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Mila Milan - Busted ?

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JordanBlack said:
It's an outrageous situation to be arrested for camming or owning a studio, but I do agree that she should've respected the laws in that country, even if draconian. Hope she's going to be ok and she won't get a long sentence for it or even just get her deported back to Austria.

As sad as the situation is, I can't stop laughing at how proud are those cops for capturing the hitachi & the double ended dildo, oh oh the rabbit too :lol:


From what I understand, the vice laws in Thailand are selectively enforced, which actually isn't different than most places in the world. When I went there the expat explained that the reasons the bars/strip clubs were relatively tame, was that cops were doing a crackdown cause some politician was trying to score points ahead of the election.

I don't buy that Mila and friends were ignorant of the law, they were playing a numbers game knowing that most illegal sex stuff in Thailand doesn't get busted. I don't know anything about Mila past camgirls sins beside what I've read on ACF, but hiring Thai girls and probably paying them a tiny fraction of what she made, isn't on my list of good deeds.

As for the picture, I guess they have a slow news day in Pattay or the police dept has a good PR person :)
LuckySmiles said:
JickyJuly said:
Does anyone else wish we could load a plane with camgirls and descend on Thailand to bust her out? I mean, maybe she hasn't been the best camsister lately, but she's one of us. :cool:


I know very little about her, but for fuck's sake... someone's in jail for using the same medium as I do to pay the bills... I mentioned this story to a friend (who's admittedly a bit conspiracy nutty :lol: )
and they're like... better watch they could make it illegal here too... :shock:
it's far fetched, but you never do know... I don't think many of us are politicians or in a place of law making authority... so... it's a scary concept....
Very scary indeed...and not really that all far-fetched. Looking back less than a year ago...the loser in the last Presidential election made statements on more than one occasion that if elected, he'd do his best to eliminate "pornography."
UncleThursday said:
A political move by the local police chief to make himself look good for some upcoming election he is going for, or maybe a promotion to a higher place in the police/government system. Parading around the obviously evil ex-pats while protecting the identities of the obviously non-consenting adult Thai performers (obviously the evil ex-pats made them do it) and saying he is going to try and get the evil webmaster in the US arrested for breaking Thai law does wonders in Thailand come election time.
Someone wasn't getting bribed enough (or at all), and decided to shut them down to prove a point to them and anyone else in the district who might be doing the same thing.

IMO it was indeed selective [$$$] and for political ladder climbing... Did you notice all the "brass" that took part in the bust? Col., Lt.Col., Capt, Maj., Superintendent..... Smile purdy for the camera boys...
So sad,i was in thai 4 times,not a good news for Mila,police is very bad with foreigners,and if there's drug,is a bad situation to be resolved. ...

Porn, they could probably just pay people off for that offense, but seeing the calibur of their operation, most likely not. Drugs on the other hand is the Devil's Drool in Thailand. Although not trafficking this could lead to a bigger fish to fry and could get very ugly.

As for sending your sympathy to her MFC profile, they've since deleted it/suspended it.
UncleThursday said:
So, doing some more research...

Thailand actually is supposed to be nice to visit, if you are on a tourist visa. They go out of their way to make sure you get well taken care of, and in some places have special Tourist Police to assist tourists.

If you're an ex-pat, though... that's where you become boned, unless you're somehow making things look good for tourists to come to Thailand and the area you are living in.

I still think this is one of 2 things, overall:

A political move by the local police chief to make himself look good for some upcoming election he is going for, or maybe a promotion to a higher place in the police/government system. Parading around the obviously evil ex-pats while protecting the identities of the obviously non-consenting adult Thai performers (obviously the evil ex-pats made them do it) and saying he is going to try and get the evil webmaster in the US arrested for breaking Thai law does wonders in Thailand come election time.

Someone wasn't getting bribed enough (or at all), and decided to shut them down to prove a point to them and anyone else in the district who might be doing the same thing.

Either way, I still stand by my statement of just stay the fuck out of Thailand, or, hell, most of Southeast Asia right now.

Tim Sharky says High

I Went to Pattaya for the Sex, I Stayed for the Steroids

By Matt Shea

Imagine if Charles Bronson loaded up on steroids, waltzed out of prison, bought a huge apartment in Thailand, and spent the rest of his days sleeping with prostitutes, posting photos of said prostitutes to his Facebook page, zealously championing misogyny, and fighting for animal rights. And taking more steroids.

