AmberCutie's Forum
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Not being found out

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Ehhh kinda. VPNs are a common way around that. Most of my friends use one and they're not even super tech savvy (except us engineers obviously). You can use geo-blocking if it helps you feel safe but with the rise of VPNs they're not super effective anymore.

I'm as out as I'm comfortable with being at the moment. My important friends that I give a shit about finding out know--as does the family members I care about. Everyone else I'd rather them not find out, but if they do and they have a problem with it, I'll cross that bridge when we get there. The issues I'd have being completely out on a college campus is, like someone said, sexual assault or harassment. Plus, if you want to be faculty eventually with the past of having done sex work, I'd suggest making yourself the best candidate possible for any tenured job you apply for. Your grades are gonna need to be spotless. Same with your softs. Getting into a professorship is already a fight, with around only the top 10% of grad students getting gigs, so don't give boards any room to use your sex worker past against you. This is coming from someone that was offered mentorships with top leaders in my field--I gave this serious thought. If you want to be a professor, get your claws out and prepare for something that's up there with law school in terms of workload.
Lololol I put this in the wrong thread. This is why I shouldn't forum on migraine meds.
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"What other people think about you is none of your business. You can't change it, you can't control it. The only thing you can control is your reaction to it.”.
i'm sure you got the message, but it sounds like camming is not for you. your fear of being found out will control every aspect of this career choice, and you'll most likely just be miserable the whole time.
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