as other member stated if your on low budget refurbished laptop can be a good idea, plus what had to break already did and got repair so no need to fear them, plus usually come with a 1y warranty in most case, as for a laptop for streaming most important feature to look into is the ram as you may need to run a lot of software at the same time ,obs ,toy apps plus the interface of the site your streaming to, and in most case those are badly coded and memory hungry.
so basically what you may want to look into
- good processor I5 I7 6th or 7 gen how to know the gen it's the first number in the progress naming convention EX: I7-69** is a 6gen I7-70** 7 gen peaty simple
- lot of ram most of the computer will come with 8 gig if you can afford 16 that would be good, some have 12 gig of ram but that would mean that you have an odd pair of ram and without going all technical not good as ram work better in even pair like 2 x 4 or 2 x 8
- Decent Hdd space as you may have to record your private show or create content, and eventually edit your video for selling, ssd hard drive are good because their are super fast, but consider that their have a maximum number of read and write so at some point will die. so again if you can afford it, choose a computer where you have a ssd for your OS and a data drive, so in case of disaster your content is safe on the regular hdd and you just need to replace your ssd, further down the line consider buy an external hdd to do backup nothing more frustrating then loose everything you created.
- Some may argue that you don't need a secondary video card, at first maybe not, but later as this getting more serious it's a good idea to have a secondary video card with it's own ram because you will want to stream in 1080p at some point (4k will be mainstream down the line too give or take a year or 2 ) and having a secondary video card will first take a part of the load out of your processor and second stabilize you feed, because the faster the video is process by the computer best is the latency ( less shopy feed ) this paired with a good Internet connexion ( your download speed is less important then your upload speed in the idea of streaming )
plus if you go into editing, you want a good video card as rendering the video will take age if you don't have one.
if you do not need to go mobile consider a desktop as their are more reliable and stable then laptop for many reason.
scalability, upgrades, heat management and you can start with a good base then upgrade as your need change.
and you may use your tv as a screen to cut on cost at start..
hope this help a bit...