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Mila Milan - Busted ?

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Very upsetting after I read her tweet from jail (also kinda weird that she still got the mood to tweet in there)
I feel really sorry for her kids and wish them all the best :(
HolySweet said:
Very upsetting after I read her tweet from jail (also kinda weird that she still got the mood to tweet in there)
I feel really sorry for her kids and wish them all the best :(
She tweeted in jail? :woops:

I still want to have faith in her that she can get out of this mess, move to another country, and continue what she does for a living, in order to support her children.

It is strange to make such a push on your career while you've got two little infants, but we're not in her shoes.
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Jillybean said:
I'm pretty sure my neighbors know what I do (windows were open during two shows, and one of my neighbors is a gossipy front-porch-sitter). I live in a town filled with big trucks with confederate flags blasting Jimmy Buffet from the speakers. They all have George W. Bush, Christianity, and pro-life bumper stickers. My town is super god-fearing, and super conservative.

I'm imagining this, and a gossipy lady in a long dress sitting on her porch drinking sweet tea. LOL. And the lady's eyes damn near popping out of her head as she shouts "Sweet Jesus! That girl's defiling herself! Jonah, come on out here and look at what this lil' heathen's been doing!" :lol:

Jillybean said:
I think the only way someone would be successful in doing this to you is if your HOA specifically forbids adult work/working from home in the contract. Same for a rental situation.

Yup, I know a U.S. cam girl who was recently kicked out of her apartment after someone saw her toys and lighting set up.
I think anyone here posting that Mila is getting what she deserves is more saying what she deserved was the arrest. Not the death penalty, life in prison, or 10 years part of what her punishment could be. I don't think any of us feel she deserves death for camming. Or even 10-20 years in prison. But that is what she is facing sadly. And she knowingly did illegal activities in a country she knew full well what the laws were. She has lived in Thailand for years, and talked about and tweeted that she knew what she was doing was wrong. She did it anyway. She did it already having a child, and she continued after having 2 more. She is now paying that price.
I don't ever see her just being deported if they plan to fully charge her. The only way that will happen is if they don't. For whatever reason. If they charge her the sentencing will be swift and very bad for her. With this obviously being a high profile case where she is. Her being a foreigner. The drugs. The others in the house. Testing positive for drugs. All of it.

All the reports say is that she tested positive for drugs. All 3 of them did. But what drugs are unknown. They could have tested them for cough medicine for all we know. So let's not jump to conclusions just yet.
I will say i had a very good friend go to Thailand just 4 years ago. It was a mess. Basically as soon as he got into town he was approached by 4 of their police. They told him they wanted a bribe of $2,000 each. He didn't have 8 grand to drop like that. He went there for the cheapness of the place. They then hauled him off to jail and told him they were charging him with drug possession and failing a field drug test. They never even tested him. Nor did he have drugs on him. The police stopped and got some off a known druggie on the way to the police station to say they were his. Once booked he was beaten almost to death so they took him to the hospital within an hour of arriving there. He will still coherent enough to ask the nurses to drug test him while there. They actually did it. The police didn't know he even asked for it or they probably would have stopped it from happening. He tested negative and after a few days when he went to see the "judge" there the told them his story and provided the test results showing he was negative and he was released and escorted straight to the airport where he was told never come back.
I'm just saying this because I want people to take what police say with a grain of salt. Especially in foreign countries where things like this are rampant.

As far as taxes we don't know what or where she filed at all. I don't know where this is coming from. She could have easily been paying her camming taxes in Austria where her citizenship is. I see no call to start saying she not only wasn't paying taxes, but was being false with them and covering camming up. We have no clue about any of that. So i think that should be let go. That is spreading rumors and shouldn't be done anymore.

