AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

Model account disabled for false allegations

    Only persons aged 18 or over may read or post to the forums, without regard to whether an adult actually owns the registration or parental/guardian permission. AmberCutie's Forum (ACF) is for use by adults only and contains adult content. By continuing to use this site you are confirming that you are at least 18 years of age.
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Sep 7, 2024
Hello, I will try to keep this concise .

I am aware that I did something awful and deserve any ridicule that may follow this thread ….

That is not my reason for positing this. I was drinking yesterday and I made false allegations about a model that I had a rapport with . I propositioned the model about a meeting and they refused , and firmly stated that it would be a violation of the policy / rules of the site . Because I was “ tore up for the floor up, I proceeded to make the vindictive , cowardly , immature and selfish , disrespectful decision to get verbally aggressive toward the model , she neutrally asked me to leave her room and to stop contacting her . I then made a report claiming that she was the one who propositioned me , and became verbally aggressive. When I sobered up and realized what I had done I emailed support back about the allegations to see if it could be reversed. I haven’t gotten a response and this was initiated last night ( notification that the model is innocent .) today I logged on to apologize to the model attached to a private tip and the account reflected that it had been disabled just after giving the tip . Will the model still receive the tokens ?

This girl has already been inconvenienced and negatively effected tremendously by my abusive behavior and then has miss a broadcast . I am not sure what else to do to get her account reinstated , can anyone help this model get her sccoint reinstated . I’m not sure if it’s ok to post her name ? I think I would prefer to privately disclose that with anyone that is able to help her. Please

Again , I take full responsibility for my actions, I deserve any and every criticism/ ridicule / you’re a fucking asshole, coming
My way. The model doesn’t deserve any of this however . Please help s.o.s.
Hello, I will try to keep this concise .

I am aware that I did something awful and deserve any ridicule that may follow this thread ….

That is not my reason for positing this. I was drinking yesterday and I made false allegations about a model that I had a rapport with . I propositioned the model about a meeting and they refused , and firmly stated that it would be a violation of the policy / rules of the site . Because I was “ tore up for the floor up, I proceeded to make the vindictive , cowardly , immature and selfish , disrespectful decision to get verbally aggressive toward the model , she neutrally asked me to leave her room and to stop contacting her . I then made a report claiming that she was the one who propositioned me , and became verbally aggressive. When I sobered up and realized what I had done I emailed support back about the allegations to see if it could be reversed. I haven’t gotten a response and this was initiated last night ( notification that the model is innocent .) today I logged on to apologize to the model attached to a private tip and the account reflected that it had been disabled just after giving the tip . Will the model still receive the tokens ?

This girl has already been inconvenienced and negatively effected tremendously by my abusive behavior and then has miss a broadcast . I am not sure what else to do to get her account reinstated , can anyone help this model get her sccoint reinstated . I’m not sure if it’s ok to post her name ? I think I would prefer to privately disclose that with anyone that is able to help her. Please

Again , I take full responsibility for my actions, I deserve any and every criticism/ ridicule / you’re a fucking asshole, coming
My way. The model doesn’t deserve any of this however . Please help s.o.s.
Well.. aren't you a cunt. Actually to refer to a previous post of mine, I'd go so far as to say you're a fucking cunt.

Perhaps @Stella_SC can help you repair the damage your cowardly fucked up actions have done. But either way, I'd say stay away from camsites. No model needs or deserves to have a twat like you in their room.

I hope you are less of a waste of oxygen in real life.
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Well.. aren't you a cunt. Actually to refer to a previous post of mine, I'd go so far as to say you're a fucking cunt.

Perhaps @Stella_SC can help you repair the damage your cowardly fucked up actions have done. But either way, I'd say stay away from camsites. No model needs or deserves to have a twat like you in their room.

