mross2_ said:
I deleted all my MFC accounts early this year and I'm pretty sure they were not actually deleted. After I "deleted" the accounts I could still check my MFC mail on my phone because I never logged out. The mail worked until I cleared out my cache about 2-3 weeks later. I also notice that I am still listed as a 'friend' on a couple model profiles. I know if an account is truly deleted it would no longer be listed there. I guess they are hoping I return.... :hand:
Thanks for coming back on topic.
What puzzles me is that some accounts seem to get properly deleted. For instance, the name of the author of a comment on a profile page is normally hyperlinked to the profile of that author, but some names are just plain text, without links. For instance:
My own (renamed) name is still linked (gotta scroll down), while a more recent comment by somebody called "lovedemboobz" is unlinked. Note this comment was done on May 31, ruling out the suggested 3 months purgatory.