Add a couple of tribal tattoos and you've got Tim "Sharky" Ward, the Australian man who moved to Pattaya, Thailand, and became an internet celebrity earlier this year for taking a bunch of steroids and posting photos of prostitutes on Facebook. I suppose that makes him a worthy-enough interview subject as it is, but I also wanted to speak to him to gain some insight into why so many Australians are moving to Pattaya.

The sex trade there is no secret. Prostitutes charge about $15 a night and most rely on that money to feed their entire family. However, since many men are looking for a girlfriend or wife in these women, those with families have to pretend they are single and child-free, which has led to bloggers like StickmanBangkok, a friend of Sharky's, conducting surveillance on the women to make sure they're telling the truth. It's exploitative and sad and everything else that usually goes along with the sex industry in developing countries, and most other countries for that matter.

But sex isn’t all that’s drawing people to Pattaya. Sharky is part of a growing community of Australian bodybuilders who move there for the cheap steroids you can buy over the counter at pharmacies. As you can probably imagine, this anabolic-fueled sex-tourist paradise is on its way to becoming the historical zenith of douche-baggery, with Sharky as its king. I spoke to him to find out how life there is unfolding for him.


Tim, pre-bird-smashing.

VICE: So when I called you earlier you said you were busy. What were you doing?
Tim "Sharky" Ward: I was eating. I’d just finished fucking. I just finished smashing a bird and I went out and got some food.

Smashing her? How was that?
Fucking great. I loved it. I love pussy. I always have. People think I didn’t fuck girls before I came to Thailand. I owned nine nightclubs. I got more pussy in Australia than I get in Thailand.

Wow, that's very impressve. Can you estimate how many women you’ve slept with?
Well, it’s over a thousand in Australia and it’s over a thousand here. To be honest, it took me a lot longer to do my thousand in Australia ‘cause I had relationships.

So I take it you’re not a one woman kind of guy?
No. Fuck ‘em. They’re all cunts. I’ve been through too much to know that it just ends in heartache.

But there can only be a limited number of bar girls in Thailand—what happens when you’ve slept with them all?
Oh, they come from the villages, like Isan in the north. There are new girls arriving every day and the old ones leave. It’s the circle of life, you know? I do double up, but it's been brand new girls for the last two days. They all want to come to Pattaya. They want gold. They want to live the dream. They wanna meet the rich Western guy that’s gonna take her back to his country and look after her.

So, are you on a quest to be that rich Western guy for every prostitute in Thailand?
Fuck no, I’m not on a quest; I’m here for the training. Before I’ve been to the gym, nothing else matters.

Do you ever stay in touch with any of these bar girls?
Yeah, there are some who give me a cheeky wink when I’m walking past. They’re like mates. That’s why I stabbed that cunt. The fuckin’ guy beat up one of my girls—he put her in hospital—so I stuck a fuckin’ knife in him. Would I do it again? Fuckin' hell, yes I would. I'll stab the cunt again, if I see him.

Wait—how did you manage to get away with stabbing a guy?
Because he put a Thai girl in hospital. They were gonna give me a medal! You know, after that incident, I actually got a job with the child protection unit.

Can you talk about that a bit more?

No, I can’t. And that’s one of the reasons why I took my Facebook down. They get these guys through Facebook and they said to me that it’s probably better if I weren’t on there.

When you find them what do you do?
Oh, it’s pretty fuckin’ full on. My job’s not to shake hands. Put it this way: I wouldn’t recommend comin’ over here and fuckin’ the kids.

Good advice to be heeded all around the world, I reckon. Are you still into animal rights?
I feed stray animals on the way to the gym, then I do another set of animals at night. Sometimes I take a girl with me. It’s good putting something back. You can’t just take, take, take, take.

What would you say to all the young kids coming over to Thailand on “steroid vacations”?
The fuckin' steroids here are fake. Everything here is fake. The Louis Vuitton is fake, the Rolexes are fake—why would they believe that the steroids are real?

Have you ever taken any of them?

I won’t go out to a fuckin’ pharmacy to go and buy shit there, that's for sure. There’s one Thai guy I know who controls the whole growth hormone market, but just because something's got testosterone written on the bottle, doesn't mean it's actually testosterone.

Are the prostitutes fake too?
Well, that's just like testosterone, too; just because it’s got long hair and big tits, doesn’t mean it’s a woman.

Have you ever accidentally been with a ladyboy?
I tell you what, I knocked out the last one with a cock that I brought back home. If I find out they’re a fuckin’ liar, I'll knock ‘em the fuck out. SMACK! Take that, you cunt. I’m getting better at picking them because I’ve actually been here a long time and I know the signs to go for. They know me now, too, and they know I’d knock them out. It’s the Wild West here, man.

