AmberCutie's Forum
An adult community for cam models and members to discuss all the things!

MFC has fullscreen video now.

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ShelterLight said:
I usually stay out of these things but....

Really you should have offered to tip X amount for her to get rid of it, not withhold tips because of it.
Your boycotting way is actually offensive, because you were not offering to pay for something you want, you were refusing to tip for your enjoyment of anything else going on in the room until she conformed to your wishes.

I would personally find it rude, and maybe secretly resent you after pulling a stunt like that.


So instead of offering to resume tipping after she stopped scrolling her text, I should have offered to tip her to stop scrolling her text? That is the same thing.

This is a model who earned hundreds from me every month for over a year. My boycott took less than 30 minutes, and I had already got her topless before she put her stupid scrolling banner up, so I think most models would be okay with my tipping levels.
Shaun__ said:
So instead of offering to resume tipping after she stopped scrolling her text, I should have offered to tip her to stop scrolling her text? That is the same thing.

This is a model who earned hundreds from me every month for over a year. My boycott took less than 30 minutes, and I had already got her topless before she put her stupid scrolling banner up, so I think most models would be okay with my tipping levels

It's not the same. One is saying "I'm going to give you a present if you do this" and another is saying "I'm going to take a present away if you don't do this" One is mean and creates negativity.

However much you tip a model, you should be careful with things like this, it's not enough to be banned, and I probably wouldn't mention it. But if it were me, depending on what mood I'm in that I'd have a bit of a grumble about it to the acf girls afterwards. Remember that cam girls will not always say what's bothering them or how much you've offended them. If they do mention it/get annoyed chances are you really have been a prick. In situations like this it's not in our interests to have a bitch at you because of it, but it doesn't mean you haven't hurt our feelings/changed our opinions of you. Just keep that in mind. If you've been tipping a model that much I'm guessing you do care about her opinion of you and like the idea of being a friend and not just a tipping member. If you want your relationship to be all about money and no feelings, then sure, understandable why you think this'd be ok, but if you want a girl to like and care about you as a person you have to earn her respect as a person, and although tokens help towards being able to earn her respect, they are not going to weigh in on how she feels about you as as friend.
Isabella_deL said:
It's not the same. One is saying "I'm going to give you a present if you do this" and another is saying "I'm going to take a present away if you don't do this" One is mean and creates negativity.

It is not the same thing. One is saying "I will remove the scrolling text if you do this" and the other is saying "I'm going to leave a scrolling text banner up if you don't do this" One is mean and creates negativity.

Isabella_deL said:
However much you tip a model, you should be careful with things like this, it's not enough to be banned, and I probably wouldn't mention it. But if it were me, depending on what mood I'm in that I'd have a bit of a grumble about it to the acf girls afterwards.

I get so mad when I am reading my Wheel of Time books and none of the characters ever talk to each other about problems. They just grumble behind each others backs, so problems keep growing.

Isabella_deL said:
Remember that cam girls will not always say what's bothering them or how much you've offended them. If they do mention it/get annoyed chances are you really have been a prick. In situations like this it's not in our interests to have a bitch at you because of it, but it doesn't mean you haven't hurt our feelings/changed our opinions of you. Just keep that in mind.

I repeat communication is key to a healthy relationship, and not telling people you were hurt is not going to solve problems.

Isabella_deL said:
If you've been tipping a model that much I'm guessing you do care about her opinion of you and like the idea of being a friend and not just a tipping member. If you want your relationship to be all about money and no feelings, then sure, understandable why you think this'd be ok, but if you want a girl to like and care about you as a person you have to earn her respect as a person, and although tokens help towards being able to earn her respect, they are not going to weigh in on how she feels about you as as friend.

She was a self described hustler and was on MFC to make money. Not every model is made of sunshine and rainbows.
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If she came on cam wearing a dress she really liked but you hated I would hope you wouldn't insult the dress and throw a hissy fit and refuse to tip until she put a different item of clothing on. Her putting up this scroll text probably took her time to sort out, she must have liked it, was maybe excited about putting it up, you didn't like it, maybe people don't like it, but jeeze, it's no different from insulting a dress she put on. Try some tact.

And in normal situations it's often worth telling the person that they've upset you. In camming? Is it worth me saying to a tipping regular that it hurt my feelings that he tipped someone else more when I was struggling? No, because he's going to me because I make him feel good, that would make him feel bad and really it's not a big deal and would be my issue. If a regular who tips lots hurt my feelings in a minor way, why would I go and upset him by going on about it? That could stop him visiting again, which I do not want. Mfc relationships are not real relationships, especially when we have guys hanging their tokens over us, so no we can not always be as blunt as with real people as we are running a business. So try to be sensitive to that. In the end unless you are such an arsehole you effect her camming performance camgirls will be nice to guys/regulars they hate, it is part of our job. It's your choice whether you want to be a chore or something to look forward to.
Icons can be overlayed over the fullscreen video. The Volume icon for example..