And the only time dual citizenship was brought up was when i said her babies would have it. Not her. As far as i know she's just an Austrian citizen. Her babies however being born in Thailand and their mom having Austrian citizenship would have both. Not her. And im only assuming she had them in Thailand since i never seen her say she went elsewhere for the birth.
I don't think anybody is suggesting that "she's a cam girl therefore she deserves to be imprisoned for 20 years or maybe even given the death sentence lol". The fact that the sentence for camming in Thailand carries a weightier sentence than murder in some countries is ridiculous. The punishment does not fit the "crime". I don't think that's being disputed.
But at the same time, it's not being unfair or "judgemental" to state that Mila knowingly broke the law for many years when she didn't need to - taking risks that had the potential to effect not just her, but her kids as well - and now it's come back to haunt her. That's not being judgemental, that's stating a fact.
Nobody's saying you can't support Mila. I sincerely hope there's a swift resolution to this thing that benefits her children. But it just seems a little naive to think that everbody else is going to be of the opinon that - even given the circumstances - nothing even slightly negative should be said about Mila.
I guess my whole point where I differ from most of you here is that I want to believe people too much. When she says she was ignorant to these laws, I want to be able to have faith that she's telling the truth. That she would never put her children's lives in jeopardy like that. Maybe I'm naive and foolish. But that is the case.

yummybrownfox said:
Jillybean said:
I'm pretty sure my neighbors know what I do (windows were open during two shows, and one of my neighbors is a gossipy front-porch-sitter). I live in a town filled with big trucks with confederate flags blasting Jimmy Buffet from the speakers. They all have George W. Bush, Christianity, and pro-life bumper stickers. My town is super god-fearing, and super conservative.

I'm imagining this, and a gossipy lady in a long dress sitting on her porch drinking sweet tea. LOL. And the lady's eyes damn near popping out of her head as she shouts "Sweet Jesus! That girl's defiling herself! Jonah, come on out here and look at what this lil' heathen's been doing!" :lol:
Change "dress" to "housecoat" and "Jonah" to "Skippy" and you've got it pretty much 100%. :lol:

yummybrownfox said:
Jillybean said:
I think the only way someone would be successful in doing this to you is if your HOA specifically forbids adult work/working from home in the contract. Same for a rental situation.

Yup, I know a U.S. cam girl who was recently kicked out of her apartment after someone saw her toys and lighting set up.
This sounds INSANE to me. And it infuriates me. When I rent my house out in a few years (moving away) I will make sure to let them know that they are free to work here, being a cam model, or running a babysitting business! I don't care! :p

Seriously, if it's on the grounds that you're not supposed to be working from home, what do they do about 1) photographers 2) authors/illustrators 3) over the phone telecommunicators 4) baby sitters 5)schoolteachers grading papers at home! :p What a double standard!
Jillybean said:
I guess my whole point where I differ from most of you here is that I want to believe people too much. When she says she was ignorant to these laws, I want to be able to have faith that she's telling the truth. That she would never put her children's lives in jeopardy like that. Maybe I'm naive and foolish. But that is the case.

yummybrownfox said:
Jillybean said:
I'm pretty sure my neighbors know what I do (windows were open during two shows, and one of my neighbors is a gossipy front-porch-sitter). I live in a town filled with big trucks with confederate flags blasting Jimmy Buffet from the speakers. They all have George W. Bush, Christianity, and pro-life bumper stickers. My town is super god-fearing, and super conservative.

I'm imagining this, and a gossipy lady in a long dress sitting on her porch drinking sweet tea. LOL. And the lady's eyes damn near popping out of her head as she shouts "Sweet Jesus! That girl's defiling herself! Jonah, come on out here and look at what this lil' heathen's been doing!" :lol:
Change "dress" to "housecoat" and "Jonah" to "Skippy" and you've got it pretty much 100%. :lol:

yummybrownfox said:
Jillybean said:
I think the only way someone would be successful in doing this to you is if your HOA specifically forbids adult work/working from home in the contract. Same for a rental situation.

Yup, I know a U.S. cam girl who was recently kicked out of her apartment after someone saw her toys and lighting set up.
This sounds INSANE to me. And it infuriates me. When I rent my house out in a few years (moving away) I will make sure to let them know that they are free to work here, being a cam model, or running a babysitting business! I don't care! :p

Seriously, if it's on the grounds that you're not supposed to be working from home, what do they do about 1) photographers 2) authors/illustrators 3) over the phone telecommunicators 4) baby sitters 5)schoolteachers grading papers at home! :p What a double standard!

Agreed, I can't IMAGINE a landlord giving a shit what legal activities are done in their apartment, as long as they get their rent and the tenant isn't bothering the neighbors. Then again, my landlord knows I'm a model. He doesn't know what type of modeling I do, he didn't ask. I'm sure it crossed his mind that it might be adult in nature, but it's none of his business, and I'm sure that as long as rent continues to be paid on time he's more than happy to take my dirty money.
I know I said I wouldnt post again but Im still lurking :shifty:
Here you are allowed to run a legal business (ex babysitting) or put on a performance out of a rental so long as your insurance covers it. And provided you aren't violating and special lease terms (noise, people living with you).
PunkInDrublic said:
JickyJuly said:
If you can look at a situation that you know has left a pair of babies and a child floating around in Thailand without their mother and call it entertainment, you are in fact a piece of shit. Fact.