The Wild West? Have you ever had to kill someone?
Like I’d tell you.

I thought I'd try my luck. So, would you consider yourself a feminist?
A feminist? Nah, I don’t really like women. I’d rather spend time with animals, you know?

I see.
I’m not really into them as human beings. Once I’ve fucked ‘em, then they’re out. Have a shower and go. I give them the option to come with me and feed the animals, but that’s up to them.

Have you ever been with a girl who’s a normal size? Or are they all just Thai Bratz dolls?
The thing about Asian girls is they’ve got tight pussies. When I was with my Australian girl, I used to stick it in her ass all the time. She had a massive fuckin’ pussy, so some nights I’d just stick it in her ass. You don’t need to stick it in these girls’ asses because their pussies are so tight. I’m a fuckin’ huge guy, man. These girls aren’t that fuckin’ small. If you stood in front of me, you’d be like “oh FUCK!” Understand?

You’re a bit cocky on the phone, but if you’re in my face, you don’t talk to me like that. You’d know what I mean if you stood in front of me.

Yeah, I think you’d probably eat me alive.
It’s just having that animal in you. They tried to make me sleep by a toilet when they put me in jail. A hundred fuckin’ Thai men. What would you do if a hundred fuckin’ Thai men made you sleep by a toilet? You’d do what all the other guys do and you’d sleep by the toilet. I didn’t sleep by the fuckin’ toilet, though. Bring it on, you fuckin’ little cunts. I enjoyed Thai jail. I don’t wanna go again, but I learned a lot about the people and I learned a lot about the culture.


Some of Tim's amateur photography.

Sharky also wanted me to "clear all that shit up" about him on the internet. So, just so everyone knows, all those kids on Facebook and forums pretending to be him are actually just "trolls with small dicks." Hopefully this interview will help shed some light on this apparently, deeply misunderstood man.

Just please don't kill me, Tim.

Sharky had to take his Facebook down, but you can still follow him on Twitter, where he provides valuable insight into current events in Thailand and advice for the legion of bodybuilding fanboys who consider him “an absolute leg-end.”

More Thai tales:

The VICE Guide to Sex - Bangkok Lady Boys

Deadly Fashion Braces Are Big in Thailand
By Matt Shea 5 months ago Tags: Pattaya, prostitutes, tim, Shark, Sharky, steroids, Strange News
Damn! She was one of the first camgirls I ever visited. I remember reading here and people thinking she was so awesome and all I could ever think was how wrong people were. I think I even called her classless and disgusting in a post. I hope her children can find a drug free home and caring family but I have no sympathy for her.
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DrEdwardOM said:
The intrigue started with Mila announcing the BOOK. Next was sister Julia(?) Rose (the lawyer one) making big Romanian news for a gov't tax audit. posting.php?mode=reply&f=15&t=12619&sid=c5206a82ed6248bd33f8bafd35f90f42#
Fast forward to the birth of the Twins and the BOOK about to be published. The LBC (little boys club a.k.a. the skulduggery gang) are not about to cut off cash-flow lines, nor do they want bad press. Police vs BOOK is a no brainier; get the cops to do what is needed to put Mila in a hard place and make a deal.
Hopefully and most likely we will hear of some deal being made (details unknown as usual) for them to be kicked out of the country and lost in space. The is headed for oblivion with the LBC sighing in relief and all goes on just the way it was.
Things are not always as they appear to be; and being SOUL in a rented human suit, we are all inter-connected doing the best we can to be all that we can. MILA did, does and will do so with her new family and HOPEFULLY closure on another case of skulduggery at work.
Learn from the negative stuff and WORK-BE the positive for all the right reasons.
Namaste MILA Namaste
I would still really like to know wtf this means ^
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Jupiter551 said:
DrEdwardOM said:
The intrigue started with Mila announcing the BOOK. Next was sister Julia(?) Rose (the lawyer one) making big Romanian news for a gov't tax audit. posting.php?mode=reply&f=15&t=12619&sid=c5206a82ed6248bd33f8bafd35f90f42#
Fast forward to the birth of the Twins and the BOOK about to be published. The LBC (little boys club a.k.a. the skulduggery gang) are not about to cut off cash-flow lines, nor do they want bad press. Police vs BOOK is a no brainier; get the cops to do what is needed to put Mila in a hard place and make a deal.
Hopefully and most likely we will hear of some deal being made (details unknown as usual) for them to be kicked out of the country and lost in space. The is headed for oblivion with the LBC sighing in relief and all goes on just the way it was.
Things are not always as they appear to be; and being SOUL in a rented human suit, we are all inter-connected doing the best we can to be all that we can. MILA did, does and will do so with her new family and HOPEFULLY closure on another case of skulduggery at work.
Learn from the negative stuff and WORK-BE the positive for all the right reasons.
Namaste MILA Namaste
I would still really like to know wtf this means ^

