'm not flighty. Geez the luck I have. Wait, what was I saying?

2 Are you a happy person?
Define 'Happy?'

13 How do you want to die?
In my sleep, suddenly. Preferably after getting laid by a big tittied woman.

8 What are you most ashamed of?
This shall not be divulged. Sorry about that.

14 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
V from V for Vendetta. Governments should be afraid of their people. Good message.


2 What were your parents like?
3 What were you like as a child?
13 Top 5 hobbies?
14 What was the saddest moment in your life?
18 What sort of people do you get along with best?
10 When have you been the most angry?
19 What are you most proud of?
4 What is your ultimate goal in life?
8 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
20 How do you deal with conflict?
17 Do you follow your heart or your head?
5 Are you hot or cold?
9 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
16 Do you take work environments seriously?
1 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?
7 Are you flighty?
12 Are you a happy person?
15 How do you want to die?
11 What are you most ashamed of?
6 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
2 What were your parents like?
Caring, selfless

3 What were you like as a child?
Spoilt little shit

13 Top 5 hobbies?
Playing guitar, going to see live music, listening to music, writing, computer games

14 What was the saddest moment in your life?
My grandmother dying. Though the most I've ever cried was when our cat died.

18 What sort of people do you get along with best?
People with similar interests. People who are similarly socially awkward. I dislike people who are loud and obnoxious.

10 When have you been the most angry?
Reading about people's lives being ruined or ended over nothing.

19 What are you most proud of?
I like to think I'm a pretty tolerant, non-judgemental, progressive dood. I'm also proud of my Journalism Degree.

4 What is your ultimate goal in life?
To lead a happy existence

8 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
Nah, it kinda scares me. Doesn't sound fun.

20 How do you deal with conflict?
I tend to avoid it altogether. I've never been in a fight. I tend to only socialise with like-minded people.

17 Do you follow your heart or your head?
I'm pretty pragmatic. That said, if I could go back, there's alot of things I'd do differently.

5 Are you hot or cold?
Right now I'm kinda warm.

9 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
Nah, my new-found wealth would be impossible to enjoy.

16 Do you take work environments seriously?
Not sure I understand the question. As long as working conditions are reasonable, it's all good.

1 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?

7 Are you flighty?
I don't think so. Others might disagree.

12 Are you a happy person?
There's things about my life I'd like to change for the better.

15 How do you want to die?
In my sleep, when I'm old and after I've accomplished everything I want to accomplish.

11 What are you most ashamed of?
I feel like I should have accomplished much more than I have.

6 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
Maybe The Dude. The Dude abides.

New numbers, same questions cos I'm lazy and this post has already eaten up about half an hour :)

6 What were your parents like?
19 What were you like as a child?
5 Top 5 hobbies?
10 What was the saddest moment in your life?
9 What sort of people do you get along with best?
11 When have you been the most angry?
4 What are you most proud of?
17 What is your ultimate goal in life?
8 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
12 How do you deal with conflict?
3 Do you follow your heart or your head?
2 Are you hot or cold?
13 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
14 Do you take work environments seriously?
1 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?
7 Are you flighty?
15 Are you a happy person?
16 How do you want to die?
18 What are you most ashamed of?
20 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
6 What were your parents like?
Mom- bipolar Jehovah's Witness... Dad- Heroic

19 What were you like as a child?
I was always the shy outcast in school, but at home I was loud and obnoxious. Loved to read.

5 Top 5 hobbies?
Animals, Gardening, Reading, Eating, Sleeping, Sexing

10 What was the saddest moment in your life?
When I had a miscarriage. Still makes me cry sometimes.

9 What sort of people do you get along with best?
Selfless people who help others and change the world.

11 When have you been the most angry?
When I hear about/see proof children or animals being abused.

4 What are you most proud of?
Helping to create change.

17 What is your ultimate goal in life?
Leaving such an impact on the world that people remember what you did, not who you were.

8 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
No, I think 'tis more glamorous in movies.

12 How do you deal with conflict?
Usually just avoid the situation. I tend to give second chances easily.

3 Do you follow your heart or your head?
About 50/50.

2 Are you hot or cold?
Always cold.

13 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
Never. Money doesn't last forever, but the memory of killing innocent people would.

14 Do you take work environments seriously?
I really don't understand what you mean. I take work projects/rules/etc seriously.

1 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?

7 Are you flighty?
Not usually. I stick to my promises.

15 Are you a happy person?
Very much. Life is better and you're more successful if you have a positive outlook.

16 How do you want to die?
Doing something that makes me happy. Perhaps chasing a dream, completing a personal quest, drinking coffee.

18 What are you most ashamed of?
My deepest secrets. They make me worry that I am really selfish inside. My subconscious scares me sometimes.

20 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
Such a hard question!! It's probably Horton the elephant (from Horton Hears a Who) because he knows every person matters.

New numbers!