I don't think anybody finds that to be entertaining. I would like to hope we all feel the same for the kids involved. You can go ahead and stay furious and insult me if it somehow makes you feel better tho.
What are you talking about? Was this a different Punk? I may have been hot headed and insulting with you, but I didn't make up a reason to be.
PunkInDrublic said:
I must admit to finding humor in the situation...still find some things amusing. ...Strangely amusing to me.
I think there's a very salient point to be taken in the fact that SO many camgirls are actually "breaking the rules" in one way or another. Like - So. Many.

Not all camgirls get permission from their landlords to run their cam business from home, and many take measures to shroud their work in secrecy because they either don't want to get found or and / or they don't want to get kicked out or compromise their chances of securing a place. THAT gets discussed a lot, but... that's fine? That's cool.

It's a very common thing to see on tenancy agreements that you're not allowed to conduct a business from that rented accommodation. Unless your landlord knows, YES, he / she COULD kick your ass out at any time because you're camming from where you live. Sure - might not give a fuck. But at the same time: could take some serious issue with it! Especially if you similarly get "busted" by perhaps an angry neighbor who has to deal with your constant sex noises and you are a disturbance!
LaylaAubrey said:
Someone could turn in ANY of you into your landlord. Yes, running a business from home is generally not tolerated by landlords, and shooting porn from home certainly isn't. Absolutely no landlord would allow that. None. Nor is it welcome in any conservative area even if you are a home owner. You ALL could be in a similar situation if your landlord found out and was pissed off enough about it.

Saying that absolutely no landlord will allow that is a little dramatic.

To leave you homeless and start a lawsuit against you by your landlord, all someone would have to do is buy something off your Amazon wishlist (that doesn't ship directly from Amazon) or have you accept a Paypal payment, and then call up to get your name. Even if companies say they won't give out that info, they will and they do. Then, they trace the name or address on a site like Intelius to get all your addresses and relatives, and then out you to all your family and find the information on the owner of your home (your landlord) and call him/her and tell him you do porn from home.

That’s why a lot of models don’t have wishlists. That’s also why model’s ONLY select items that are shipped from and sold by Amazon because that’s a non-issue. Also, this is why almost every model will recommend using a PO box or a UPS box as they can be registered to your alias.

Other sites have talked about this and brought up good examples. A man may approach you for a date, and be angry that you turned him down. He may follow you to your door without your awareness, and then put his ear on the door to spy on you. He hears you filming porn from home. He contacts your landlord and tips him/her off.

What, really? Maybe it’s just me, but I certainly don’t go from zero to full on porn shoot the second I walk in my front door. And how does someone hear you filming porn anyway? I mean, what’s he going to do? Bust me to the landlord for masturbating? That’s going to be an interesting and awkward conversation for any landlord.

Really, its SO EASY to bust any cam girl, but the difference is that most people don't care enough to do so. Unless you make someone angry (which can even happen if you are not trying, like the man who approaches you for a date example), no one has a reason to tip you off.

But blaming Mila for her actions is really no better than what any of you are doing, unless you just so happen to own your home in a very liberal area.

As far as I’m concerned, Mila is the only person to blame for building her porn empire in a country that has strict laws for porn production and distribution. Maybe someone tipped off the police, but we’ll likely never know all that. The fact of the matter still remains that she chose to do this work in a country where it’s illegal.

Edit: I still feel for Mila and her family, so please don't misconstrue my last 3 sentences. It's up to all of us as adults to take responsibility for ourselves and knowingly living in a place where your work is illegal is not being responsible, especially with children involved.
Whisperly said:
I think there's a very salient point
:clap: lol

Jillybean said:
I guess my whole point where I differ from most of you here is that I want to believe people too much. When she says she was ignorant to these laws, I want to be able to have faith that she's telling the truth.
Hah, okay but it isn't the truth, she's admitted it and besides, she was intimately involved with laundering the money through her other businesses we presume. Someone was certainly making a lot of undeclared income. If she hadn't actively hidden it she'd have probly been pursued for tax fraud already. Maybe we all WANT to believe something, but once presented with evidence we put what we want to believe aside - that's where you apparently differ :twocents-02cents:
AllisonWilder said:
Other sites have talked about this and brought up good examples. A man may approach you for a date, and be angry that you turned him down. He may follow you to your door without your awareness, and then put his ear on the door to spy on you. He hears you filming porn from home. He contacts your landlord and tips him/her off.