I hope you are less of a waste of oxygen in real life.
I know I stated that i was ready do any ridicule but after seeing this and going off the way said model has
Been treating me as I’m trying to save her ass, I will defend myself a bit and elaborate because Guys like Ozzie , badass , are telling me that this isn’t going l actually help what I trying to accomplish . The truth of the matter is that the model gave me her phone number the third time I went to her room, and we chatted only offsite after that . She asked me to visit her, calls me everyday , asked about a relationship and I have initiated none of this. We have never had a monetary transaction other than the tip I gave her to compensate what I thought might turn into a day out of work , yesterday. Now I have treaded lightly in this situation beginning at the proposition to talk off site. However I naturally did get to a level of comfort that one could compare to a person of interest that you’re getting to know and it was nice. Fast forward a few weeks, video calls, a few mkre invitations to stay with her late, I was starting to let my guard down and feel like this woman is possibly sincere , Every conversation that we have had about expectations , what we we looking for long term etc, has been realistic . The furthest we had gone as the plans to meet and light hearted flirting . So anyway a few days ago she and I had a
Disagreement , I won’t share the details but she becomes very upset and insulting , exits the convention in anger. We don’t talk anymore that night , the next day I text asking her ho I could best support her/ how she was feeling / that I was sorry for my contribution to the confrontation , no answer. This is odd because
She is an excellent communicator/ very intuitive in giving affirmations when appropriate, expressing her boundaries, her needs , asking about my own. It doesn’t make sense for her to ghost all day after things were left on less than ideal terms , if she’s busy she tells me and even let’s me kno hm she will b available 📀 great at communicating . Anyway so I wait and then decide well maybe she is working all day or picking up hours. This is where I fucked up , I got online and she was only and so I naturally grew her, feel the situation out a bit , ask her if she is feeling better and she is, I ask if she wants company or if it’s best to talk when she’s off 📀 it’s slow sp she asks me to stay online so I do. Then she proceeds to talk to me as if she didn’t know with a very patronizing tone and the syntax of an AI. I get uncomfortable , she can tell, so starts fucking with me, saying random unrelated shit if I ask a question , or doesn’t acknowledge that o have said Anything at all when I ask why she’s talking to me like a jerk. Then laughs at me when I say that I’m feeling uncomfortable . I thought in that moment, ok here is what I’ve been anticipating would happen and hoping didn’t happen 📀, she has shifted out of the character she was selling and talking to me in that antisocial , condescending way that some models speak to users that they have decided are inferior and oblivious to the treatment they are recieving at their expense . Shes still mad about last night so she’s showing me she doesn’t give a fuck about preserving the facade, she could care less if I stick around I thought to myself , then we have an argument that admin see and see bits and pieces of information about the capacity and context of the relationship we had been considering / plans to meet is talked about too . She insults me , I insult her and I leave . She leaves ver broadcast early ( she’s an independent model) and begin to howl to admin that we have had conflict . During the argument I said she was the one that propositioned me to meet and initiated every advancement in response to ver saying that her and I don’t even know each other and I’m in her room having drama with her . I think these are the ststements thst got her account disabled and I was trying to reverse this by saying my words in the chat were all false….but yeah she has been shitting on me while I’m trying to help her fix this mess that she antagonized and now I have guys like Ozzie here trying to get his microdick stroked by acting super tough and cool and sticking up for the models but not actually trying to help the model who needs help and I abort ship . Im not going to be a martyr for a lost cause . The irony is ,that even in the worst case hypothetical that , my original post wasn’t fictitious , I would be a fuy who did something stupid and was taking responsibility and being proactive about fixing it . I swear some of you people are the corniest ,most unreasonable , boring fuckers to collectively form the bleeding heart of an institution so ridiculous but taken so serious to a fault
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I know I stated that i was ready do any ridicule but after seeing this and going off the way said model has
