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Chatting with an associate who is familiar with international law and once contemplated opening a studio in Thailand he told me a few things about situations like this over there.
Prostitution is illegal but tolerated. In this situation it's likely there was a local payoff to remain under the radar and either someone further up the ladder who never got a cut, a crusader or she simply overstayed her welcome is what lead up to this.
The drugs however are the biggest issue, likely a minimum 10yr sentence. Noticing how all the euros are named but the thai's are not likely means this will be presented as the euros corrupted the thai's into this work and they will go free while the remaining will be made an example of the kind of people they don't want in their country.
If she's lucky they may let her raise her twins in jail.
The right bribe or payoff can do wonders though
Chatting with an associate who is familiar with international law and once contemplated opening a studio in Thailand he told me a few things about situations like this over there.
Prostitution is illegal but tolerated. In this situation it's likely there was a local payoff to remain under the radar and either someone further up the ladder who never got a cut, a crusader or she simply overstayed her welcome is what lead up to this.
The drugs however are the biggest issue, likely a minimum 10yr sentence. Noticing how all the euros are named but the thai's are not likely means this will be presented as the euros corrupted the thai's into this work and they will go free while the remaining will be made an example of the kind of people they don't want in their country.
If she's lucky they may let her raise her twins in jail.
The right bribe or payoff can do wonders though