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Once Upon a Time?

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Aug 25, 2012
I didn't see a thread for this, so I decided to make one (yes, I searched first! I'm learning. ;P )

Anyway, this has been my favorite show since its pilot. I love the darkness of it, the fun, the fantasy, the weird yet awesome twists! I even have part of the intro as my text tone.

I just can't seem to find other people who like it. I know they're out there.... maybe people are afraid to admit it? It does seem like one of those "guilty pleasure" type shows.
i watch it regularly (dvr ftw!) i mostly like what they do with it, its fast paced and engaging, plus they went back to some of the more horrific versions of some fairy tales. im very surprised how good the writing is overall, i thought it would end up being very disney cartoonish since its mostly based in disney mythos, but theyve got sam damn good writers. only complaint i have is one i always have with most good vs evil stories (harry potter too) evil isnt so cut and dried and good isnt always sparkly and clean, but OUAT still manages to give depth to its evil characters that surprises me at times, and shows weakness and faults in the heroes. overall one of the better shows of the last few years
Love it!!!!!! One of the few shows BJ and I will actually watch together. He because of the action scenes and me because I love anything fairy tale. It's such an awesome show!!! Ahhhh! :dance:
I think it's great....prefer it over Grimm all day long. Rumple is my favorite character...they did a fantastic job with him!
:hello2: Me too ! I love that kind of stuff... Grimm is also another one I watch.
I really enjoy this show too. I agree with SpecialK that they did a great job with Rumpelstiltskin ("they" definitely including the actor himself); my favorite character for sure.
Agreeing about Rumplestiltskin!! His character is just too awesome. BJ and I are both in complete agreement that he's, hand's down, our favorite character. There's just too many flaws in the others for us to get behind them. Rumple is just awesome.

Also, Grimm rocks too. We watch that also, though Once Upon A Time is definitely our preferred choice.
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I've watched half of the first season of Grimm. I really enjoy it, it's just sometimes too slow for me.

southsamurai said:
grimm is bad ass, but my fave of the fairy/fairy tale is Lost Girl. one part merry gentry, one part cheesy b movie and one part soap opera lol. just awesome sauce for me

What is Lost Girl about?
Lost girl is set in a world where faerie is ino ur world and the people/creatures who populate it are hidden in their own sub culture. the main heroine is a succubus who was raised by humans because her mother was sort of nuts and ran off with her ( oversimplification of the plot line there) she comes back as an adult who has no control over her power to drain life force through sex and intimate contact. she decides to live among her people but stay neutral between the two courts. a lot of the shows are her doing "detective" work for other fae, or humans who have interaction with them, with overall story arcs involving her family history, big bad evil, or similar. some of the acting can be a bit on the cheesy side occasionally, but the quality of directing and unique ideas in the writing make up for it when it happens.
I like Once Upon A Time. The rate at which things develop is, more often than not, very frustrating. But hey, it's J.J. Abrams.

I think Ginnifer Goodwin is just darling!
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I love Ginnifer too. Im also super happy they let her keep her real Pixie hair instead of making her wear a wig all the time. Shes very cute.

I havent seen season 2 at all yet but i fell in LOVE with it at season one for sure. I love what they have done with it so far.
I have only watched the first season (thank you netflix)
Love the show

