Hit my second prestige! I want to claw my way out of gold and into plat this season but I don't think it's going to happen without a dedicated duo partner. Solo queue isn't treating me kindly.
I assumed the meta was still 2 tank 2 dps 2 heals... has that changed to 3 tanks?Haven't been playing much since the start of S3, this damn tank heavy meta grinds my gears! Thankfully the new patch is going to push back in the right direction of rewarding skills and awareness, I think the dive comp is going to make a comeback as well! *fingers crossed*
I actually just picked up Overwatch a few months ago. I've never played a FPS game before really, but I've been enjoying it so much!! The character design is amazing. I agree about competitive not being as fun as unranked play - why did Blizzard make a game all about changing team composition, then have the ladder system penalize you for playing characters you're not as familiar with? It is a mystery.
I think you should be decent enough in at least 2 players in each class before playing Competitive. Personally, I play D.Va / Roadhog for tank, Lucio / Mercy for heals, and Soldier for DPS (don't have two here, because let's be real, I'm never gonna get to play DPS in Comp.)
Quick Play is the area to get familiar with a character, not Competitive. Now that Orisa is live in competitive I'm getting kind of annoyed because I don't think anyone has enough experience with her to play her in ranked.
I'd play with you! .. but I only have Overrwatch on Ps4 :/ ... any PS4 models out there?Is this thread dead? Haha If any model want to add me on Bnet to play some Overwatch let me know! :3