20 What were your parents like?
6 What were you like as a child?
9 Top 5 hobbies?
2 What was the saddest moment in your life?
14 What sort of people do you get along with best?
4 When have you been the most angry?
1 What are you most proud of?
7 What is your ultimate goal in life?
13 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
10 How do you deal with conflict?
17 Do you follow your heart or your head?
15 Are you hot or cold?
19 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
3 Do you take work environments seriously?
16 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?
12 Are you flighty?
5 Are you a happy person?
11 How do you want to die?
8 What are you most ashamed of?
18 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
20 What were your parents like?
Mom-Business woman, Education, Money/Status, and culture mean everything. Father-Imprisoned for the first 14 year of my life.

6 What were you like as a child?
Uncontrollable, Violent, Manipulative, Curious, Attention Seeking

9 Top 5 hobbies?
Movies, Going to the theatre, Clubbing, Tabletop/Card Games

2 What was the saddest moment in your life?
Waiting for....

14 What sort of people do you get along with best?
Opinionated, aggressive, honest, talkative, trustworthy, funny, open, energetic, sarcastic, confident, caring, goofy, positive people :)

4 When have you been the most angry?
Age 2 to 11

1 What are you most proud of?

7 What is your ultimate goal in life?
To Finish this survey without killing myself

13 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
No it does not excite me, it does not even remotely excite me.

10 How do you deal with conflict?
I try to be calm cool and collected. Not always.

17 Do you follow your heart or your head?
would love to say I follow my head--good part of the time I do, not always

15 Are you hot or cold?
I have always ran hot since I was a child. However, currently I am cold.

19 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
Oh Yes. Does that make me a bad person? Because honestly if it does...I am ok with that.

3 Do you take work environments seriously?
eh, a little

16 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?
I have no idea what this question even means, even powerful google could not help me.

12 Are you flighty?
I fly a lot, is a lot one word or two words?

5 Are you a happy person?
Now, more then ever yes

11 How do you want to die?
In a giant pile of incredible cute and cuddly stuffed animals

8 What are you most ashamed of?
Still not being finished with his survey yet

18 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
Cera (Land Before Time) Very much reminds me of who i was when I was a little girl.

2 What were your parents like?
16 What were you like as a child?
20 Top 5 hobbies?
12 What was the saddest moment in your life?
6 What sort of people do you get along with best?
18 When have you been the most angry?
15 What are you most proud of?
4 What is your ultimate goal in life?
7 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
14 How do you deal with conflict?
3 Do you follow your heart or your head?
11 Are you hot or cold?
8 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
5 Do you take work environments seriously?
1 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?
9 Are you flighty?
17 Are you a happy person?
10 How do you want to die?
19 What are you most ashamed of?
13 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
2 What were your parents like?
Human beings.

16 What were you like as a child?
Always making up games. Read heavily. Shy yet made friends easily. Well behaved. Easily discouraged. Geek.

20 Top 5 hobbies?
Tabletop roleplaying games. Painting miniatures and building things for wargames. Sometimes playing them too! Reading. Hanging out in Iris's room.

12 What was the saddest moment in your life?
I've had so many. Picking one would seem to diminish the others.

6 What sort of people do you get along with best?
Simple, kind and honest ones, mostly.

18 When have you been the most angry?
What angers me the most is seeing someone humiliated or demeaned even if they somehow, "deserve it." Tuesday.

15 What are you most proud of?
Those occasions when my selflessness overcomes my selfishness. A spotty record but every bit counts.

4 What is your ultimate goal in life?
Live and die happy.

7 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
It excites my bowels, tell you what.

14 How do you deal with conflict?
I try to avoid it. If I can't, I deal badly. I forgive easily.

3 Do you follow your heart or your head?
Equal parts both.

11 Are you hot or cold?
Hot. Ambulatory radiator. I like hot weather. The cold bothers me.

8 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
Never. I'd rather die penniless in a ditch.

5 Do you take work environments seriously?
There are mouths to feed!

1 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?

9 Are you flighty?
I suppose I can be silly but responsible too.

17 Are you a happy person?
Happiness; I'm not a stranger to it but I'm also a deeply frustrated person! Seem mostly happy.

10 How do you want to die?
Quickly, suddenly, without preamble. In Iris's arms would be nice. :mrgreen:

19 What are you most ashamed of?
Too often letting fear and uncertainty rule the choices I make. All it does is hurt myself and others.

13 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
I've never really thought about it. Please don't make me choose a favorite!

18 What were your parents like?
14 What were you like as a child?
15 Top 5 hobbies
1 What was the saddest moment in your life?
13 What sort of people do you get along with best?
7 When have you been the most angry?
17 What are you most proud of?
20 What is your ultimate goal in life?
4 Does the thought of nuclear war excite you?
16 How do you deal with conflict?
3 Do you follow your heart or your head?
12 Are you hot or cold?
19 If you could press a button which killed a random person in the world but also gave you 1 million, would you do it? Ten people? 100?
8 Do you take work environments seriously?
6 Are your tastes more gothic or whimsical? On a scale of 1-10?
2 Are you flighty?
9 Are you a happy person?
5 How do you want to die?
11 What are you most ashamed of?
10 Who's your favorite fictional character and why?
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