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ok so i haven see it before. so asking.

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our next holiday is Feb 1, Imbolc. Wiccans celebrate something based on Imbolc as one of the eight "Sabbats" in their Wheel of the Year, following Midwinter and preceding Ostara. In Wicca, Imbolc is commonly associated with the goddess Brigid and as such it is sometimes seen as a "women's holiday" with specific rites only for female members of a coven.Among Dianic Wiccans, Imbolc is the traditional time for initiations.

for me it a time I renew my bond with my goddesses, and honor all woman hood.
New Years stuff:

I can do a simple One-Two card pull to give you Direction/advice for the new year for free as I enjoy the practice. If you'd like one please DM me :)

One of my favourite readings to do in the new year is a full year spread where i lay out two cards to represent you, and your energy for the year and the energy that will be crossing your path, and then a card for every month, and finally an advice card. You can lay out further clarification cards on each month to go deeper into any troubling issues that pop up.

This reading takes about an hour and can be done on skype, email, or over the phone (US is fine, international I need a landline)
I charge $50 for my time to complete a reading like this. I got to do two today which was a lovely break from mindnumbing video uploading ...

I also have been in the habit each year of doing a new years ritual where i take all the gratitudes in my gratitude jar from the previous year, read them, burn them and then set my intentions for 2016. It's alway sa lovely experience going through big and little experiences ive written down and tucked into this jar every few days. Little moments i'd forgotten, and bigger ones that its worth remembering and being thankful for. Gratitude is a huge part of my spiritual practice and I love it!
I guess that I'm considered Pagan, but I mostly consider myself spiritual. Basically, I believe in reincarnation, and that we reincarnate to learn the things through experience that we ourselves chose before we came here.

I do celebrate a lot of Christian holidays though since I grew up with them, and it's an excuse to spend time with my family. Technically most Christian holidays also have Pagan ties though. *wink*

I'm starting to explore things a little more now. I bought some crystals the other day, and also smudged my house with white sage just yesterday for the first time. I don't care for the lingering smell, but I must say that I can feel the effects! Amazing!
I guess that I'm considered Pagan, but I mostly consider myself spiritual. Basically, I believe in reincarnation, and that we reincarnate to learn the things through experience that we ourselves chose before we came here.

I do celebrate a lot of Christian holidays though since I grew up with them, and it's an excuse to spend time with my family. Technically most Christian holidays also have Pagan ties though. *wink*

I'm starting to explore things a little more now. I bought some crystals the other day, and also smudged my house with white sage just yesterday for the first time. I don't care for the lingering smell, but I must say that I can feel the effects! Amazing!
I can respect that.
beware crystals are like lay;s potato chips you can have just one. heheh what did you and what are you needs for said crystal?
some basic crystal getting started:
Quartz is a good place to start very neutral price $
Amethyst: good enhancing stone for mental work price from $-$$$+
Hematite great for grounding and dumping energy in to price $-$$
I considered myself an eclectic pagan throughout most of my childhood and into my teens. I grew up practicing what you might call an earth-based or animistic religion.

These days, I'm not particularly spiritual at all and consider myself an atheist.
I considered myself an eclectic pagan throughout most of my childhood and into my teens. I grew up practicing what you might call an earth-based or animistic religion.

These days, I'm not particularly spiritual at all and consider myself an atheist.
while I respect your beliefs. I have seen and felt many things. raised roman catholic I was call years ago just deaf to what was being said. I have had to many "dreams" come true feeling out fo the blue do the same.
while I respect your beliefs. I have seen and felt many things. raised roman catholic I was call years ago just deaf to what was being said. I have had to many "dreams" come true feeling out fo the blue do the same.

