AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

My letter to MFC

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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A LOT of money and serious dedication. I looked into it a couple of years ago. Setting a site up isn't too hard, you need to hire servers and get some software designers to do the programming but the real problem is the traffic. Most sites end up folding within their first year because they just don't get the sort of traffic you find on MFC, livejasmin etc.

Models won't work on a site without traffic and traffic won't grow without a decent number of models online at any time of the day/night. It's a real catch 22.
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play games :p

Sorry couldn't resist. There are two options- xbox live games (which you play halo 3, Gears Of War 2, COD: Modern Warfare 2 and/or GTA4 while chatting via headset on xbox live) or "casual games" (which are on-site games like checkers, 4 across, battleship, pool, etc which you play while streaming your cam feed). Playdates host "flirty", "dirty", or both. Honestly, I don't think half of the girls know what they've gotten themselves into :lol: "Ewww, this guy is in my room and he wants to see my boobies!" Pfft!
god i hate myself for listening to my friends :( they're math/computer science majors too.. assholes could have really helped :(
It's funny, I was thinking after I sent that email "you know, if I were to win the lottery (and I'm talking those games played in many states, not some small deal); I bet I could start my own cam site or just buy MFC."

I think that to have a successful camsite, the 5 big things you need are

2-many reliable servers
3-a tech staff that knows its stuff
4-great models
5-and a great publicity machine

MFC has #4 and they sort of have #5. I just don't think they have #1, 2 and 3.
I really hope you to get a reply geekstick... Although we all know you probably won't, or if you do it will be a one-liner with no punctuation or grammar whatsoever.

Thanks for writing that and sharing it though. You speak for a lot of us!

I have been wondering if I should share what I plan to do in the future or not... I figure that I might as well spill it all out.

I plan to run a cam site. I do not want to hi-jack this thread and I have a lot to say, so to those interested, please see my topic "Thoughts on a Cam Site" under Cam Girls, General Discussion. Thank you in advance to those who read. :)
Major tech geek alert:

On the subject of starting your own, I think what you'd need to do is come up with something that scales based on demand. Have you ever heard of a site called Animoto ? They take images and make animations out of them. When they first came out, they were hosted by Amazon Web Services Amazon has a utility-based pricing scheme, you pay for just what you use, and you don't have to have any physical servers because you are running virtual servers. But what if you need a lot of machines, and you need it to grow as your demand grows? For this they had this autoscaling technology from a company called RightScale When they launched, they had 40 servers set up and ready. When the service went viral, at one point they had scaled up to 4000 servers, and no one noticed anything as far as performance or downtime.

I would suspect that MFC uses Amazon , and hopefully some sort of scaling technology. But if you were interested in setting up your own cam site, that's where you'd want to start.

I just so happen to know quite a bit about Amazon Web Services.
Right On geekstick. This missphoto episode is deplorable. Until this I thought the worst thing I had seen on MFC was a man fucking a model on cam. The model was obviously a prostitute, she brought the unsuspecting man on camera took his money and then had sex with him. He had no idea he was on cam. This all happened once the model had reached a tip count and the guests and basics were laughing it up ridiculing the man . I am a person who is not for censoring anything but I would reason that criminal acts on cam would be bad for business. The act I described is bad enough , prostitution and violation of the unsuspecting john now CHILD ABUSE. These actions make me feel dirty for visiting the site. I try to only stick to models I know have class but that has been made difficult by the constant tech problems. For an entire week I could not visit Amber's room because the video froze every time despite constant refreshing. I emailed MFC tech support, no response.

Cam models and computer geeks need to unite, seize the means of production and start a site run by models for models.

Excellent letter geekstick - rant over
I didnt know about any of this until i read this thread!!!! Mainly because i havent been active health issues an i am going to be away for a while from 3rd for a few days having an operation so any other scandals i will miss hehe. I usually get to know about these things much quicker.

Great letter by the way, I am disgusted that such a thing occured and that the model is allowed to continue, next thing w know the lower member classes will be tipping for her to do it, mark my words i would put nothing past some of the scum who come onto the site, after seeing........The worse i have heard of /seen is animal sex which i wrote a complaint to admin about and got a quick decent reply that the model has been banned permanently i did rally around others and it spread and many ended up writing in.

I have to say i have had one liners, single words and lengthy explainations from admin depending upon the nature of my contact with them they are usually pretty quick to reply to me.

What i would say is i can imagine the sheer amount of emails they will get to deal with and it does seem to be a pretty small team dealing with it all.

I think to keep costs down and of course keep the amount of money high for owner and staff of MFC they have kept staffing levels to a minimum this means that technical issues and customer service has not grown with the site. Perhaps they should think about this.

I have a lot to say about this, but not a lot of time or energy right now. It is good that decent members will always take the time to write in and complain about these incidents to admin, and everyone who knows about it and has an opinion should, the numbers of complaints do make a difference, and i believe if it is coming from regular spenders it makes it even more hard hitting, especially if those big spenders stop spending or start leaving.

There are ways to "tip" your favourite model without using tokens whihc can hut MFC in protest.....but i wont go into that.

As for building your own cam/community website, so many try and fail and lose a lot of money. It take a great deal of commitment and is a lot harder than you think.
Bryan said:
As for building your own cam/community website, so many try and fail and lose a lot of money. It take a great deal of commitment and is a lot harder than you think.