What, really? Maybe it’s just me, but I certainly don’t go from zero to full on porn shoot the second I walk in my front door. And how does someone hear you filming porn anyway? I mean, what’s he going to do? Bust me to the landlord for masturbating? That’s going to be an interesting and awkward conversation for any landlord.
Lol no shit - in the front door, drop the shopping, cameras rolling, doggystyle in front of the keyhole.

And yeah really, a rejected self-incriminating peeping-tom is going to bust you for masturbating in your own apt? :lol:
Jupiter551 said:
Jillybean said:
I guess my whole point where I differ from most of you here is that I want to believe people too much. When she says she was ignorant to these laws, I want to be able to have faith that she's telling the truth.
Hah, okay but it isn't the truth, she's admitted it and besides, she was intimately involved with laundering the money through her other businesses we presume. Someone was certainly making a lot of undeclared income. If she hadn't actively hidden it she'd have probly been pursued for tax fraud already. Maybe we all WANT to believe something, but once presented with evidence we put what we want to believe aside - that's where you apparently differ :twocents-02cents:

Thats a mighty big presumption. One that has no proof, or even a slight smidgen of evidence to point to. I think it should be treated as we all did with Milas claims of laundering. Show proof or STFU about it. We have no idea how taxes were paid, if they were, where, or any undeclared income anywhere. The fact that she hasnt been charged with tax fraud does not mean she actively hid a thing. It could just mean she actually paid the shit too ya know.
Airwolfe said:
JerryBoBerry said:
I think I will take the words of wisdom from the great Evvie and employ the ignore button.

AFC has an Ignore button? Where the fuck is that at?

The Thanks was an accidental button click. I been up too long and thought I was clicking to quote you.
How to foe!
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Whisperly said:
I think there's a very salient point to be taken in the fact that SO many camgirls are actually "breaking the rules" in one way or another. Like - So. Many.

Not all camgirls get permission from their landlords to run their cam business from home, and many take measures to shroud their work in secrecy because they either don't want to get found or and / or they don't want to get kicked out or compromise their chances of securing a place. THAT gets discussed a lot, but... that's fine? That's cool.

If camming from a rented home without your landlord's permission carried with it a potential 20 year jail sentence which would take the model away from her children, then this would be a fair comparison.
I don't get why some models are so hell bent on ignoring the facts and trying to claim Mila is at no fault.

She didn't know she was breaking the law

debunked - check a few pages back (you did read the whole thread before posting, right?)

What happened to Mila could happen to any model?

Are you seriously trying to compare her situation to breaking a rental agreement / HOA rule? I'm sorry, but I think running an illegal operation is slightly different than breaking a rental agreement or HOA rule.

It's a shitty situation, sure. That does not mean you should be ignorant of what happened and why it happened. You can still have your opinion about Mila, positive or negative, but don't try to claim she's 100% innocent and didn't deserve to get caught when she was knowingly breaking the law and not hiding the fact.
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Teagan_Chase said:
Thats a mighty big presumption. One that has no proof, or even a slight smidgen of evidence to point to. I think it should be treated as we all did with Milas claims of laundering. Show proof or STFU about it. We have no idea how taxes were paid, if they were, where, or any undeclared income anywhere. The fact that she hasnt been charged with tax fraud does not mean she actively hid a thing. It could just mean she actually paid the shit too ya know.
How is it a presumption exactly? Can you give me an example of how you would declare illegal income and how you would pay tax on it? Drug dealers have the same problem, that's why money laundering exists - because when you start making a lot of money with no legitimate job people tend to notice. Esp if you drive a porsche and live in a resort-mansion like she did. In most countries you can't even bank without them telling the tax office about amounts over about $10,000.

No, she hasn't been charged with tax fraud because a) she's not actually defrauding the authorities because she's not making an assessable income, she's making an illegal income. It's not possible to defraud taxes using criminal money, at least not the first time through the laundry.