Been treating me as I’m trying to save her ass, I will defend myself a bit and elaborate because Guys like Ozzie , badass , are telling me that this isn’t going l actually help what I trying to accomplish . The truth of the matter is that the model gave me her phone number the third time I went to her room, and we chatted only offsite after that . She asked me to visit her, calls me everyday , asked about a relationship and I have initiated none of this. We have never had a monetary transaction other than the tip I gave her to compensate what I thought might turn into a day out of work , yesterday. Now I have treaded lightly in this situation beginning at the proposition to talk off site. However I naturally did get to a level of comfort that one could compare to a person of interest that you’re getting to know and it was nice. Fast forward a few weeks, video calls, a few mkre invitations to stay with her late, I was starting to let my guard down and feel like this woman is possibly sincere , Every conversation that we have had about expectations , what we we looking for long term etc, has been realistic . The furthest we had gone as the plans to meet and light hearted flirting . So anyway a few days ago she and I had a
Disagreement , I won’t share the details but she becomes very upset and insulting , exits the convention in anger. We don’t talk anymore that night , the next day I text asking her ho I could best support her/ how she was feeling / that I was sorry for my contribution to the confrontation , no answer. This is odd because
She is an excellent communicator/ very intuitive in giving affirmations when appropriate, expressing her boundaries, her needs , asking about my own. It doesn’t make sense for her to ghost all day after things were left on less than ideal terms , if she’s busy she tells me and even let’s me kno hm she will b available 📀 great at communicating . Anyway so I wait and then decide well maybe she is working all day or picking up hours. This is where I fucked up , I got online and she was only and so I naturally grew her, feel the situation out a bit , ask her if she is feeling better and she is, I ask if she wants company or if it’s best to talk when she’s off 📀 it’s slow sp she asks me to stay online so I do. Then she proceeds to talk to me as if she didn’t know with a very patronizing tone and the syntax of an AI. I get uncomfortable , she can tell, so starts fucking with me, saying random unrelated shit if I ask a question , or doesn’t acknowledge that o have said Anything at all when I ask why she’s talking to me like a jerk. Then laughs at me when I say that I’m feeling uncomfortable . I thought in that moment, ok here is what I’ve been anticipating would happen and hoping didn’t happen 📀, she has shifted out of the character she was selling and talking to me in that antisocial , condescending way that some models speak to users that they have decided are inferior and oblivious to the treatment they are recieving at their expense . Shes still mad about last night so she’s showing me she doesn’t give a fuck about preserving the facade, she could care less if I stick around I thought to myself , then we have an argument that admin see and see bits and pieces of information about the capacity and context of the relationship we had been considering / plans to meet is talked about too . She insults me , I insult her and I leave . She leaves ver broadcast early ( she’s an independent model) and begin to howl to admin that we have had conflict . During the argument I said she was the one that propositioned me to meet and initiated every advancement in response to ver saying that her and I don’t even know each other and I’m in her room having drama with her . I think these are the ststements thst got her account disabled and I was trying to reverse this by saying my words in the chat were all false….but yeah she has been shitting on me while I’m trying to help her fix this mess that she antagonized and now I have guys like Ozzie here trying to get his microdick stroked by acting super tough and cool and sticking up for the models but not actually trying to help the model who needs help and I abort ship . Im not going to be a martyr for a lost cause . The irony is ,that even in the worst case hypothetical that , my original post wasn’t fictitious , I would be a fuy who did something stupid and was taking responsibility and being proactive about fixing it . I swear some of you people are the corniest ,most unreasonable , boring fuckers to collectively form the bleeding heart of an institution so ridiculous but taken so serious to a fault
Sorry about the massive amount of typos , I swear I’m not as much of a waste of oxygen(?) as they make me seem
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I didn’t think Stripchat was the type of site to suspend or ban models without proof, and just based on the word of butthurt assholes who don’t get their way. That’s very disappointing.

