Online Romance Scams are very common right now, that the FCC has warnings about them. There are also Marriage Fraud Scams, Sweet Heart Scams, Immigration Scams, sextortion Scams that foreigner get tricked into. And they can include fake accounts, numbers, other people. The embassies Nigeria, Romanian, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Russia all have warnings about them. Like if your going to, or talking with some one in Russia you should checkout the travel advisers that embassy has, including dating scams.
They'll often ask for money for an Emergency, Bill, Loan, and Money for travel expense.
They'll often ask for money for an Emergency, Bill, Loan, and Money for travel expense.
- Ask Friends & Family if this makes sense to them.
- Be honest with yourself.
- Why would someone outside your age, and or social group be interested in you?
- What is this person getting out of a relationship with you?
- Before even considering visiting anyone, Consider a background check from a company that specializes in romance scams
- Learn about common romance scams, and how to spot and avoid them.