As for the money in her own words 70% I think she said of her businesses are 'legit'. Funny, that'd fit perfectly to launder because you can't put too much in one place at any one time or you can't make it look real. The simple fact is if she hadn't laundered her camming money she would have had no reliable or safe way to spend it.

They may not need to charge her with anymore, and/or financial forensics may be beyond the scope of this case, but I suspect they have more than enough for a reasonable person to believe the legit businesses were *probably* used for at least some money laundering - it would make perfect sense, not laundering would make none.
LaylaAubrey said:
In addition, many cam girls or pornstars postpone their education until AFTER their adult career has ended because they are aware of the importance of interning.
Yup I believe they should be allowed to be pornstars and interns at the same time.

Also where do I apply for an intern? :shifty:
Jupiter551 said:
Teagan_Chase said:
Thats a mighty big presumption. One that has no proof, or even a slight smidgen of evidence to point to. I think it should be treated as we all did with Milas claims of laundering. Show proof or STFU about it. We have no idea how taxes were paid, if they were, where, or any undeclared income anywhere. The fact that she hasnt been charged with tax fraud does not mean she actively hid a thing. It could just mean she actually paid the shit too ya know.
How is it a presumption exactly? Can you give me an example of how you would declare illegal income and how you would pay tax on it? Drug dealers have the same problem, that's why money laundering exists - because when you start making a lot of money with no legitimate job people tend to notice. Esp if you drive a porsche and live in a resort-mansion like she did. In most countries you can't even bank without them telling the tax office about amounts over about $10,000.

No, she hasn't been charged with tax fraud because a) she's not actually defrauding the authorities because she's not making an assessable income, she's making an illegal income. It's not possible to defraud taxes using criminal money, at least not the first time through the laundry.

As for the money in her own words 70% I think she said of her businesses are 'legit'. Funny, that'd fit perfectly to launder because you can't put too much in one place at any one time or you can't make it look real. The simple fact is if she hadn't laundered her camming money she would have had no reliable or safe way to spend it.

They may not need to charge her with anymore, and/or financial forensics may be beyond the scope of this case, but I suspect they have more than enough for a reasonable person to believe the legit businesses were *probably* used for at least some money laundering - it would make perfect sense, not laundering would make none.
Its pretty easy. As i said earlier if she was paying taxes in her own country of citizenship. End of story. Cause that's how youre supposed to do it really. I know im a new resident of the state im in now, but i pay my taxes in the other state im a resident of last year. I know several girls here who pay taxes not where they reside, but where they have citizenship instead.
And she said her businesses are non-adult. Not legit.

Edit: Yup she said non-adult. Not that they were legit. If she had something else in her profile or another tweet i may be mistaken. But the screen shots from earlier in the thread say that alone.

I also wanna say im not defending her. I know the drug part could be made up as all hell. And the drug testing. But she knowingly cammed where it was illegal. That she is fully guilty of.
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I checked many of the profiles of Thai girls working on MFC and most of them are still active. However, I did find that about half a dozen profiles have disappeared. Does anyone have any info about whether these were girls who were also involved in the bust or working under Mila's studio account?
balut said:
I checked many of the profiles of Thai girls working on MFC and most of them are still active. However, I did find that about half a dozen profiles have disappeared. Does anyone have any info about whether these were girls who were also involved in the bust or working under Mila's studio account?

I think MFC removed them after this situation started. Idk if they were working for her or not.

One model I know in particular wasn't working for Mila and her profile is down as well.

The two models Mila recently cammed with still have profiles up and it clearly states they are from Thailand.
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Jupiter551 said:
No, she hasn't been charged with tax fraud because a) she's not actually defrauding the authorities because she's not making an assessable income, she's making an illegal income. It's not possible to defraud taxes using criminal money, at least not the first time through the laundry.

Yes it is. At least here in the U.S.. America has a long established rule that any income is to have taxes paid on it. Failure to report income, even those illegally gained, on your taxes is another crime in and of itself. I could cite statutes but that would be boring, so I'll simply give you two words: Al Capone.
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JerryBoBerry said:
Jupiter551 said:
No, she hasn't been charged with tax fraud because a) she's not actually defrauding the authorities because she's not making an assessable income, she's making an illegal income. It's not possible to defraud taxes using criminal money, at least not the first time through the laundry.