I'm a bit confused by this reply to my post, to be honest. My disbelief in gods & lack of spiritually has nothing to do with what other people have experienced or not, nor is it meant to minimize those experiences. I was a practicing pagan for at least a decade and still appreciate the culture, it's just not a strong part of my personal identity anymore. :)
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I'm Neo Peganist which means I follow gods, religions, and traditions from many different religions. I feel I have a close connection with Hades but also with spirits however with many religions comes many superstitions. It's sometimes hard for people to keep up with all the things I ask them not to do lol. I also do believe in the power of voodoo but more towards the Santaria spectrum which isn't exactly Peganist but eh.
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I am a long time eclectic pagan. I'm a 2nd degree gardnerian initiate although I don't view myself as Wiccan, simply Pagan. I am undertaking graduate level research into the roots of modern Paganism, and have taught on various topics within this field over the last 10 years or so x
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I'm Neo Peganist which means I follow gods, religions, and traditions from many different religions. I feel I have a close connection with Hades but also with spirits however with many religions comes many superstitions. It's sometimes hard for people to keep up with all the things I ask them not to do lol. I also do believe in the power of voodoo but more towards the Santaria spectrum which isn't exactly Peganist but eh.
Hades is an interesting patron. may I ask of you work with Persephone?
so in about a month and a half we have Ostara. :
Ostara, or the Spring Equinox, is an enchanted borderland time outside of time where a magickal seam joins dark and light. From this moment on, the Sun ( for me Ra) begins his seminal journey across the sky. His light and warmth overtake the darkness of Winter until his power peaks at Summer Solstice in June.

Ostara is a time of new fire. The light and dark are in perfect balance, but the light is growing and the Sun is about to burst forth with new energy. It is a season of fertility and growth.
a time to part ways with the winter spirits in your life. a light purple or white candle. walk around your house/apartment. " the warmth of you companionship was welcome dear spirits, merry we part with promise to merrily meet again in the fall. to merry partings and merry meetings again" and bow out the candle.
this I a time to re- smudge with sage and invite spring and summer spirits. green and yellow candles new wild flowers should fill the house.

I also have been in the habit each year of doing a new years ritual where i take all the gratitudes in my gratitude jar from the previous year, read them, burn them and then set my intentions for 2016. It's alway sa lovely experience going through big and little experiences ive written down and tucked into this jar every few days. Little moments i'd forgotten, and bigger ones that its worth remembering and being thankful for. Gratitude is a huge part of my spiritual practice and I love it!

Gratitude is hugely important to building and maintaining an open and flexible outlook on life, and therefore, greater mental and spiritual health. It is an important part of mindfulness practice too. Love your ritual idea x
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Hades is an interesting patron. may I ask of you work with Persephone?

It is interesting because you get to worship in your own way since the Greeks thought to openly worship him was welcoming death of who I worship as well. I'm very strange and yes when you are trying to please Hades you should very well please his wife as well. Think of it like Catholics asking Mary to pray for them. You ask Persephone to put in good words for you to her husband. This can only be done in late fall or winter however so that is the draw back.
It is interesting because you get to worship in your own way since the Greeks thought to openly worship him was welcoming death of who I worship as well. I'm very strange and yes when you are trying to please Hades you should very well please his wife as well. Think of it like Catholics asking Mary to pray for them. You ask Persephone to put in good words for you to her husband. This can only be done in late fall or winter however so that is the draw back.
I get the same benefit with Isis and her hubby Osiris as well as her son Horus.
I don't know if anyone here uses sigils in their beliefs but I made a sigil today that I'm pretty pleased with. It's only the second one I've ever made but I feel like I'm already starting to get the hang of it. :3
Here's some pictures of the sigil and my process.
sigil charging 02.10.16.jpg finished sigil 02.10.16.jpg back of sigil 02.10.16.jpg sigil making 02.10.16.jpg
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one month to go to Ostara the equinox. a time of lighting the darkness leavening the cold behind.

I light a candle for spring
to guide it on its way.
I light a candle for winter
as we part our ways
I light a candle for my goddesses
to show I have not strayed.
I light a candle for you
in case you can not.
I light a candle for hope
a balance of night and day
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