Cocaine is a hell of a drug :shifty:
Jupiter551 said:
DrEdwardOM said:
The intrigue started with Mila announcing the BOOK. Next was sister Julia(?) Rose (the lawyer one) making big Romanian news for a gov't tax audit. posting.php?mode=reply&f=15&t=12619&sid=c5206a82ed6248bd33f8bafd35f90f42#
Fast forward to the birth of the Twins and the BOOK about to be published. The LBC (little boys club a.k.a. the skulduggery gang) are not about to cut off cash-flow lines, nor do they want bad press. Police vs BOOK is a no brainier; get the cops to do what is needed to put Mila in a hard place and make a deal.
Hopefully and most likely we will hear of some deal being made (details unknown as usual) for them to be kicked out of the country and lost in space. The is headed for oblivion with the LBC sighing in relief and all goes on just the way it was.
Things are not always as they appear to be; and being SOUL in a rented human suit, we are all inter-connected doing the best we can to be all that we can. MILA did, does and will do so with her new family and HOPEFULLY closure on another case of skulduggery at work.
Learn from the negative stuff and WORK-BE the positive for all the right reasons.
Namaste MILA Namaste
I would still really like to know wtf this means ^
:-D I assumed he cut words out of a newspaper, tossed them in a hat, then randomly pasted them to a board and copied the result to ACF.
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Mate_ said:
Someone has deleted all her tweets since her arrest, got these two tho
Thanks to Falcon Pro caching tweets periodically rather than showing a live Twitter feed, I was able to find a few more of her tweets after getting busted in my timeline. You can check out the screenshots from my phone below.


  • 2013-03-17 17.23.36.png
    2013-03-17 17.23.36.png
    140.7 KB · Views: 513
  • 2013-03-17 17.23.50.png
    2013-03-17 17.23.50.png
    129 KB · Views: 513
yummybrownfox said:
.I feel like some of the people posting just find this whole thing amusing.

I must admit to finding humor in the situation. I feel awful for her kids and all the women she's exploited but still find some things amusing. She would always brag about the properties she owned and it turns out they were just renting that shit? She always bragged about how much she made and how much she had and now she's sitting in a cell begging for money. People blaming drugs when she could have been on them all along and trying do deny that sometimes someone is just a shitty person. Strangely amusing to me.
PunkInDrublic said:
yummybrownfox said:
.I feel like some of the people posting just find this whole thing amusing.

I must admit to finding humor in the situation. I feel awful for her kids and all the women she's exploited but still find some things amusing. She would always brag about the properties she owned and it turns out they were just renting that shit? She always bragged about how much she made and how much she had and now she's sitting in a cell begging for money. People blaming drugs when she could have been on them all along and trying do deny that sometimes someone is just a shitty person. Strangely amusing to me.
I don't find it amusing and in a perfect world I would also say it's not fair...but it is Thai law on Thai soil and she knew it. Fair is completely beside the point except under the Thai judicial system.

Australians and some others will remember Schapelle Corby. It's coming up to 8 years now she's been in a bali jail. This is in Indonesia, so a different country, but the same attitudes about drugs and crime. Australian girl was caught with a bag of marijuana at bali airport and was charged with drug smuggling which carried a maximum sentence of the death penalty. Lots of people thought she was innocent, she was on prime time news for 6 months at least in Australia. How could they possibly execute her when the same thing back home would land her in a cell for a few years max. Instead she got off 'lightly' and got 20 years in a southeast Asian prison. The fact is she was in that country, her only chance imo of getting out of this is to NOT make a big scene out of it. The bigger the scene the less likely she'll be able to effectively bribe anyone.
So in this the dude says 'police obtained a search warrant based on information gained from a subscription website' she wished she blocked Thailand :lol:
AudreyAnna said:
Ha! lol Zoomer you're right, I kinda had a blank out moment there about the mobile phone..duh ofcourse mobile phone..I knew that..I'm Russian and it's common there for prisoners to keep mobile phones the whole times they're incarcerated for years..just as long as they pay off the guards and hide them when there's check ups even though everyone knows the phones are there...sorry about that lol, I feel silly. >_>