My idea is another similar icon for tips it could popout a calculator number pad for sending tips. keyboardless tipping when in fullscreen.

idea has been fwded already.
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Isabella_deL said:
If she came on cam wearing a dress she really liked but you hated I would hope you wouldn't insult the dress and throw a hissy fit and refuse to tip until she put a different item of clothing on. Her putting up this scroll text probably took her time to sort out, she must have liked it, was maybe excited about putting it up, you didn't like it, maybe people don't like it, but jeeze, it's no different from insulting a dress she put on. Try some tact.

While scrolling text is kind of annoying, it's not a big deal and I don't believe that refraining from tipping because you can't see a model behind all the text is the same as saying that a model is wearing an ugly dress. Also, having your feelings hurt because members don't like your scrolling text is pretty silly. It takes all of 30 seconds to type some text into ManyCam to place on your feed.

Isabella_deL said:
If a regular who tips lots hurt my feelings in a minor way, why would I go and upset him by going on about it? That could stop him visiting again, which I do not want.

I think if someone has upset you in your room, it's best to just tell them and give them a chance to correct the action/behavior so that it doesn't happen again. As long as you don't go on and on about it, they shouldn't have an issue and if they do, then why would you want them around anyways?
Isabella_deL said:
If she came on cam wearing a dress she really liked but you hated I would hope you wouldn't insult the dress and throw a hissy fit and refuse to tip until she put a different item of clothing on. Her putting up this scroll text probably took her time to sort out, she must have liked it, was maybe excited about putting it up, you didn't like it, maybe people don't like it, but jeeze, it's no different from insulting a dress she put on. Try some tact.

If asked I would tell her if I did not like her outfit, I have never been big on lying. Asking me my opinion on something is going to get you my opinion on something. I will not YELL insults, but I will give constructive criticisms on cuts or colors. If you want a yes man look somewhere else. She loved several outfits that covered her stomach, and she knew I have a thing for abs. She told me she considered them extra incentive to tip it off of her.

She was excited about her scrolling text, but since she set it up on cam I knew it took her less than five minutes of fiddling. She tried it on the bottom first and it covered up her breasts when she was sitting down. Since that kind of made tipping for topless pointless she moved it to the top, and that is how I lost getting to see her face as she danced. I tried to talk to her about it first, and she was unsympathetic to my views.

Isabella_deL said:
And in normal situations it's often worth telling the person that they've upset you. In camming? Is it worth me saying to a tipping regular that it hurt my feelings that he tipped someone else more when I was struggling? No, because he's going to me because I make him feel good, that would make him feel bad and really it's not a big deal and would be my issue.

I know you can not help what hurts you, but I agree telling people that would probably not be a good thing to do. If I model told me she was hurt I tipped someone else when she was struggling I would be upset with her. Would you tell your real life friends you were upset they gave someone a present when you were struggling? I am not your boyfriend or your husband. It is not my responsibility to keep your camscore above what you consider good. If your score is low you need to discuss it with the people you let watch for free every night, not me.

Isabella_deL said:
If a regular who tips lots hurt my feelings in a minor way, why would I go and upset him by going on about it? That could stop him visiting again, which I do not want.

Think of that little hurt hitting the same nerve over and over and over and over and over and over and over. At some point you are just going to tell him to go to hell, so why not see if you can change that behavior? I used to tell a model what I was doing with other models to see if I could get her to do the same kind of things with me, but it turns out that was just pissing her off. She never told me, but if she had I would have stopped. Now days I avoid even mentioning names, even on the forums, as much as possible.

Isabella_deL said:
Mfc relationships are not real relationships, especially when we have guys hanging their tokens over us, so no we can not always be as blunt as with real people as we are running a business. So try to be sensitive to that. In the end unless you are such an arsehole you effect her camming performance camgirls will be nice to guys/regulars they hate, it is part of our job. It's your choice whether you want to be a chore or something to look forward to.

You do not think your relationships are real and say you are running a business, but you expect me to tip out of friendship so I do not hurt your feelings. You seem to be one of those people who want to have their cake and eat it too.

Also my friendship and my tokens have nothing to do with each other. Just like the cash in my wallet and my offline friends have nothing to do with each other.
I can see both sides of this thing.

Calling it a boycott is actually kinda appropriate. If you do not like the policy of a company, you boycott that company until they change it. If they care enough about your business, they change it. If they don't, they don't. That's all this was. I don't think it was emotional blackmail, because he wasn't saying "I'll hate you forever and never come see you again." It was a simple "I do not feel the product is worth paying for if there is scrolling text in the way. Take away the scrolling text, and I will gladly pay for you again!"

How would I take it if a member said "I won't tip you as long as ___ is there."? That would depend on my mood. If I already feel insecure, I will be badly hurt. If I feel very secure, I might try to find a compromise (when I played with scrolling text, I put it here, there, and everywhere, until I found a spot where it wasn't in the way, or gave up and took it down.). From my Streamate habits, I might say "tip ___ and I'll take it down and do the dance again for you."

But notice- it only upsets me when I'm being particularly touchy anyway.
There is a bigger issue than how big of a jerk I may or may not be. MFC seems to be making it easier and easier to freeload as a guest. Now with full screen you do not even have to see the chat or anything. Should it really be that easy?

  1. Load MFC in browser as guest.
  2. Click on most popular room list in lower right corner.
  3. Double click on the model if she is doing a show.
  4. If the model is not doing a show return to most popular room list to pick again.
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