Yes it is. At least here in the U.S.. America has a long established rule that any income is to have taxes paid on it. Failure to report income, even those illegally gained, on your taxes is another crime in and of itself. I could cite statutes but that would be boring, so I'll simply give you two words: Al Capone.

Thank you. As i could not remember which mobster had been caught just for this alone. Which is why US citizen camgirls pay US taxes regardless of if they live out of the country for periods of time. Mila would do the same. She would not need to hide her camming income from Austria where it is legal to do this job.
JickyJuly said:
What are you talking about? Was this a different Punk? I may have been hot headed and insulting with you, but I didn't make up a reason to be.

I was trying to say that I don't think anyone finds kids losing their mom funny. That part isn't amusing in the slightest.
Sadly, this thread reveals the best and worst facets of internet forums. Free speech is one of the great things about democracy but it never ceases to amaze me how people seek to use/abuse that privilege

I have no knowledge or major interest in Mila or her life. I've been in her room once or twice but (and I realise I'm showing my age here) but I mostly found it too noisy. :)

1) Opinions are like arseholes - everyone has got one but they are mostly full of shit. That sums up most of the posts here
2) It is truly serendipitous how a small forum such as this is able to house such expertise in topics as varied as narcotics, the law enforcement and justice system in Thailand and psychoanalysis!! Google and Wikipedia have rarely been so busy
3) Any thread that miraculously produces a number of first-time posters is to be treated with extreme caution. You end up with a thread where a number of members are posting under multiple IDs to get their (mostly pointless) views across

It is like a car crash where traffic builds up on the opposite side as people linger to view the damage.

Move along, there's nothing to see here :(
Jupiter551 said:
Teagan_Chase said:
Thats a mighty big presumption. One that has no proof, or even a slight smidgen of evidence to point to. I think it should be treated as we all did with Milas claims of laundering. Show proof or STFU about it. We have no idea how taxes were paid, if they were, where, or any undeclared income anywhere. The fact that she hasnt been charged with tax fraud does not mean she actively hid a thing. It could just mean she actually paid the shit too ya know.
How is it a presumption exactly? Can you give me an example of how you would declare illegal income and how you would pay tax on it? Drug dealers have the same problem, that's why money laundering exists - because when you start making a lot of money with no legitimate job people tend to notice. Esp if you drive a porsche and live in a resort-mansion like she did. In most countries you can't even bank without them telling the tax office about amounts over about $10,000.

In the US at least, the IRS gives instructions about this:

Illegal activities. Income from illegal activities, such as money from dealing illegal drugs, must be included in your income on Form 1040, line 21, or on Schedule C or Schedule C-EZ (Form 1040) if from your self-employment activity.

When people get busted for drugs, one of the first things a lawyer will suggest if it looks like the case again them is solid is to immediately pay the taxes on their illegal income to avoid additional tax evasion charges. The IRS claims to not share information about people voluntarily paying tax on illegal income with other agencies unless subpoenaed... but I'll admit I wouldn't be too sure about that. I'd be even less sure about it in a country like Thailand, where I'd fully expect it to bring some requests for bribes.
Teagan_Chase said:
JerryBoBerry said:
Jupiter551 said:
No, she hasn't been charged with tax fraud because a) she's not actually defrauding the authorities because she's not making an assessable income, she's making an illegal income. It's not possible to defraud taxes using criminal money, at least not the first time through the laundry.

Yes it is. At least here in the U.S.. America has a long established rule that any income is to have taxes paid on it. Failure to report income, even those illegally gained, on your taxes is another crime in and of itself. I could cite statutes but that would be boring, so I'll simply give you two words: Al Capone.

Thank you. As i could not remember which mobster had been caught just for this alone. Which is why US citizen camgirls pay US taxes regardless of if they live out of the country for periods of time. Mila would do the same. She would not need to hide her camming income from Austria where it is legal to do this job.

I think you might be a little confused about tax laws. It really depends on the laws of the country you live in and the laws of the country where you are working. Whether you pay taxes to the country of your citizenship makes no difference if the country you work in says you have to pay taxes to them as well.
The links are just two examples and I can give a personal example. The state I live in does not have an income tax. The state where I work has an income tax. I have to pay income taxes in the state I work. If it were as simple as only paying taxes to the country or state where you have citizenship, everyone would want to become citizens of those places where there is no income tax.
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Reading exercise for those who ignored it. All six people found at the location tested positive for drugs - not just three...