I completely agree. I've never once said that it would be easy - I don't think anyone here has. I personally don't plan on building my own cam/community website because it's easy or because I want to make a quick buck. I want to build my own cam/community site because I want to give both the models and members a pleasant place to be. I can't say the amount of money isn't a draw - but the only reason I will be really successful is if I work really hard and stick to what I say I want to (and always accept constructive criticism).

I think anyone can build their own cam/community website if they are willing to work really hard. And I really believe someone else needs to. Webcam sites (especially ones formatted like MFC) provide a valuable service to people and can be great online communities. I believe both members and models should be treated better than they are on most sites like these.

If the three owners of MFC can do it... Who's to say we can't?
the biggest attraction for me with MFC is the community and social aspect of the site, it is so like IRC which i used to own with 2 partners a network and a number of worldwide servers, the difference of course is it has girls on cam and everyone is united by that.
On the whole if ou stick to your guns you find like minded people and can build up a group of good friends both with models and members, and really enjoy yourself, without spending a fortune, supporting everyone, this is something really special, and for someone like me who is often housebound/bed ridden it gives me some kind of life......something to occupy my mind, and in many way staves of feelings of being alone, it provides amusement, entertainment and other things obviously.

So any site that can offer similar i would be more than happy to be part of, I have great people skills, which is what made my network run well.
I had the technicla skills as well and the money and time.
The problem we had was idiots who thought it was fun to attack the network with bots etc and ruin our bandwidth, slow everythign down and cost us mega bucks, we ran a business on top of this and of course it brought that down. We had to get out, we had to bring in the law etc, It was nightmare.
this was a long time ago, i miss it, it was fun while it lasted.
If you do go ahead with this, i wihs you success, I am sure there is always room for another well run community cam site, with a sex theme hehe.
Sorry i got a bit jumbled, my meds are wearing off so i have to stop.
I have sent several detailed messages to MFC in the last few weeks through the "Contact Us" link explaining the problems and asking them to please fix them. I have not received any response in any form.

I told them about two problems:

1. There are persistent drop outs in the audio. After only a few minutes there is so much audio missing that it is impossible to follow the conversation in the room. Refreshing the models room will usually improve the problem but only for a few minutes if at all.

This problem seems to be somewhat related to the number of people in a models room. The more people in the room the worse the problem is and the sooner and more frequent it happens.

2. Mild to moderate and sometimes severe video lag. The video will be later then the chat, sometimes 5 to 10 seconds. Refreshing does not seem to improve this problem.

The first problem will be worse for the more popular models. It is often so bad that I have to go to another room.

I was in Ambers room on her birthday and it was pretty futile. I came back to her room several times but the audio skip was so bad that it was pointless to stay.

I hope they can fix the problems and I hope they will but I am beginning to believe that they either cannot or will not.

The problems may not be fixable. The video streaming software may simply not be capable of supporting the user base. Notice how the problems are significantly worse and the major crashes seem to cluster around the days preceeding the 15 and 30th of the month.

It is possible that this IS the fix. If you recall 3 to 4 months ago MFC was having catastrophic crashes several times a day. Several 'fixes' were rolled in. Finally the crash after crash symptom has largely subsided but the new problems that I describe started them. Dialing in delays or a change to processing priorities may have fixed the crashes but caused the other problems. If your system cannot handle the flow volume or cannot sequence the demand properly, just dial in delays to slow things down so that it can.
I hardly ever have your problems with the audio Steve and I am in Australia.

Try testing you net speed to Seattle were the MFC servers are located, when you have problems. If you can't download 500 - 800 kbps then you could have problems. As a test you may find models with a "bad" connection actually works better than a model with a "very good" connection if your ISP is having problems supplying the rate needed from Seattle to your home.

Re the lag, I am in Australia and the chat lags the video by several seconds, but it really doesn't affect the experience too much.
I check it on a regular basis, usually once a week or whenever I am having problems. 6,000 to 7,000 Kb/s download, always.

Just ran it, 6,237 Kb/s

As I am writing this Jalyn just restarted her computer as many of the people in her room were complaining of severe lag.
SteveOak, if you use you can choose where you test to. Last night when I was having super choppy video a test to Seattle yielded 0.34 megabits down and 0.72 megabits up. I then tested to Hawaii for shiggles and got 7.6 megabits down and 0.74 megabits up. Keep in mind I'm testing from South Carolina. :p

Tonight, magically, my MFC experience was quite smooth. Ran a test to Seattle while writing this post with the results being 5.49 megabits down and 0.82 megabits up.

I was there in MissPhoto's room and witnessed the abuse firsthand. A friend of mine took the screenshot you are talking about and sent it in to MFC. That night I probably sent a dozen emails to MFC asking them to take the feed down and ban the model from the site.

They responded to one of my emails with something like this, "We are looking into this and will take care of it."

I think that what happened is that the model in question was "fined" by MFC and put on some sort of probation ("mess up again and you are gone").

Beeteedub, since that horrible night MissPhoto has drunk much less on cam and I've not seen anything fishy going on in her room at all.
Hey Runts, just FYI ya know that was last year right? :?
Sad thing is she still cams. According to her profile (which I won't link to), she was last online October 20th. I thought about visiting her room since I like to visit all Canadian models' rooms, but after seeing this info no way.
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