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New update about Mygirlfund

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Mar 28, 2012
Hello Eveyone,

I have some new information about my problems with Mygirlfund. The support staff wrote me back late Friday. I told them that I was getting two different answers regarding the termination of MissKinky's account on the site: her side and their side. This is what they told me:

"The only this we can tell you is that it had absolutely nothing to do with you. If it had you would have been contacted by our compliance department. Beyond that we can not say much more due to privacy concerns."

Over the weekend, I though about the contest that MissKinky had on MGF and wondered if that was the reason for the termination. On March 24, I was on MGF to look at the contest list. For those unfamiliar of the list, the girls on MGF have a contest almost every day so that members can win a prize ( free pictures, free videos, free cam shows, etc.) Usually, it involves members to answer trivia questions or personal questions that the girls may want to ask. I saw the contest that MissKinky had and I couldn't believe it. She held a "Biggest and Smallest C*ck Contest." This is a contest where guys would take pictures of their private parts, send the pics to her, she will evaluate the photos and pick a winner in each category. The winner would receieve 200 of her videos. When I saw the contest, I told her that I'm not entering that contest. I teased her by saying " If I entered that contest, I would shut the contest down." But the reality was that I would never enter a contest like that, period. She wrote back in capital letters " Enter my contest!!!"

On March 26, even though I had zero plans on entering, I wrote "If I do enter, when is the deadline?" She send me two emails back to me, one with a reply and the other one was blank. Also there were two things that really startled me:
1) The subject of each email was entitled " Send me that c*ck pic!!" and 2) She said " Well, the contest may not work for to your advantage because you already have a bunch of my videos( since the first day we connected on MGF, she has sent me some videos from time to time. She has about 700 videos and she had already sent me about 1/4 of her collection.) So if you win, you will get the same video that I have already sent you." That is not the worst of it. She added : "I'm using you for your C*ck pic." At the time, I wrote her back, saying in a joking manner " One day, I'm going to get you back for that : > )" After some time to think about what happened, I realized that because I'm a good guy, she took advantage of my kind nature. Eventually, I didn't get her back for that, MGF did. But then again, maybe it was Karma.

Over the weekend, I have some thoughts about what happened last week:

* I'm not sure if it's legal to have a private parts contest on MGF.

* That was not the first time she held that contest. While looking at the list, I noticed that two weeks earlier, she held the same contest. Now, I'm not sure that anyone entered the first contest, but she decided to have it again two weeks later in the same month.

* I'm a member on MGF, but not a premium member. As a premium member, people can send private pictures. I found out about this rule recently, but the only information that the girls on MGF can see is the display name and whether or not you are a premium member. So, she knew that I wasn't a premium member, yet she encouraged me to enter the contest and send in a picture.

*The saddest part of all is that I really did care about her. In February, she posted on her MGF page that she's looking for a relationship, a soulmate, and someone to spend the rest of her life with. When I joined MGF, I saw the post and sent her email on MGF with a list of everything that I'm looking for in a relationship (Trist, honesty, respect, etc. Trust is #1 in my book because once you break that, it's very though to get it back.) She read my email and we started sending emails ( I used the email address from her Youtube Channel once or twice a week. She even sent me pictures of her son as well. So when she said " I'm using you for your pic," that was a shot to the heart. When you like someone in any type of relationship, you would never lie to them, stab them in the back, or manipulate them, especially if you treated the other person with warmth and respect. She broke that trust whe she took advantage of me, and that's really sad. So all of those emails to me saying " You have a special place in my heart," " You're so special to me" and ending almost each message with "XOXO" or "MUAH" are now unfortunately hollow and it does make me wonder if she did that to make me feel good. It seems like that I wanted to be in a relationship with her more than she want to be in one with me, a classic case of " I like her more than she likes me."

Once you pull a dirty trick like that to me and break that's over. I wish her and her son the very best, but to blame me for what happened to her, is just plain sad!

Thank you everyone for reading this post. I had to get this off of my chest and I'm glad to have a forum to vent.
Have a great day!
forbesfield1970 said:
Hello Eveyone,
I saw the contest that MissKinky had and I couldn't believe it. She held a "Biggest and Smallest C*ck Contest."

NOW you tell me? :?

The saddest part of all is that I really did care about her. In February, she posted on her MGF page that she's looking for a relationship, a soulmate, and someone to spend the rest of her life with. When I joined MGF, I saw the post and sent her email on MGF with a list of everything that I'm looking for in a relationship

Regrettably, I think that may have been your first mistake, sir. MGF is (to the best of my knowledge) not a dating site. I'm not suggesting it's outside the realms of possibilty that two people who meet over MGF could wind up with one another, but it's pretty unlikely. The guys who use sites like MGF and MFC likely aren't drowning in female attention in the real world (and I include myself in this) so it's only natural that a hot model looking to bang one of us on a regular basis is an attractive proposition.
But you have to look at things objectively. Is she really looking for a relationship though a site like MGF? Is she really going to meet someone that she encounters on MGF in the real world? And bang them? I'd wager the answer is no.
From everything you've said, she sounds a bit poopy. Luring guys into her lair with the faint promise of a relationship somewhere down the line and then blaming you for her account being taken down when in it (seemingly) wasn't your fault at all - these are the hallmarks of a McPoopy-face.
Don't sweat her, sir. :twocents-02cents:
I don't think it was her contest that was the problem. As far as I know, there's no rules against cock contests or having the same contest more than once.

Someone said in another thread that this girl was making beastiality videos to sell on MGF. I assume that would be the reason she got kicked off the site.

MGF is not a dating site, it's a site for girls to make money. Also, I have to wonder why you would want a relationship with someone who makes beastiality videos, that's sick. I'm glad she got kicked off MGF if that's the kind of stuff she's been doing on there.
forbesfield1970 said:
....She has about 700 videos
:eek: :eek: :eek: 700 ?!?!?! good lord. There are some porn production companies that dont have that many to market. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

forbesfield1970 said:
*The saddest part of all is that I really did care about her. In February, she posted on her MGF page that she's looking for a relationship,...... all of those emails to me saying " You have a special place in my heart," " You're so special to me" and ending almost each message with "XOXO" or "MUAH" are now unfortunately hollow and it does make me wonder if she did that to make me feel good.

I'm thinking you read entirely to much into the email sentiment, especially since most correspondence I get from models has some form of 'XOXO' or 'Muah' in it. Sadly, it sounds like you were indeed snagged in her web of deception. The term I have seen used before @ mfc... "apparently, you've been camgirled by a pro." :woops:
Chin up mate... onward thru the fog !!
Thats 2 minutes of my life I won't get back :lol:
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