@Stella_SC @Jessica_StripchatCM I hope one of you ladies can assist with this, and this poor model can get back to making money. If anybody has to be suspended or banned in this situation, it should be the salty member…not the model. Stuff like this (loss of income…inability to pay bills) can make a person depressed, and ruin their life. These assholes on these cam sites need to stop getting away with treating models like this. And “I was drunk” isn’t an excuse. Stop fucking drinking then if you can’t control yourself.
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Well.. aren't you a cunt. Actually to refer to a previous post of mine, I'd go so far as to say you're a fucking cunt.

Perhaps @Stella_SC can help you repair the damage your cowardly fucked up actions have done. But either way, I'd say stay away from camsites. No model needs or deserves to have a twat like you in their room.

I hope you are less of a waste of oxygen in real life.
Fight me , Dick clown . Your name is Ozzie and you’re a fucking putz
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I didn’t think Stripchat was the type of site to suspend or ban models without proof, and just based on the word of butthurt assholes who don’t get their way. That’s very disappointing.

@Stella_SC @Jessica_StripchatCM I hope one of you ladies can assist with this, and this poor model can get back to making money. If anybody has to be suspended or banned in this situation, it should be the salty member…not the model. Stuff like this (loss of income…inability to pay bills) can make a person depressed, and ruin their life. These assholes on these cam sites need to stop getting away with treating models like this. And “I was drunk” isn’t an excuse. Stop fucking drinking then if you can’t control yoursel
I didn’t think Stripchat was the type of site to suspend or ban models without proof, and just based on the word of butthurt assholes who don’t get their way. That’s very disappointing.

@Stella_SC @Jessica_StripchatCM I hope one of you ladies can assist with this, and this poor model can get back to making money. If anybody has to be suspended or banned in this situation, it should be the salty member…not the model. Stuff like this (loss of income…inability to pay bills) can make a person depressed, and ruin their life. These assholes on these cam sites need to stop getting away with treating models like this. And “I was drunk” isn’t an excuse. Stop fucking drinking then if you can’t control yourself.
Ok thank you , that is useful contribution . I appreciate your help. Yeah it’s certainly not ideal to have to miss work , I think literally anyone who has ever had a job can relate to a time they didn’t make as much as they would like because tbeh missed work due to an external factor .
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Ok thank you , that is useful contribution . I appreciate your help. Yeah it’s certainly not ideal to have to miss work , I think literally anyone who has ever had a job can relate to a time they didn’t make as much as they would like because tbeh missed work due to an external factor .
Sure was reasonable of me to compensate model out of of pocket for the work missed but I guess you missed that or couldn’t resist a chance to say something mean to a stranger. This is hilarious , telling me to stop drinking like I’m trying to hide behind alcohol and not taking responsibility for my actions by jist mentioning that I was drunk .it’s entertaining to see someone try to offend someone who has already thrown himself under the bus . I love it , perfect people acting like more of a turd than the person they are projecting on. that I’m glad I will never have to have an interaction other than this with you
  • Funny!
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I didn’t think Stripchat was the type of site to suspend or ban models without proof, and just based on the word of butthurt assholes who don’t get their way. That’s very disappointing.

@Stella_SC @Jessica_StripchatCM I hope one of you ladies can assist with this, and this poor model can get back to making money. If anybody has to be suspended or banned in this situation, it should be the salty member…not the model. Stuff like this (loss of income…inability to pay bills) can make a person depressed, and ruin their life. These assholes on these cam sites need to stop getting away with treating models like this. And “I was drunk” isn’t an excuse. Stop fucking drinking then if you can’t control yourself.
Also , read my post above disclosing the reality of the situation. Fuck this you all suck and I don’t care anymore about helping. The model has been just as egocentric and oblivious to their own faults as you all. Its not worth my time I didn’t do anything wrong. Ban me please . she’s on her own now
  • Funny!
Reactions: yummybrownfox
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Ok thank you , that is useful contribution . I appreciate your help. Yeah it’s certainly not ideal to have to miss work , I think literally anyone who has ever had a job can relate to a time they didn’t make as much as they would like because tbeh missed work due to an external factor .
Models sc is EdenBrown_ for anyone that can help.
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Also , read my post above disclosing the reality of the situation. Fuck this you all suck and I don’t care anymore about helping. The model has been just as egocentric and oblivious to their own faults as you all. Its not worth my time I didn’t do anything wrong. Ban me please . she’s on her own now

Lol. 😂 Shut the fuck up with your pussy ass. Talking about “I deserve any and every criticism/ ridicule coming my way” when you clearly couldn’t handle it. You’re on here threatening to fight people. You and your dumbass screen name can fuck all the way off…
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Models sc is EdenBrown_ for anyone that can help.
Just in case you're lurking...

the problem with all of this is that, it doesn't matter if we know who she is, her a/c is disabled, we can't go and tip her to try to help her make up for the money you have lost her by acting like the worst kind of spoiled child.

It also doesn't really matter if she acted badly, as you are now claiming, you still acted in the most reprehensible manner. You may have lost her her job... permanently. You do not seem to be taking responsibility for that at all.
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Original poster has been banned from ACF, but I will still chime in as people may be curious...

All reports are investigated. A model does not get suspended or banned simply because "someone made a report".
If nothing is found during our investigation, then the model is fine. If a rule violation is discovered, then there will be a consequence.

Another thing to note too is that we will never disclose the findings of an investigation to a user or to another model.
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