I have to admit something...and I realize its silly of me..and yes I know it's ABC
But every single time someone dies...or a sword goes into them...or a dragon is killed...I'm just is the blood?
Why is there no blood on the knife?
Also--these pretty girls have these long long dresses and caps that are dragging on the floor...that never seem to get dirty.
Lol i always think of them getting dirty whenever i see them in movies and shows. When they run around in the woods im always like "Why doesnt it have a billion leaves and twigs stuck to it like in real life??"
Speaking of dirty *spoiler/sortof* it was weird catching Snow and Charming during sexy time, especially with Henry and Emma walking in :icon-lol:
CarinaChateau said:
Speaking of dirty *spoiler/sortof* it was weird catching Snow and Charming during sexy time, especially with Henry and Emma walking in :icon-lol:
I know! I was all... " :eek: :shock: :? Should I cover my eyes? This feels inappropriate. Wait...why am I feeling weird about a sex scene-not sex scene on tv? This feels like watching my parents have sex. :? I think I'm gonna fast forward or close my eyes now.... :snooty: "
I love this show! In the first season I thought the ending would be very predictable, but there's a surprising twist of the storyline all the time :)
Rose said:
CarinaChateau said:
Speaking of dirty *spoiler/sortof* it was weird catching Snow and Charming during sexy time, especially with Henry and Emma walking in :icon-lol:
I know! I was all... " :eek: :shock: :? Should I cover my eyes? This feels inappropriate. Wait...why am I feeling weird about a sex scene-not sex scene on tv? This feels like watching my parents have sex. :? I think I'm gonna fast forward or close my eyes now.... :snooty: "

Maybe because they're characters we grew up with as being innocent, and now we're seeing them as real people? xD
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I really enjoy this show and I do watch it every week, but I can't get super invested in it for some reason. I think maybe all my emotions are too caught up in Supernatural :lol:.

BUT, there is one absolute exception, and that is Mulan. Oh my GOD. She's not even been in it for ages recently, and I just want to watch a whole hour of Mulan. I don't even care if she's being fierce and badass, or if she's just sitting around chilling. Bring me ALL the Jamie Chung!!!

and then make her be my girlfriend, yes?
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I thought the premise was interesting, and watched the first few episodes. It was interesting, but I couldn't really get into it.
I tend to enjoy a series more when I can marathon a whole season, so I'll probably give it another shot one of these days when I don't already have so many shows I'm trying to follow.
I don't know if this show does the same, but it absolutely drives me up the wall when they break up a season. Three episodes, 2 weeks off, one new, a week off, 2 or 3 more new ones.... then a six month break. :angry4:
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emptiedglass said:
I don't know if this show does the same, but it absolutely drives me up the wall when they break up a season. Three episodes, 2 weeks off, one new, a week off, 2 or 3 more new ones.... then a six month break. :angry4:

YES!!! I swear this is just an American thing, I only started noticing it when I began following Supernatural and Glee in real time, rather than marathoning. WHY. Just, like, PLAN IN ADVANCE! Start filming earlier! Jeez.
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BeaWithMe said:
emptiedglass said:
I don't know if this show does the same, but it absolutely drives me up the wall when they break up a season. Three episodes, 2 weeks off, one new, a week off, 2 or 3 more new ones.... then a six month break. :angry4:

YES!!! I swear this is just an American thing, I only started noticing it when I began following Supernatural and Glee in real time, rather than marathoning. WHY. Just, like, PLAN IN ADVANCE! Start filming earlier! Jeez.

It seems to be a network thing. Shows like Homeland and Dexter don't do that. They give us the whole season, all in 12 (or whatever) consecutive weeks. I don't mind a shorter season if they'll run it all at once. Oh, and if the writing is actually decent, but that's another whole issue there.
The second season seems oddly slower to me. Could be cause there's no set arc, or that I watched all of S1 on DVD in a couple days.
southsamurai said:
ok i just watched the first episode that pissed me off severely, wont go into details for spoilers but dammit, that was some sucky ass writing is all i can say. too many easy outs. yeah its basically disney, but come on!

Are you talking about the newest episode with August that introduces Tamara? Because of so, you are NOT alone.
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Can't wait until the new season starts more month!!!

Was at a community even a few weekends ago and snapped this picture of a stripped down Captain Hooks Ship set...apparently they rig all the ropes before the shoot (the actual ship used for a few scenes was there as well but it has too many people in the photo)


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I assume the Wonderland spinoff starts around the same time. Though, the fact they're doing the "Alice is crazy" angle, again...
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