Its prison , where would one hide a mobile phone :think: :think: :think:

Jupiter551 said:
Australians and some others will remember Schapelle Corby. It's coming up to 8 years now she's been in a bali jail. This is in Indonesia, so a different country, but the same attitudes about drugs and crime. Australian girl was caught with a bag of marijuana at bali airport and was charged with drug smuggling which carried a maximum sentence of the death penalty. Lots of people thought she was innocent, she was on prime time news for 6 months at least in Australia. How could they possibly execute her when the same thing back home would land her in a cell for a few years max. Instead she got off 'lightly' and got 20 years in a southeast Asian prison. The fact is she was in that country, her only chance imo of getting out of this is to NOT make a big scene out of it. The bigger the scene the less likely she'll be able to effectively bribe anyone.

Tragic to see one stupid mistake ruin someones life.
Although it would be nice if people didn't commit crimes at all (though I think some things that are illegal should just be regulated..or not be illegal at all) I think it's especially uncomfortable to think about when you take into account the time one would have received were they to commit the same crime in, say.. Australia, or better yet, Canada.
Jupiter551 said:
So in this the dude says 'police obtained a search warrant based on information gained from a subscription website' she wished she blocked Thailand :lol:

The way the story keeps changing, it is definitely sounding more and more like a bribery not paid/political maneuver arrest over any actual real investigation. The other day the police claimed to have someone on the inside feeding them info, now it's info gained from a subscription website? Yeah, sounds like a fully above board investigation, there.
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JordanBlack said:
It's an outrageous situation to be arrested for camming or owning a studio, but I do agree that she should've respected the laws in that country, even if draconian. Hope she's going to be ok and she won't get a long sentence for it or even just get her deported back to Austria.

As sad as the situation is, I can't stop laughing at how proud are those cops for capturing the hitachi & the double ended dildo, oh oh the rabbit too :lol:


The sad thing for me is that I gave her that Hitachi when I stayed with her in NYC for a weekend. I was a new cam girl, trying to make $$ and she was the only model that offered to help me(I reached out to all the models in the top 20 at that time). She let me stay with her when she came to the US for a visit and we actually did cam shows together. She is a good person, a wonderful mother( I saw this first hand) and very driven. There are 2 sides to every story and I try not to pick sides, only to see the good in people who are good to me.

Everybody has their own opinions about what she has been doing lately but quite honestly as a cam girl(retired, kinda?!?) and a mother, I am devastated that this is happening to her. When I found out I wanted to fly to Thailand and try to offer my support in some way. Her poor children, especially her son who is not an infant like the twins and very attached to his mommy. Lets leave this topic be for now, I think enough bashing and slamming of Mila has been done for the moment.

I have so much more to say about this but for now I am going to keep my mouth shut.

"You cannot do kindness too soon, for you will never know how soon it will be too late." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
mynameisbob84 said:
Jupiter551 said:
DrEdwardOM said:
The intrigue started with Mila announcing the BOOK. ...... Fast forward to the birth of the Twins ...... The LBC (little boys club a.k.a. the skulduggery gang) are not about to cut off cash-flow lines, nor do they want bad press. Police vs BOOK is a no brainier; get the cops to do what is needed to put Mila in a hard place and make a deal.
Hopefully and most likely we will hear of some deal being made (details unknown ......
Things are not always as they appear to be; and being SOUL in a rented human suit, we are all inter-connected doing the best we can to be all that we can. MILA did, does and will do so with her new family and HOPEFULLY closure on another case of skulduggery at work.
Learn from the negative stuff and WORK-BE the positive for all the right reasons.
Namaste MILA Namaste
I would still really like to know wtf this means ^

Cocaine is a hell of a drug :shifty:

You guys, stop being mean! For fuck's sake! Why do you have to act like jerkfaces sometimes??? :icon-cry:

He is SAYING, that not everything is always as it seems. There is likely much more going on behind this that we will never know about, and maybe never see pan out. He is saying that purrhaps Mila is doing the best she can to be all that she can be... That she is trying to live her life as she sees fit and we really CAN'T know who is in the right, wrong, or otherwise in this situation. (at least that's how I interpret it, although I can't totally wrap my head around exactly how he's speculating it's all gone down so far.) :think:

And furthermore Namaste to him, to Mila and to all of you, and if that's so damn confusing too, try wikipedia!

And, furthermore I kinda agree with the karma thing, she was being quite the finger-pointer there with An and what-have-you. Maybe she needed to be knocked down a few notches? Bummer to hear about it all especially considering the children, but you know, she was kind of asking for it.
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