listen dude, you clearly have some prejudices towards camming and you can feel however you want towards it. you don't know the inners of my relationship, but i can tell you my husband's job had more of a negative impact on our relationship than my camming job.
if you believe camming will negatively impact your relationship, then it will. if you aren't comfortable with camming, don't date a cammodel. if your girlfriend doesn't want to quit, well there you go. camming negatively impacted your relationship because of your problems with it.
easily can prioritize both, but if two people can't compromise or be comfortable with each other's profession, then it's time to get off the internet and go to couples counseling.
You admitted yourself that you misread the OP missing the point of the thread. You are off on a different topic entirely about your troubles with your girlfriend who is a model.
Dude, I was talking about my friend's experience here not about the situation with my girlfriend. Everything is going well for us.
But yeah you're right the topic has deviated a bit because of my English understanding issues so I won't add any more off topic posts