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He's mostly a symbol to the US. He's not really leading anything anymore. This is really an issue of morale. Sure it's great news, but it doesn't really mean much unless for some reason it makes all those people suddenly not hate America.
The sad part is that they have trained children as young as 11 to become suicide bombers... what he has created unfortunately will not end with his death... but this is defiantly a HUGE FUCK YEAH!!!!
It's a good thing they didn't capture him alive. Could you imagine how many hostage situations there would have been with terrorists demanding Osama's release?
I just want to say a huge Thank You to all the men and women that server our country. Without them this would not be possible, they continuously put there life on the line day after day so that we can have the right to do the things we do, the freedom we have and the life we live! Our country wouldnt be what it is today without them :clap:




I guess I had a brainfart cos I read the topic as "OBAMA WAS KILLED" and you guys were all going "fuck yeah!" and I was like wow you're a bunch of
I've never seen people celebrate the death of someone, not that I blame anyone but...kind of a hollow victory...I wish this changed something, but it doesn't.
Does this mean gas prices are going to go down? If not, then I really don't care.

Actually I do. How did he die? Natural Causes? Skiing accident? I know we can't take credit for it.
Mr_Wilde said:
Does this mean gas prices are going to go down? If not, then I really don't care.

Actually I do. How did he die? Natural Causes? Skiing accident? I know we can't take credit for it.

He took viagra and his erection lasted more than 4 hours and he tried to fap it away but he end up dying.
Douche bags. "Yay we just pissed off a whole lot of terrorists, let's celebrate and go dance in the street!!!!"
You're fucking asking for it!!! :woops:

Obligatory hippy quote... "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"
created? nyan osama wasnt first to use children for killing. in some african countries the kids are younger then 11 nyan osama didnt originate the idea of using children nyan
alexa7 said:
The sad part is that they have trained children as young as 11 to become suicide bombers... what he has created unfortunately will not end with his death... but this is defiantly a HUGE FUCK YEAH!!!!
XxXIndiXxX said:
Douche bags. "Yay we just pissed off a whole lot of terrorists, let's celebrate and go dance in the street!!!!"
You're fucking asking for it!!! :woops:

Obligatory hippy quote... "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

I agree. Craziness.

As well as the whole "YAY WE KILLED SOMEONE" thing. That's just wrong.
XxXIndiXxX said:
Douche bags. "Yay we just pissed off a whole lot of terrorists, let's celebrate and go dance in the street!!!!"
You're fucking asking for it!!! :woops:

THIS! If one of those celebrations got blown up ...would be tragic of course... and really well-played. Al Qaeda would only have to release a 3 word statement regarding the attack:

"LOL got you!"
So we can bring soldiers home from Iraq and Afghanistan now then, yes?

It is a symbolic victory, it may not change A LOT but seeing as this guy was the leading force behind the largest attack in the US why shouldn't people be happy?

Him and his men fired back against the troops, he resisted capture, a woman was used as a human shield from what I have read of what happened so can someone tell me the best case scenario of what could have happened that didn't include him being killed?
I dont think anyone was saying people shouldn't be happy exactly...or that they wouldn't expect people to be happy...just that it's never (to my knowledge) happened that someone was killed and people danced in the streets celebrating.

I know this is really probably a pretty sensitive topic but after the events of 911, taking 10 years and countless more lives to eliminate one guy is like the most pyhrric victory ever - symbolic or not.

The saddest thing, in my opinion, is that the acts he committed caused us and our governments to change the world in really fucked up ways. Can't carry a lighter onto a plane? Can't carry a bottle of water onto a plane? Long after the dust clears the legacy of living in an increasingly paranoid and controlled world remains..
LilyPink said:
XxXIndiXxX said:
Douche bags. "Yay we just pissed off a whole lot of terrorists, let's celebrate and go dance in the street!!!!"
You're fucking asking for it!!! :woops:

Obligatory hippy quote... "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind"

I agree. Craziness.

As well as the whole "YAY WE KILLED SOMEONE" thing. That's just wrong.

While 99% of the time I totally agree with you this may be the one exception. This is a man who has dedicated his life to the slaughter of innocent people. 3000 lives lost on 9/11. If his death gives those families even a moment of happiness then so be it.

I also don`t think we should be worried about pissing off terrorists. I am as liberal as they come, but this kind of thinking is why Republicans call us weak. We can`t give up on fighting terror because we are afraid of retribution. Besides, everything we do pisses these extremists off.

Although his death is mostly symbolic and will most likely have no effect, it is justice. If any one of us lost a child, parent, friend, exc on 9/11, we would want to see the person responsible pay, even if it is 10 years later. This is a huge win for these people and they should be able to sing and dance all they want.
I think that if you've ever stood at ground zero and saw what happened weeks after the planes hit... seeing "triage" written on buildings, dirt and debris still everywhere, along with all the heavy damage still done to buildings. If you've ever received news on Christmas that a very close friend was killed hours after he phoned home to wish his mother a merry Christmas then you would understand the feelings this gives our country. I myself am a military child, my father serving in the air force. I was delivered at the hands of a military doctor, I have cousins sitting waiting to be deployed. When you choose to go into the military you go in knowing you could be killed in combat. the people that fight for our country take pride in it, hell my grandfather fought in World War 2. If it weren't for wars like this, the world wouldn't be where it is now. Don't take this as me being all pro war, because i am not for it, and I do wish we could just all get along and live in peace and harmony but thats not how it panned out. I just need to take pride in my country and hold true to my beliefs. Sometimes without things like this there would never be progression and freedom, that is what we are fighting for. Yes america is in a terrible financial crisis, but as long as i am living and breathing, and my family is aswell, I have nothing to complain about.

I am not in my home today jumping for joy, I am more imposed with feelings of sadness because of all it took and what had to happen, and what has happened to this our country and this world... I look at my child and I hope that the actions that were carried out a few days ago make a much better world for him.

What is done is done, there is really no use for debate. sept 11th was wrong, and no 2 wrongs do not make a right... but to some justice has been served and allow those who have been effected to have closure. It may not make sense to you, but none of this has made sense since the day the towers went down.
Although his death is mostly symbolic and will most likely have no effect, it is justice. If any one of us lost a child, parent, friend, exc on 9/11, we would want to see the person responsible pay, even if it is 10 years later. This is a huge win for these people and they should be able to sing and dance all they want.

It's not justice. Does it bring the loved ones back? There is no justice. I hope no one complains when the innocent people who have lost family in the middle east dance and sing when they kill the soldiers who destroyed their loved ones.

Cassidy Nicole said:
I dont understand why people just automatically think that the war is going to be over and all, I think it is going to get a whole lot worse because we have probably woken up a sleeping beast.. The CIA already said that is was very possible for something to happen.

You're so right Cassidy, I don't understand either. SO many people think that this one person being killed ends it all, I just don't get how they don't realise it's not just one person behind it all.

I have to say guys, I'm probably coming across as really anti-American here. I'm not. The idea of ANYONES death being celebrated is disgusting. Just hate all the "YYEEHHAAAWWW WE GOT HIM, WE WON!" bullshit. I'm scared about what will happen next and the people partying and dancing around like idiots sure aren't doing anyone any favours.

urgh so much more I want to say on this but too mad and tired lol
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