@AudriTwo is right. The only way to keep people from discovering you is to simply not cam.
Your camshows will automatically be recorded by bots and posted everywhere from pirate sites to Porn hub. And it will be online FOREVER. Sure, there's a great chance your work will be lost in the grand sea of smut that fills the internet - but no matter how you try to prevent it, there's a big chance you will be discovered eventually, no matter what you do. And wigs or masks won't always protect you. Like... I have a very distinctive smile and I've got a scar on my chest that I can't hide. I can change my makeup, I can wear wigs, I can wear a mask, but I'm still identifiable to anyone who knows me even slightly. And it's probably the same for you. People may recognize your laugh, any tattoos, any scars, various body parts. It's a risk. By wearing a mask, you probably won't make very much money, and you STILL could be found out. So if camming is something that could ruin your future, if potential discovery is something that will seriously stress you out, then it's better to be honest with yourself about whether it's worth it or not.
And before you hit the broadcast button, pleasepleaseplease read through this thread:
Reality Check. It's better to realize the risks and make a conscious decision to move forward, aware of any potential consequences, rather than jump in and discover too late that you can't undo your choices! Because, unfortunately, we do see a lot of newer cam-models come here to the boards, panicking once they realize that the evidence of their cam-history cannot be erased.