AmberCutie's Forum
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Models messaging members

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I haven't posted recently, hopefully will be back soon!
Inactive Cam Model
Sep 28, 2010
Just wondering, how you do guys (members) feel about being PMed by models?

Sometimes I log on and nothing's happening in my room but there are a bunch of people on my friends list signed on. I only "friend" people who I've previously had good conversations with or members who have tipped me a lot or taken me private, etc. Is it acceptable for me to PM them just to say "hey" and chat for a bit... get to know them a bit better, etc., and maybe increase the chances that they'll become a regular and frequent my room more often? I'm generally too shy to message anybody.. I just assume that if they want to see me or talk to me, they'll initiate things..

I'm not talking about spamming people... "hey bb come into my rooom giimee some of those sweet T's" ... just saying what's up. I imagine some members would be thrilled with this, others annoyed.
Personally, I would feel grateful and appreciated if a model sent me a real PM. The only one I got so far was like the spam you quoted from a model in whose room I spent a total of about 3 minutes.
I've found that when Amber starts PM members out of the blue, it's usually a sign that good times are to come.

However, the last time she did that, it led (directly or indirectly) to what's happening this Friday. So.... :?

Anyway, I think it's flattering when a model contacts a member directly in PM just to chat. I would encourage it to any model who's looking to get more to visit regularly. I think it would increase the chances of that person coming back.
PMing me to chat is flattering. Conversing properly with models is a lot of fun and usually means that they actually think you're cool. PMing me asking me to come to your room is irritating and good old fashioned begging. One reason why I made my PMs friends only was for exactly this.
I've only had a couple models PM me out of the blue, one was a completely random Asian model bugging me to join her room and that bugged the hell out of me, but the other was Faerie letting me know that she'd finally shown back up on MFC, that I appreciated
Don't fucking do it unless you're already friendly with the member. Most members will just instant-iggy you if you PM them out of the blue.

I can't stand anything more than popping into a girl's room and getting PMed 3 seconds later. And models wonder why guys just stay in the lounge?

Another no-no is PMing anyone who is watching your cam via a PM window. If they felt like chatting, they'd be in your chat room now wouldn't they?
I love it when a model PM's me when I'm not already being active in her room. I prefer open conversation to private, unless of course it is a matter that needs to be discussed privately. But when I'm just chilling on the homepage or in another models room and one of my friends pm's me just to see whats up?.... that is awesome. Makes me feel very loved.
As everybody else has already said... a genuine PM from a model is always great!
bawksy said:
Another no-no is PMing anyone who is watching your cam via a PM window. If they felt like chatting, they'd be in your chat room now wouldn't they?

But if they feel like chatting, they'll constantly harass you in PM and shun your invite to come into your room to chat.

I once PM'd all the premiums in my room who hadn't said hello in the main chat, because no one was talking to me. Won't be doing that again! Most of them were ok but a few got narky and said things like "You should at least be doing something interesting if you're going to PM me". All I said was "hello"!!! Fools
There are alot of times that I would love to PM my boys who are online but not in my room, but to be frank, I'm always scared that I'd be interrupting their wank session with another model with my "hey guess what I made for dinner" convo lol. So, I usually just let guys PM me if they wanna chat. I feel too harassy if I PM guys, even though I only ever want to chitchat. *shrugs* I cannot stand bitches (yes, bitches) who PM members trying to score tokens. Desperation is ugly.
I always enjoy getting a PM from the models whose rooms I hang out in.
Any model on my friends list I would be fine with getting a PM from. Which basically includes anyone here I've had time to visit and a few others. Though I'm a pretty easy going guy, so I would probably be fine with any PM that wasn't asking me for tips or something like that.
I really don't like the idea of PMing guys that I don't know and only just stopped by my room, and for those I do know I prefer to ask how they're doing in my public chat, so I probably send PMs to members like once in a month.
Personally, I have no problem with receiving PM's from anyone on my friends list. That's why I have it restricted to begin with. But, if you have any doubts about how they might react, just PM them when they are in your room and ask. You'll soon know who's okay with it and who is not.
Personally - 'hey bb hru' - gets you iggied.
If I remember the name, then I have no problem talking, unless I'm actively watching someone, as long as you can type proper sentences, and pass the turing test.
I tried that a while back, and had some of the guys get pissed. All I ever sent was along the lines of "Hey hows it goin? Haven't seen ya in a while" so beware LOL
SpexyAshleigh said:
There are alot of times that I would love to PM my boys who are online but not in my room, but to be frank, I'm always scared that I'd be interrupting their wank session with another model with my "hey guess what I made for dinner" convo lol. So, I usually just let guys PM me if they wanna chat. I feel too harassy if I PM guys, even though I only ever want to chitchat. *shrugs* I cannot stand bitches (yes, bitches) who PM members trying to score tokens. Desperation is ugly.

I feel exactly like this! The last thing I would want to do is annoy someone or take away their attention from another model or seem like that's what I'm trying to do. But all of your responses have been really encouraging :) Thank you!
Thanks for the responses, guys! I'll try PMing a few guys here and there, but only ones that I think would probably welcome it. Honestly there are some guys on my friends list who I don't even remember or recognize.

How do I know if I'm on a member's friends list? If they're on mine, does it mean I'm automatically on theirs?
I think the PM system should have "away" messages, so you could put them up if you want to be on MFC to fap instead of chat. That way friends/models know not to interrupt you mid-wank.
Bawksy, I thought there was, under the chat options... :think:
Eva_ChangeN said:
Bawksy, I thought there was, under the chat options... :think:

Oh. Well holy shit.


  • shark_derp_durr_hurr.jpg
    201.3 KB · Views: 467
i like getting a friendly pm from my fav models.

i hate the "come to my room bb" pms.

a simple hi, kiss, guess what i made for dinner are fine with me....
Keithy said:
The "why the hell aren't you in my room" from Amber on a drunken night is cool too.

Is that a direct quote? :mrgreen:
I really enjoy getting PM's from my MFC friends - models and members. It's one of the reasons I'm on MFC, to socialize. If I'm busy, I will politely say so, so no big deal. PM away.

I would love to receive PM's from my favorite models...

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