3 who tested positive are, as previously noted, being treated as "witnesses" - despite engaging in the exact same criminal activities.

Honestly, this place is turning into drama llama in several threads with over exaggeration on all sides for whatever reason. It's quite depressing.
AllisonWilder said:
LaylaAubrey said:
Someone could turn in ANY of you into your landlord. Yes, running a business from home is generally not tolerated by landlords, and shooting porn from home certainly isn't. Absolutely no landlord would allow that. None. Nor is it welcome in any conservative area even if you are a home owner. You ALL could be in a similar situation if your landlord found out and was pissed off enough about it.

Saying that absolutely no landlord will allow that is a little dramatic.

To leave you homeless and start a lawsuit against you by your landlord, all someone would have to do is buy something off your Amazon wishlist (that doesn't ship directly from Amazon) or have you accept a Paypal payment, and then call up to get your name. Even if companies say they won't give out that info, they will and they do. Then, they trace the name or address on a site like Intelius to get all your addresses and relatives, and then out you to all your family and find the information on the owner of your home (your landlord) and call him/her and tell him you do porn from home.

That’s why a lot of models don’t have wishlists. That’s also why model’s ONLY select items that are shipped from and sold by Amazon because that’s a non-issue. Also, this is why almost every model will recommend using a PO box or a UPS box as they can be registered to your alias.

Other sites have talked about this and brought up good examples. A man may approach you for a date, and be angry that you turned him down. He may follow you to your door without your awareness, and then put his ear on the door to spy on you. He hears you filming porn from home. He contacts your landlord and tips him/her off.

What, really? Maybe it’s just me, but I certainly don’t go from zero to full on porn shoot the second I walk in my front door. And how does someone hear you filming porn anyway? I mean, what’s he going to do? Bust me to the landlord for masturbating? That’s going to be an interesting and awkward conversation for any landlord.

Really, its SO EASY to bust any cam girl, but the difference is that most people don't care enough to do so. Unless you make someone angry (which can even happen if you are not trying, like the man who approaches you for a date example), no one has a reason to tip you off.

But blaming Mila for her actions is really no better than what any of you are doing, unless you just so happen to own your home in a very liberal area.

As far as I’m concerned, Mila is the only person to blame for building her porn empire in a country that has strict laws for porn production and distribution. Maybe someone tipped off the police, but we’ll likely never know all that. The fact of the matter still remains that she chose to do this work in a country where it’s illegal.

Edit: I still feel for Mila and her family, so please don't misconstrue my last 3 sentences. It's up to all of us as adults to take responsibility for ourselves and knowingly living in a place where your work is illegal is not being responsible, especially with children involved.

Just thought I'd add my two cents in here:

The manager of my leasing office DOES know that I cam for a living and when I was still doing hardcore photoshoots, he knew about that too. He also knows that I own a pitbull and a lab mix (both are no no's here) and wrote in my lease agreement that after meeting my dogs, both were acceptable companions and so long as we don't let them poop in front of the neighbors houses, that we were allowed to keep them.

So your statement (bolded and underlined) is not true. Some of us DO follow the rules and cam LEGALLY inside our rented home in a very conservative region.

Now if you really did want to 'out' me to my family and friends, go for it. They'll laugh at you and ask if you found out because you saw me walking around naked or caught me trying to pick up some poor girl from the grocery store. They all know and they'd find it hilarious that you had your panties in a bunch over my life.

If you were really THAT concerned over my life and really wanted to get me kicked out of my home, you would need to try and report me for my gardening or the fact that I still have a few pills from my old pain medication prescription. According to the law and the agreement I signed for my prescription, I was supposed to throw those last 5 pills away as soon as I got pregnant but they're still in the cabinet because I don't have a secure place to dispose of them. My garden could technically get me in trouble because it 'offends' the neighbors. :roll: And I say try about those things, because if you actually did attempt to report me, the leasing office manager and the cops would just laugh at you after tossing out my old prescription for me and then helping me water my plants.

Summary: Your assumption that all camgirls cam illegally from rented homes is untrue and mildly offensive. Some of us actually do follow the rules: no nudity/masturbation in public chat, no reselling of capped shows, telling our landlords what we do, etc. Some of us actually do care about not partaking in illegal activities just for the record. :twocents-02cents:
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