Thanks for the post Poker_Babe! Okay, ranty ahead about said doomsayers, and why they irk me. You've been warned. =^_^=
Oh my gosh! Stuff like this just makes me SMH sometimes! Nifty article and I'm really glad they've found evidence of "the calendar doesnt stop" and hopefully it will find its way into popculture/common knowledge (although its a bit doubtful... people love drama so much that they dont seem to notice that underneath all this is the sweetest most dramatic mystery ever 'told'!)
The Mayan Calendar never "ended" in the first place, this discovery is the opposite of new. Saying that the calendar "predicts the end of the world" because the long count is "ending" is like saying the gregorian calendar "ends" on December 31st every year. i mean sure it does, but then its just January again, not the END OF THE WORLD. :? lol.
Sure, the calendar tracks time cycles of different lengths (there's a 260-day cycle the same as human gestation, a 13moon lunar cycle of 360+5 days and then tuns, katuns and baktuns which add up to thousands of years.) But it doesn't "END."
If more would actually study it in any detail and be willing to be confused about it for a week or two, they would find a rich source of information guiding and clarifying their own lives, the cycles and stages of their lives, and how they relate to Time and each other. But instead, so many seem to just look at how so many things switch over in 2012 &say, "OMG! LOOK AT THAT! THATS GONNA BE A BIG DEAL AND SHIT IS GONNA BLOW UP! TELL YOUR FRIENDZ!"
sure, it might. I wouldn't be surprised if it did, and perhaps it is the "end of time" but its not the "end of the world." time and the world are NOT the same thing!
anyways. sorry. the maya calendar and zodiac are brilliant. They've helped me unerstand WTF is going on with myself/my life/the world so much.
I subscribe to's natural time updates by email and i highly recommend it. If you can look past what seems to be kinda cheezy wording a lot of the time, it's worth it. It reminds you when we change moons, and on special days or turnings of the wheel.
for example on May 2 I received....
"On the Natural Time Calendar, we are now within Moon 11 on the Spiral of the 13-Moon Year: The Spectral Serpent Moon of Liberation (May 2 - May 29). On this sacred timing system, each of the 13 Moons correspond to one of the 13 Tones of Creation. This Moon 11 brings the focus of Tone 11: The Spectral Tone of Liberation, also invoking the key words: Dissolve and Release.
We have now completed Moon 10 - The Planetary Dog Moon of Manifestation, and now we move on, into the energetic of Tone 11, and the Totem of Serpent. "The snake dwells in so many places, climates and environments, comes in so many colors, shapes and sizes that this creature can be said to be one of the most versatile of all. Indeed snakes represent versatility, transmutation and change, their natural inclination to shed their skins, leaving behind the old, and adapting to the new, supports this idea."
Okay, so it sounds like "hippy bullshit" but trust me, if you listen to this stuff and let it guide your mind, you will reap the benefits, and thats just the shallowest and most self serving reason to do it. :lol: :lol:
Lastly I've been reading a book called "Beyond 2012: a complete guide to end-of-time predictions" by geoff stray. and it's REALLY GOOD! the maya calendar of course figures prominently in much of it, but this guy goes through EVERYONES opinions on EVERY possible variation of ideas on 2012, astrologically, historically and alll over the place, adding his own insights and calculations and tying it all together. it's fucking fantastic!
I really really recommend it to y'all. =)
sorry for ranting. this stuff is just all related. And my IRL friends and i have exhausted the subject, it seems sometimes, so it seems like second nature to me, and i want y'all to enjoy it too. take some time to ponder it, i consider it more important than a lot of the lulz i know we spend many hours on, as a webbernetz based group of peeps.
DISCUSS! :handgestures-salute: :handgestures-salute: